RNY revision to ds?

Linda F.
on 3/21/10 7:07 am - Tampa, FL
I had RNY in 1997 - and have pretty much regained most of the weight.  I am seeking a Revision and need some input PLEASE!
First, went to Dr. Overcash in Florida.....complete waste of time - his office staff is completely worthless, said that they submitted to my insurance company and I waited for about 6 weeks and my insurance said that they never received anything.  Then after they did send it in, I was denied and after the Dr. said (originally) that they would "do battle" with the insurance company (because WLS is NOT excluded from my coverage) he's not done anything - they don't even return my calls - so I am pretty much finished with Dr. Overcash's office.
THEN I started looking into getting a band (thinking that having a "mechanical" part put in me would be more successful so that my pouch won't stretch back to pre-surgery size).  Looking into going to Mexico for this because it's about $7000 for self pay - which is about all my budget can handle right now.  But the more I read about Revision Success stories on this board - I see that it is those that got a DS.

I am willing to travel all over the country - but I need to find a surgeon that would be willing to do battle with my insurance company - becuase they need more of an explanation of why my RNY failed and a good reason that they should pay for the Revision (they aren't the same insurance company that paid for my original RNY) 

Also, if anyone has had success having a DS revision from a failed RNY - please let me know, I would love to pick your brain, etc. 

I feel desperate now - want to make the right decision once and for all.

Thanks in advance for any input.
Kerry J.
on 3/21/10 7:42 am - Santa Clara, UT
Hi Linda,

I had gastric bypass / RNY done back in 1980, I lost most all the excess weight but after a year or so it started coming back and I had to diet and exercise like a madman to keep the weight off. I managed to keep it off for about 15 years, but I got sick and couldn't exercise for about a year and I lost control and couldn't ever get control of my weight back again. I ended up yo yo dieting my way back to me original pre RNY weight. I fought it for another 13 years trying every diet, pill and exercise program that came along; nothing really worked.

In early spring of 2008, I decided I needed to find out what my insides were like and started looking into what had happened to me; I did a barium swallow and had an upper GI Endoscopy done and found I had a staple line disruption and an enlarged pouch. The doctor who did the Upper GI is also a RNY surgeon and recommended I get a revision to a modern RNY ASAP because I was a real mess. Not only did I have the problems with my old bypass, I also had hypertension, sleep apnea and gout; I needed to do something ASAP. The problem was that I wanted nothing to do with another RNY, I had had all the dumping and food sticking I could stand, I was sick and tired of feeling deprived all the time and of being on a constant diet. I didn't know what I could do, but I knew I didn't want more RNY.

I started googling everything about WLS I could think of and found the OH site, I joined and started asking questions here, and on the Main Board, then someone suggested I check out the DS Forum. I had never heard of the DS, but I figured I better check it out, so I did. The more I read and learned the more I liked, it sounded like a dream come true! Was it really possible to eat like a normal person and still lose and maintain a normal weight? So many people there were having such great success, it didn't take long and I knew it was what I wanted.

It took some time to find a surgeon who would revise me because of the very old surgery and all the damage it had done, but when I found Dr. Rabkin, I knew he was my man and I went for it. I had a very difficult surgery which turned into two surgeries; the first one took 8 1/2 hours and then 3 days later the second one took 4 1/2 hours. All the surgery made for a longer than usual recovery, but after a couple of months, I was feeling pretty darn good and things just got better and better. These days, my life is like a dream come true, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would have the freedom I have now and can eat without feeling guilty; it's wonderful.

Here's a couple of links to my 1 year and 18 month posts:


www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/4140718/18-Month-Update-with-s ome-skin/#33822789

You'll also want to check out www.dsfacts.com there is lots of great information there and a list of vetted DS surgeons.

I'll also add you to my list of friends so you can go to my profile if you want to know more about my 8 years of RNY and revision. All you have to do is accept the "friends request" and you can get in.

Best of luck to you Linda, if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. You should also post your question over on the DS Forum, there's some real savvy insurance folks there who may be able to help with your insurance.

Linda F.
on 3/21/10 7:56 am - Tampa, FL
Thanks Kerry ,
I've actually read your story already.  I want to follow in your footsteps.  I had an EGD last May and was told that my stomach had stretched out to about 3/4 of the original size.  I understand that you were private pay - how much was it (ball park).

on 3/29/10 1:04 pm - Sherwood, OR
Hey Linda!  I am also a RNY girl...and I'm having a revision to DS next week with Dr. Rabkin, as reccomended by Kerry.  His surgeon fees are 15K for a revision.  I'm not sure how much the hospital fees will be.  Dr. Rabkin is not affiliated with and insurance company (out of network for everyone)...so my insurance pays 70% of his surgeon fees.  Because the hospital is in network, they'll pay it all.  We are lucky to have really good insurance, though. 
I hope this info helps. 

on 3/24/10 8:06 am
Some people on OH would tell you that you dodged a major bullet with Dr. Overcash, so be grateful for unanswered prayers.

Please visit the DS forum and ask about a revision to a DS--lots of people who have done that post over there.

To find a DS surgeon, visit www.dsfacts.com. There is not one in Florida on this vetted list right now. You may have to travel. Most of us do.

Also, you will need a very experienced revision surgeon, like Rabkin or Keshishian in California or Greenbaum in New Jersey. You need someone who can patch together your tummy and then give you a DS.

Best of luck to you.


I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!

HW: 344 lbs      CW: 150 lbs

Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!

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