Caleña M.
on 3/17/10 11:39 am
I was banded in June 2008, and I lost 20 lbs, thats it, no more!  I lost them the first 3 months after surgery, and have since then been very frustrated with the results.  I have made all my appointments for fills, and the first year, I joined weigh****chers also.  I lost 8 lbs and that was all.  I contined on the same routine, eating the recommended meals and excercising.  In July 09 I joined Transitions (more money) and followed a medically supervised program with them and lost 9 lbs.  I excersice regularly and cannot loose the weight.  I had a meltdown about a month and a half ago and after going on OH, realize that OMG, I am not the only one with this problem!  On my next appointment with my doctor (let me clarify - I have only met my surgeon twice, for the initial consultation, and the day of the surgery..and I have never ever met with him again..I see his wife which is a nurse and is in charge of follwoing up) , I expressed my dissatisfaction with the lap band, and asked her full support in the revision.  At that time I asked her for a copy of my records because I was researching a particular surgery, and noticed right away a change in her because I discussed with her that I was reading about DS surgery.  She wasnt happy but before I discussed DS she agreed with me and told me she would support me on the revision.  I told her that I am reading about DS and that I will probably call her back with my decision.  I decided the DS was not for me.  I spoke to several surgeons out of my state and none of them agreed to abide by my stand on blood transfusions, and DS is very compliated and serious with lots of risks, especially revisions.  So I have decided with RNY, so I called her and requested an appointment to talk about the revision and immediately I noticed a change in her tone with me.  She was very short and when I asked her about THEIR patients that have switched from lap band to RNY (my question was not about the patients names, etc etc, but more about their results) which she should disclose so I can make an informed decision..immediately cut me off and told me because of HIPPA laws she cannot discuss her patients with me.  Well I did not ask her to discuss her patients with me.  Give me statistics of former lap band patients and their postive results with revisions.  She suggested I schedule an appointment with the psychotherapist and nutritionist again as this was essentical for the insurance revision.  I set those up - will meet with them in a couple of weeks.  Well today, to my disbelief, I received a letter signed by the surgeon that he feels a revision is not good at this time because I have missed appointments and he wants to meet me monthly now and wants me to get back on a "back on track" nutrition program...What the hell!!!!!
Now...after almost 2 years he wants to meet with me?  I don't need a back on tract program...I am on track, I eat what I am supposed to eat, and after this surgery I paid weigh****chers and I paid Transitions money!!!!! I excercise regularly...I am doing what am I supposed to do..and the missed appointments are re-scheduled appointments.  I live in the Northeast and coincidentally, I called to re-schedule and appointment if for some reason the snow prevented me from getting to the appointment.  I am going to keep the nutritionists appointment and the psychotherapists appointments so it won't hurt me afterwards with the insurance, but I am wondering, what does it take for a I have to also have no weight loss and problems with the band?????
I have records of the the money I paid for Weigh****chers and Transition programs, I have a copy of the gym scanning system records and membership fees, this sufficient proof for them to go against my surgeon who has never ever once met with me since the day of surgery??? I am so frustrated now!!!
DS SW - 201 4/21/11; GW 130
Emily F.
on 3/18/10 10:34 am
Wow... I have nothing to add, but that sounds like a load of crap. Sending hugs.
on 3/19/10 9:50 am
REALIZE Band on 02/17/09 with
My doctor told me that this would be his 6th band removal - first Realize band.  He obeyed HIPPA laws but still gave me an answer.  I can see him anytime I want.  We have lots of follow up and programs at the hospital for all WLS.  Maybe you should look around for a new start.
Caleña M.
on 3/19/10 12:21 pm
I did call the next morning to request a meeting with the surgeon, not the office attendant and they tell me he will NOT meet with me unless i follow his with his nutritionist, therapist and do 6 more months of some "back on track" program and meet monthly with his office...he will not see me...According to his staff, by "reading" my chart, he can tell I have not given it my  all.  As I said, last time I saw him was on my surgery date June 2008. 
Yes, I am looking for a new start with a new doctor, It amazes me how he can get away with this, make an assessment and a decision without meeting with me. 

This means $$ = 6 months doctors visit @ 150 each visit $900
Therapist and Nutritionist visit 150 each visit = $300

Granted, the bill since the surgery for all the fills 8 visits @ 350 each, Weigh****chers, and another medically supervised program I followed totalled around $3,800.00
Enough is enough

I've learned my lesson...many lessons to clarify
DS SW - 201 4/21/11; GW 130
on 3/21/10 7:25 am, edited 3/21/10 7:43 am - McKinney, TX

I am in the same boat as you in regard to the band. I have had complications but they keep telling me that my band is fine and it is not. I can tell. So, my decision was to seek out another surgeon one that does revisions and go with him.

I have not regretted my decision to go with another surgeon because the office staff is so much kinder and more attentive to how I feel. FOR ONCE they actually believe how I feel.

My lap band surgeon kept writing in his notes that I was not compliant when I kept telling him that I was hungry all of the time despite getting all of the fills in a timely manner.  He kept writing down that I was eating bad foods and too much of them when I was telling him the opposite. HE was just passing judgement. SO I decided to do something about it and I couldnt be happier!

DO what is best for YOU. If your surgeon does not have your best interests at heart then you need to find a new surgeon that is willing to listen to YOU and not slot you as a particular type of patient. Take your proof of compliance(yes even the gym records) and go to a new surgeon and explain your frustrations with the band. Hopefully they  will understand like my new surgeon. (Dr. Nicholson)

GOOD LUCK! I will be sending positive thoughts your way!

Lap Band 10/2007 Had complications  - waiting on approval to have band removed and revised to RNY with NEW surgeon Dr. Nicholson!

HW 315 SW 286 CW285 GW 180

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain
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