Looking old and sick with theBYPASS

on 2/23/10 10:56 am - broussard, LA
Just have a quick question....I have a Band and looking into haveing the Bypass done....The only thing im scared about is Looking OLD and getting really really skinny......any suggestions on how NOT to look that way? Thanks Shannon
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 2/23/10 11:29 am
A larger risk with RNY is not getting to goal, or regaining after several years out.

Did the band work for you and fail because of mechanical failure? If so, you may do OK with another restrictive only procedure that doesn't have mal-absorption, and want to look at the sleeve. It's restriction only, like the band, but is more of a "set it and forget" procedure, without the high complication rate of the band.

If you feel you need mal-absorption along with the restriction, you may want to look at the DS. You take supplements with it, as you do with the RNY, but it has better weight loss, weight maintenance, and resolution of co-morbidities, and the most normal post-op lifestyle.

Also, if you are concerned about losing too much weight, the surgeon can adjust the DS with a slightly larger sleeve, and longer common channel.

To be fair, most instances of people looking too thin or old or even sickly, was due to not having regular labs, and taking supplements to adjust any off numbers. If you can't do that for whatever reason, gastric bypass (RNY) or DS are bad choices.
on 2/23/10 1:28 pm - Layton, UT
On February 23, 2010 at 6:56 PM Pacific Time, louisianamamaof3 wrote:
Just have a quick question....I have a Band and looking into haveing the Bypass done....The only thing im scared about is Looking OLD and getting really really skinny......any suggestions on how NOT to look that way? Thanks Shannon
Hiya friend!
I don't know if you've read on this forum for very long BUT.....getting "really really" skinny with the "bypass aka Rny" is not only rare BUT...if someone does get thin, they seem to bounce back, then gain back and are back here talking to people about getting a DS!

Consider skipping the Rny step and going straight to the DS?  www.dsfacts.com

I wasn't ever a lapband but feel like I've taken all the difficult steps to finally head the right direction.  I had a prox Rny then an Extended Rny and am just being submitted to insurance for a DS!!!!  Wooooo Hooooo!  Being too skinny is relative.  If other obese people tell you that you're too skinny because they have their own issues or other skinny people tell you that you're too skinny because they too have issues then that's different than actually really being too skinny by medical/health standards.  ....  As for looking OLD.....Well, a high majority of Rny's have a grey palor (gaunt) look for the few months of rapid weight loss.  A year after your surgery and you'll have that underlying healthy layer of fat under your skin again that gives us all a healthy glow.

Loose skin issues are a badge of success but can most times be taken care of with a great plastic surgeon!  ....  Have you studied the BEfore and After's on O.H.?  I personally think all folks look amazingly better after losing the weight.

Best wishes on your revision journey!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


Ms. Cal Culator
on 2/24/10 10:37 am, edited 2/24/10 10:37 am - Tuvalu

If you get really, really fat and stay that way for quite a while, you stretch your skin.  It won't shrink back when you lose weight, no matter HOW you lose weight.  When the fat is gone, the "emply skin" will just droop and sag.

Your choices:
1--stay fat and have nothing droop;
2--lose weight and plan on plastic surgery later.
Kerry J.
on 2/25/10 12:52 am - Santa Clara, UT
Sure Shannon, do not get a bypass, I had one for 28 years and it sucked. Get the DS, now that's worth doing.

Here's my 1 year out post; do I look old and really skinny?

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/4024505/One-year-ago-to day-who-could-have-known/action,replies/topic_id,4024505/pag e,1/ 

Or how about these pictures? These were taken in November 09, do I look old and too skinny?

I got my Rotorcraft rating in this helicopter back in Aug and my Commercial license for multi engine fixed wing in November, this was taken right after I passed the commercial test.

And I'm dead serious about the RNY and DS, I lived with that damn pouch for 28 years and it sucked rocks; the DS just rocks. It's awesome, my only regret is that I didn't get the revision 10 years earlier.

on 2/25/10 6:55 am - broussard, LA
Now can you please tell me the difference in the RNY and the DS??? Well my insurance will not cover the DS so I'm really stuck with getting the RNY...I self paid for my lapband and  my insurance will cover the Bypass... Oh and ?No Kerry you dont look OLD and SICK you look really GREAT!!!!!
Kerry J.
on 2/25/10 7:38 am - Santa Clara, UT
Sure Shannon, I would be happy to explain the difference. But before I do, you need to know that if  your insurance will cover RNY, you can make them pay for the DS; this has been done many times and you should go over to the DS Forum and tell them what you're looking for as there are a number of insurance guru people there that will help you get your insurance to pay for a DS.

I'm going to assume you know how RNY works, but just briefly, you stoma*****ut up and a very small pouch is fashioned from a small piece of stomach just below where your esophagus connects to it, then a hole is cut in the pouch where the food you eat is supposed to exit the pouch and go into your small intestine. The rest of your stomach is just left floating in your abdominal cavity. A small amount of your small intestine is bypass in the procedure, but not enough to make any significant difference in your ability to absorb calories. However, because most of your stomach, your duodenum and pyloric valve are completely bypassed, you will not be able to absorb vitamin B's or Iron. Weight loss is achieved with RNY because you can't eat enough to maintain your weight for about a year to 2 years, but once your pouch stretches out enough so you can eat enough, you will have to diet to maintain your weight.

With the DS, there are two parts that effect your weight loss and ability to eat. First your stomach size is reduced to anywhere between 1 1/2 to 5 oz. mine was made to be about 5 oz. This is done by removing the greater curvature of the stomach only; the pyloric valve and much of the duodenum is left intact, so you have a fully functional but smaller stomach. Then your small intestine is divided into two sections; in my case my total small intestine length was 730 cm, of which 430 is bypassed leaving 300 for food to travel through on it's way to the large intestine / bowel. The 300 cm is divided into an alimentary limb and a common channel, I have a 125 cm common channel so that leaves 175 for the alimentary limb. The bypassed 430 cm piece is connected at the 175 / 125 cm mark and is what makes the 125 the common channel because that 430 cm piece of small intestine is what carries the bile from my liver and is connected at the 175 / 125 cm point. Having the bile mix with the food is why it's called the common channel.

The small intestine arrangement gives me long term malabsorption so that I absorb the following:

Fats - 20%
Proteins - 50%
Complex Carbs - 60%
Sugar & Simple Carbs 100%.

With this arrangement, I don't have to worry about eating high protein foods that have fats, as the fats don't absorb; a good lunch for me is a Wendy's Double Baconator Cheeseburger minus 1/2 the bun. I don't have to eat that sort of food, but I can if I want to and it doesn't make me fat or give me any cholesterol problems.

We do need to eat at least 100 grams of protein a day and if we want to lose weight, we need to watch our simple carb intake, but there's no dieting, no dumping and no food sticking like there is with RNY.

A good place to go to really read up on the DS is www.dsfacts.com there's even a page there dedicated to comparing the DS to RNY.

I hope I haven't confused you, but like I said, I lived with a RNY for 28 years; it sucked and I ended up morbid obese with it even though I dumped and had food sticking. The DS is like a dream come true, it is wonderful.

If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them, but I would really recommend you drop in over on the DS Forum and tell people about your insurance.

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