Not a typical revision to DS?!

on 2/2/10 2:16 am - Layton, UT
I've been on this forum for a few years.  I did a search and couldn't find any back posts pertaining to my particular issue.

I had Prox Rny in 2003.  Lost, maintained, Gained.

I had a Revision to an ERny in 2007 with CC of just 50 centimeters.  Lost, lost some more, told to gain, gained, maintained with a 5 lb float and am at top of float right now.  Off and on complications and labs that always need tweaking or increases of supplements in some form.  Poor quality of life most days mixed with a spattering of really GREAT days.  Med opinion(s) is that my future looks dreary if I keep ERny as is.

I'm in the process of a possible revision to DS.  This would include lengthening my common channel, puting the tummy back together and then revising upper to the sleeve.  Part of me is charged up and wanting to go forward full speed ahead, hoping for the benefits of more absorption of nutrients/vitamins.  BUT....I have TWO concerns:  1.  Dying in surgery cuz other surgeries have gone well and I'm afraid the odds might catch up with me!   2.  Gaining weight!

My brain knows that gaining better health is more important than staying thin BUT my brain is raging a major battle of wanting to remain thin!!!

My understanding is that since my pouch is WIDE open, I can over eat now (which is kind of OK cuz I need to absorb more with the really short common channel) and the sleeve will give some new beneficial restriction that I don't have now.  YAY!  (will that be enough to keep weight in check?)

My understanding also is that with the lengthening of the common channel, I will not only absorb more of the good stuff but certainly more of the bad stuff i.e. calories, fats, etc.  (Duh, right?!  LOL!)

Has anyone had my peculiar set of cir****tances?  Revised to a DS from an ERny or Distal?  Did you gain weight?  Did your labs improve?  Quality of life improve?  Did you have new complciations from the DS revision?

I'm completely jazzed about Dr. Keshishian and feel confident he knows his stuff but ......Reasons # 1 and # 2 above are real deal worries.  What do you think?

(deactivated member)
on 2/2/10 2:49 am - Bayonne, NJ
You're going with one of the 3 doctors I'd consider for a revision, and he knows his stuff. You'll be fine.  I revised from RNY, no ERNY, so I can't comment, but I did have "extra stuff" going on in there. I had a ring around my stoma, and my RNY was slightly different from a standard RNY. Not sure why.  My doctor did a great job and yes, I'm losing (albeit slowly, I am in the stall from hell).

Good luck to you! Sounds like a good idea. I've been through multiple surgeries - C-section, RNY, LBL, brachioplasty/BL/BA, and now the DS revision, and I'm still here. ;)
on 2/3/10 8:47 am - Layton, UT

Your laundry list of surgeries is about as long as mine!  Glad you're doing great!......Bummer about the stall from hell

thanks for the nudge.....

on 2/2/10 3:44 am
Think Positive Joyce!! You will be healthier and you will keep your weight in check. People who had revisions Do keep their weight off. I have to keep reminding myself also.  I just answered Becky M. She is having a very difficult time also. I wish I could help her. I've been there and know how she feels. She is trying to work it out with out insurance. Good luck and keep in touch.

on 2/3/10 8:54 am - Layton, UT

You are an Angel!  I'm so glad you took care of your ERny issues and that you're doing soooo much better.  Wanna lil vacation in CA?  I need to line up some "mommy's" to take care of me after surgery   .....  Just what you want to do in your free time, right?  LOL!  Hubby is determined that he will do it again......  grrrrrrrr.....can I say GRUMPY!!!

Kerry J.
on 2/3/10 6:26 am - Santa Clara, UT
I sure don't know how things will change for you Joyce, but I can say that I'm as pleased as I can be with my sleeve and DS compared to the old RNY & pouch. Besides the weight loss, it's so nice to be able to eat like a normal person and not have to worry about food sticking or about dumping. To be able to just drink a glass of milk if I want to is pure heaven, not to mention being able to eat oatmeal & milk or cold cereal and the occasional ice cream and cake. 

I'll bet you will find the combination of restriction and malabsorption you get with a real DS will be a wonderful combination as compared to what you're dealing with now.

Best of everything to you Joyce!

on 2/3/10 8:32 am - Layton, UT

Thanks Kerry
on 2/3/10 6:39 am - UK
1. Dying is always a worry, whatever the surgery. You reduce the odds by going into it as healthy as you can, choosing a good surgeon and praying to whoever you think can help!
2. Putting on weight is possible. Unlikely at first, because you will be more physically restricted than you are now. Back to 'new pouch' quantities I guess.
But when that stretches, about 18 months out, there is a risk of being able to eat too much of the wrong kinds of things and put weight back on - the oldies on the DS board confirm this. With the DS though you can eat as much protein as you can fit in, and don't have to restrict fat, which makes choices easier. You still have to watch carbs though, but then no surgery is a free ride!

Compared to ERNY you will have a CC of about 100cm with many surgeons, which is supposed to give you malabsorbtion without bowel issues. This is combined though with a smaller stomach than you have now, that won't get as big as yours is now. Although sleeves stretch, they dont come with the man-made stoma of RNY, which reduces one area of problems.

I don't know what I'd do in your position. Could your CC be lengthened without doing a DS do you know? Depends what is affecting your quality of life I suppose - DS certainly seems easier to live with than RNY, because there seem to be less rules!

DS revision from failed lapband

on 2/3/10 8:43 am - Layton, UT

True for sure with your # 1 answer.
I definitely need "something" done for some type of restriction at some point in my life.  I can't imagine going on and on without ever feeling satiety again.  Now I just kind of watch others and when they act like they are done then I stop.  Weird...I know.  If my tummy can be recuisitated (sp?) then I think I"d love having the normal signals back in my life.  Y'know....that inner alarm that says "approaching the FULL mark"!  LOl!

I pretty much KNOW that something must be done.  I just wanted the reinforcement troops to sound off

thanks for helping me sort it out.... 

on 2/3/10 9:45 am - BFE, CA
Well, I will say that Dr. K does know his stuff, so you're definitely in the right hands. And if he wants to revise your common channel to more than 50, then he is doing something specific to you - because he loooooves a 50cm common channel (Most people that I know that had him have that common channel, myself included).

You're really not going to be absorbing enough of the "bad" stuff to make a difference. it's the micronutrients that you're worried about. Having you at a 50 is obviously not working for you in the supplement department, so you're one of those that needs more. Right now, you need to be more worried about quality of life issues than anything else, and that's what your revision is intended for. If you gain a few pounds, it's probably not going to be a big deal. But I wouldn't count on that happening.

As for complications, any revision is fraught with the greater chance of having them. A second revision even more so. But you are in good hands with a VERY experienced revision surgeon. You've done all you can to eliminate possible problems. Dr. K will do his part as well. The rest is unfortunately left up to chance.

Good luck!

~ Sarah P. 
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