Coffee, soda or alcohol after surgery?

on 1/21/10 7:01 am - Salem, MA
Ok, well I think I know the answers already...but I am addicted to coffee....I have heard some people drink it, some don't....

What about soda? That is probably a given since I've heard that carbonation stretches the pouch.

And finally, what about having an occassional glass of wine once in a while?

"'I'm only this far, and only tomorrow leads my way" ~ Dave Matthews

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on 1/21/10 8:33 pm - Boynton Beach,, FL
You are correct about the soda.  Coffee is depending on what your surgeon believes.  Mine said I could have coffee after 60 days so I marked my calendar and on day 60 went to Dunkin Donuts and believe me I was the happiest person on line that day lol.  I have heard that caffeine can cause dehydration but I am not sure that that is a proven fact.  I do know that caffeine can stimulate appetite.  As far as a glass of wine, I do have that once in awhile with no ill effect but most surgeons would prefer you refrain from alchoholic beverages as they are empty calorie and not healthy.  Good luck to you.  Maryjo



on 1/22/10 5:22 am - OH
Soda isn't a good idea, even diet.  This is something that I wasnever told 15 yrs ago when I had my RNY.
Coffee after I had my RNY wasn't bad, but some ppl cant take it but I wasn't much of a coffee drinker .. then.  Now, I am and I have been working very hard on cuting down.
Wine? You can get drunk and FAST.  About 6 months out from my RNY I had 1/2 a glass of wine at a wedding ... 2 or 3 glasses before were no big deal.  I was VERY drunk on 1/2 a glass ... but the "drunk" feeling went away very very quickly. 
"Mom, in our house every day is Autism Awareness Day"
~my 9 year old w/ ASD
on 1/28/10 7:26 am - APO, XX
The research I have found says that soda doesn't stretch your pouch, it just it a good source of hydration.  I drink a little sprite from time to time because of my soda addiction, but not like I did before surgery.  I was drinking as much diet dr. pepper as I could drink.
on 1/28/10 12:24 pm - Columbus, IN
Next week Is my 8 year surgaversary. I went an entire year without drinking any soft drinks for fear of stretching my pouch, plus there just wasnt room.  Now I'm a diet coke a holic!  I do drink caffeine free, but I drink it all the time. I haven't gained an ounce back since I lost weight.
Drinking...  I also drink beer when I want. You will get drunk fast but after the innitial buzz you don't get much drunker providing you drink slowly.  It wears off pretty quickly.  
Two sips of a beer and I feel it already in my muscles.

But it tastes OH SO GOOD!
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