Revision surgeons in So Cal

on 1/12/10 4:44 am - Oxnard, CA
Good afternoon,

I'm consdering some sort of revision surgery, but really no clue where to start.  I live in Ventura, CA now. I had my original RNY in Missouri. Does anyone know of good surgeons in my area? Or even where to start?  I appreciate any and all help/advice!
on 1/12/10 10:53 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Ara Keshishian, MD, FACS *
Email: [email protected]
Primary Office:
1808 Verdugo Blvd., Suite 413
Glendale, CA 91208

Central Valley Bariatrics
Phone: 818-812-7222 or 1-800-816-6647 toll-free
Fax: 661-725-8051


Satellite Office:
Delano Regional Medical Arts Building
1205 Garces Highway, Suite 303
Delano, CA 93215

Debbie M.
on 1/13/10 1:53 am
I second that recommendation, I'm having RNY-DS revision surgery with Dr. Keshishian on February 9th, he's one of the best in the country.  You should check out his website and also read and, lot of good information in both places.
Debbie M.
on 1/13/10 8:46 am - Layton, UT
Hey there Debbie!

I'm in your neck of the woods!  My appt with Dr. K is next week and I am sooooo excited!  I am hoping for miracles and looking forward to a sweet future!

I'm in the Santa Clara area for a bit.  Lunch?? wishes to you as you enter your final countdown to "happy"!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Debbie M.
on 1/13/10 9:12 am

Hey Joyce - welcome to the Bay Area, glad you made it safe and sound.  Crazy busy week this week and I'm off to Chicago on Sunday, returning next Thursday.   Maybe next time around, we'll plan it better.  Good luck at your appt. with Dr K. next week.  Drop me a line and let me know how it goes.


on 1/14/10 12:41 am - St. George, UT
Hey Joyce:

Long time no hear...So your going for it? Good for you! I too am on the road with Dr. K....I think it is the best and most qualified decision we could make...It only makes sense to get our functioning stomach back. Some may see this as a flip but who friggin cares....I see it as maybe now the insurance will cover it because there is no way we can keep the deficiencies in check for the rest of our lives it's to dangerous...

I actually went to Dr. K when I lived in Bakersfield as a possible revision but I just couldn't get the insurance to cover the procedure. Hopefully I can get them to do so considering the problems I'm beginning to experience. I am grateful for the ERNY and getting some of this excess weight off but I truly thought if I was diligent with the vits that I would be fine...Not so...some people just don't absorb after ERNY the scary thing is you don't know who those people are until you have it. I take so many vits they make me sick and I smell like metal all the time...And still my D,A,K,E are low...

It's time to make a change...I would love to talk to you...Call or PM me...

on 1/18/10 10:41 pm - Phx, AZ

Lizzie here..... I have been wondering about how you are!!!  Been worried.  So, you are getting this ERNY reversed??? 

I had my reversal at Mayo in December and let me tell you I have NEVER BEEN BETTER!!!  I am still 135, which is ok, but need to be at 150...imagine have WLS to GAIN weight!!!  :)  My surgeon found that my CC was only 50 cm!!! altho the barium x-ray showed it to be 100 error.  It is now at 200 CC and I feel much better.  I was in the hospital for 4 days, and actually lost an add'l 10 down to 125, but now am back to 135.  I am ABSORBING nutrients!  I only poop 1 or 2 x a day now!!! 

For anyone else reading this, YES I took ALL my vitamins and supplements.  In addition, I was starving-hungry all the time, despite eating decent amts of food!!!   I have been told that I was non-compliant in my diet and vitamin regimen by some, as well as my ERNY surgeon...that is a load of poo.  I did everything possible to save myself.

My surgeon said that the malabsorption I suffered from  was borderline malnutrition.  The diarrhea that my surgeon said I would have from the ERNY was difficult to deal with.  But the last 2-3 months was the worst!  Finally, the last 6 weeks or so, I was having UNCONTROLLABLE diarrhea 10-20 x a day!  I literally pooped my pants up to 5x a day, and often woke w/a "load" in my underwear!!!  My skin was an ashen gray color, all my friends noticed this, and my new surgeon even commented on it.  I developed Hemolytic Anemia (which my ERNY surgeon claimed I must have had previously--funny, it never showed up in my previous blood work!!).  I became suicidal.  I developed an overgrowth of bacteria in my intestines that even the strong antibiotic FOR the problem could not touch.  I stunk all the time.  My house smelled all the time of crap!  I had extrmely foul-smelling gas all the time!!!  My sex life ceased to exist...after all, who wants to "do it" when they might poop the bed!?  Thank heaven for the doctors at Mayo who know that a 50 CC ERNY is ridiculously short!!!  My new surgeon was ANGRY that my ERNY Operation Report showed NOTHING about how long my CC was left at, nor were any of my office notes, which I have copies of.  He also said that due to the short CC, bypassed was the ability for ANY pancreatic or liver enzymes to get to the food to digest it at all, hence what sat in my intestines was ROTTING FOOD!  Anyone who thinks that this procedure is good, is wrong.  Yes, the weight loss is great.  But the risks to health is not worth the risk. 

Janie, I hope that you continue to progress... Take care!

on 1/19/10 12:18 am - St. George, UT

I am so happy to hear from you...I am relieved to know you are doing well...I feel pretty good but am having some issues with malabsorption...I have labs to be drawn in February so we will see if they are better after I bulked up more on the vits...

Honestly I can't imagine having a 50 cc...I was told mine was 100cc and honestly the potty issues with it are enough...I'm trying to work through this and I have talked to several doctors who say that if you can make it through the first 2 years that the body has a way of over compensating and allowing more absorption after time...I have been very compliant with the vits but honestly I hate the vitamin regiment...I smell like metal all the time and my Husband is always telling me that I have bad breath...This was never an issue's somewhat frustrating...To date I have lost 55 lbs...the weight loss has slowed down but I hope to continue losing up through my 1 year anniversary...My goal is to get to 130...we'll see how that works out...

For the most part I am happy but I have my moments when I wonder what the heck did I do...

I am exploring my options to revise to a full DS...I have been told with the fairly normal transected stomach the gastric juices begin the breaking down of food processes so that more absorption takes place than with just ERNY...Also the idea of having a stomach that can be scoped and having the pyloric valve and grehlin back does make it more appealing. This is just exploring at this point...If I can get my vit levels to an acceptable range then I will remain happy with the ERNY. But I worry about long term issues and the idea of osteoporosis and many other malnutrition issues does concern me greatly.

I've loved hearing from you please keep in touch and email me when you [email protected]...

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