
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/10 5:32 am
i had to have my lapband removed a few days ago due to slippage and obstruction.  i was banded on nov 12, 2009.  apparently, my stomach was in too bad of shape (due to the obstructin)to reposition it and it had to be removed entirely.  I am already looking forward to having the procedure done again.  i am private pay, so that kind of stinks, but i am still hopeful that the band is right for me.  my experience was just bad fortune i think.  my question is, has anyone else had to have a second band placed and, if so, how long were you required to wait between having the first removed and the second put on?  i think my doc is going to ask me to wait six months, but i won't know for sure for a few weeks.  thanks for any input.
on 1/9/10 10:15 am
I hope some of the two time bandsters pop in here and reply. I know a couple of them had 2 bands, both had issues and ended up with a 3rd surgery, one chose RNY and one chose VSG. I have a horrible memory, or I could help you locate them, but I don't remember their screen names.

Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

Mellissa L.
on 1/9/10 10:12 pm - Southgate, MI
Only you can make that decision, but in everything I seen - getting rebanded is not a good idea.  I've seen too many people get rebanded, then a year later it having to be moved.  Once you have a slip, etc.. you have a much greater chance of it happening again

Talk to you dr, but really research it.

I'm seeing a surgeon on monday to get mine removed and for me.. there is no way on gods green earth I would get another one put in.

H/C/G:  298/170.4/160 (H=5'5)  @ Dr's goal 5/23/2012.  Revison surgery 5/26/2011 convert from band to bypass due to slipped band. 

on 1/10/10 5:17 am
I strongly urge you to reconsider. Have you researched the VSG? If you're certain a restriction-only procedure is what you want, I highly recommend it over the Band. No slippage, no erosion, no fills/unfills. A normal, fully-functional stomach, just MUCH smaller.
on 1/11/10 3:53 am - Boynton Beach,, FL

Well I can relate to you.  I had a lapband for 8 years; it slipped and there were other problems.  I didn't want to give up on the lapband so I decided in january 2009 to have a second lapband put in.  After a few months of having the same problems over and over again and no real weight loss it became obvious another WLS was in store for me.  I  chose an RNY bypass 5 months ago.  I absolutely love the RNY and wish I had done it from day 1.  I lost more with the bypass in 5 months than 8+ years with the band.  All the complications I had with the band are gone.  I can only tell you what my experience was and yours may be totally different.  I would educate myself and seriously discuss with my surgeon and see what he/she recommends.  As far as waiting for surgery, they opened the band all the way for about 2 months prior to surgery so that it will start to quiet down and adjust.  I had no complications; the procedure was done laparascopically.  I would strongly recommend a surgeon familiar with revisions.  Good luck and feel free to email me with any questions.





on 1/11/10 2:55 pm
The failure rate for band replacement/repositioning is high.  Do yourself a favor and look into alternatives.  Stats on band failures in general are pretty frightening.   It's something like 70% of all bands must be removed or no longer work by year 7.  These studies are mostly outside of the U.S. since there are few U.S. patients that are that far out as the US just started banding in 2001.  

I lost 100 lbs (goal) in one year.  After a hernia repair and slippage, they couldn't get it to work again.  I gained 110 lbs. back.  I was sleeved Nov 23rd, 2009.  So far 35lbs down.  I love the sleeve.  So easy to drink water, no gagging, no unatural eating issues, NO FiLLS!!!  It's worth checking out.  Good luck w/ your decision.
(deactivated member)
on 1/11/10 9:42 pm
thanks for the messages everyone.  I am definitely resarching the sleeve.  I don't know if I could handle another lap band failure.  This has been pretty traumatic (and expensive!!)
on 1/11/10 11:33 pm - Livonia, MI
Please, Please research this one intensively! I also had the lapband for 6 years..It did wonderful, and I did lose almost all the weight I needed to, and then this just went bad. I can almost 99% promise you that in a few years to come, your "new" band will have to come out. My doctor doesn't even like to put them in anymore unless someone refuses every other surgery.

If restriction was working well for you, then go with the sleeve. I had my band taken out on 12/29 and revised to the VSG. I'm down 18 pounds in 2 weeks.

If you are self pay, only go through surgery one more time! No payment for fills, unfills, etc. My doctor was great, and a lot of people come to him from out of state because he is very reasonable. Look into it. You should be able to get the sleeve done fairly quickly after the removal.

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

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