What do you think . NEED HELP or Advice

on 1/3/10 4:43 am - Vancouver, WA

This may sound stupid or insane but it is how I am feeling.

I am 3 weeks out Tuesday , so far this has been a good experience. I havent had much pain and my energy level is high. I wonder if something is wrong with me. I read of all these people that have no energy and don't ahve for 3 to 4 months. I seem to be ok and wanting to get out and get moving.

I have lost I believe about 25 lbs in 3 weeks. Which was so great I could look at the scale and I watched it going down everyday. Here is where I
need help !

About 5 days ago I was so sick of everything I was eating I almost stopped eating. I have been eating alot of SF popsicles and some SF fudge-iscles. They seem to go  down ok and at least make me feel better.

So, anyway about 4 to 5 days ago I bought SF ice cream. That also went down ok and at least I was eating something that didnt make me want to gag but about the same time I started seeing my weight not going down much I have gotten stuck at about 342 to 339 for 4 days.

Could I be eating to much ice cream or is it my body just catching up with the first weight lost. I know this sounds weird but it is depressing me I want to loose lots of weight and I don't want to get stuck in the beginning. Am I going nuts or what.

I mean I always feel over full anyway but the most I can get down is about  to 2 to 3 onces unless its liquid shake then maybe 8 but it takes a while. SO, I don't think I am getting very many calories.

I need advice and support, I really appreciate you guys because I don't have a support group in my area.


                                                         9 weeks out
on 1/3/10 4:50 am - UK
Hi Charles

I thought for one horrible moment that you were looking for revision surgery only three weeks out! I think you've posted this on the wrong board sweety - this is for people way further out than you who are having long-term trouble with their surgery. We are having or thinking about a second surgery because the first one hasnt worked.

I can't tell what surgery you had, but post your post again on that board and you should get some good support.


DS revision from failed lapband

on 1/3/10 4:08 pm


Good luck with everything!  Like the previous poster, I can't tell if this is your first surgery or not.  But either way, I can tell you my experience after my revision.  When I was three weeks out, I actually had a complication that I could keep NOTHING down.  It got to be where I could not keep water  down either... this went on for about 2 weeks or so before I finally called the doctor (yes, I am stubborn, don't try that at home!)

Anyway, I had scar tissue and a pill that had gotten stuck that made me vomit any time I ate, or at the end, drank anything.  So they did a endoscopy and dialated me on two occasions. 

My point being, during that 2 or 2 1/2 week period that I had little or no food, my body stopped losing!  It was once I added back that prized protein (solid and shakes) that I began loosing again.  Don't dispair, just eat what the doctor has instructed and your weight will come off. 

Since you are feeling so much better.... get exercising once they release you to do that!  It will only increase your weight loss. 

Good luck and many prayers your way! 


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