Revision Surgery and Midwestern Girl

Debbie M.
on 12/30/09 3:07 am
What a great post - thanks so much for chimming in! 
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 12/30/09 9:57 am
I have only heard great things from Dr K's patients, and know he has great stats and credentials. I've never seen anything but helpfulness in his posts, and if I were going under the knife again, I'd have no hesitation to have Dr K as my surgeon.
on 12/30/09 10:36 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Looks like you really started a firestorm with your post regarding MWG...
MWG IS a firestorm and an out of control one at that.
The ironic thing to me is that she  "accuses" others of being shills for their surgeon of choice and trying to get free advertising when she herelf "advertises" for Dr A at every opportunity and bashes all other surgeons that do not meet with her approval. Of course she most often knows nothing about the surgeons she bashes.
She is the most vindictive,  out of control, hateful and markedly dishonest poster I have seen on any board, WLS related or not. It is only by ardent belief in the importance of free speech that keeps from wanting to find a way to "stop" her. The best I can and will do is use my freedom of speech to rebut, dispute and call her on her lies and bullcrap. I will continue to use my freedom of speech to educate others and warn them that she is NOT the expert she claims to be, that much of what she posts is lies, untruths, distorted facts and often nonsense. I will continue to educate folks that she cannot and/or will not back up what she says, she cannot/will not provide cites or sources for her so-called facts.
As I said I have no dog in the Dr K, revision surgery or DS fight. For me this is about not allowing MWG and her dangerous nonsense to go unchallanged.
She is dangerous and vinidictive. My employer was contacted (I am convinced by MWG or one of her devotees) to complain about my postings against her.
Whatever you do is it truthful, necessary and kind?
on 12/31/09 12:34 am - St. George, UT
Are you telling us that she may have contacted your employer to complain about you?

As a warning to all newbies on these boards...If you seek a revision especially an ERNY, MWG and Stacy's Mom will PM you privately and send you emails with damaging information about the procedure and particular surgeons...Information whether proven or not is biased to suit some sick agenda she has against this surgeon...Be very careful, investigate all information but when given information that is so obviously biased and hateful keep an open mind that people don't usually do such things unless it's for a vendetta of some kind...

There are many of us on these boards who have actually had these procedures and can give you open, honest experiences (not so for MWG or Stacy's Mom) as neither of them have had RNY, DS, ERNY to my knowledge MWG has only had LAP BAND and Revision to a Sleeve....

I have to wonder how they got to be experts on procedures they've never ever had????


on 12/31/09 3:29 am
I am considering a revision. I had RNY in 2001 never made it to goal,after getting pregant 16 months after surgery and then developing an underactive thyroid. I am at a standstil. I have a consulation with a surgeon on Jan 11. My original surgeon retired. I have my post op report of my surgery. I am considering the ERNY. The full Ds is very risky. I live in New york city, I hear Dr. Gagner is coming back, I had e-mailed him a few times and the reply back is on vacation till jan 4.

Any advice?
Thanks Dana
on 12/31/09 3:45 am - Phoenix, AZ
On December 31, 2009 at 8:34 AM Pacific Time, JROLFSON wrote:
Are you telling us that she may have contacted your employer to complain about you?

As a warning to all newbies on these boards...If you seek a revision especially an ERNY, MWG and Stacy's Mom will PM you privately and send you emails with damaging information about the procedure and particular surgeons...Information whether proven or not is biased to suit some sick agenda she has against this surgeon...Be very careful, investigate all information but when given information that is so obviously biased and hateful keep an open mind that people don't usually do such things unless it's for a vendetta of some kind...

There are many of us on these boards who have actually had these procedures and can give you open, honest experiences (not so for MWG or Stacy's Mom) as neither of them have had RNY, DS, ERNY to my knowledge MWG has only had LAP BAND and Revision to a Sleeve....

I have to wonder how they got to be experts on procedures they've never ever had????


Are you telling us that she may have contacted your employer to complain about you?

I am saying someone contact my employer and my only suspect is MWG.
Whatever you do is it truthful, necessary and kind?
on 12/31/09 3:14 am
Cross post from AZ board: 8

Dr. Husted and Dr. K are both terrific surgeons who know what they are doing and do not mislead patients - THEY ARE NOT BAIT & SWITCH doctors.   They do not to my knowledge have paid employees pushing them on OH or any other chat boards.   They are NOT telling other surgeon's patients to call them at their offices for a private phone consult (as Schlesinger was doing).    I have NEVER had a problem with their answering questions on the OH boards!   Please do not lump me in the same category with  MWG - we disagree on this point!  She is entitled to her opinion and I have mine!
Dr. Schlesinger was manipulating patients to come to him from across the U.S.  by giving out incorrect info about the DS and/or convincing patients that he was going to give them the DS, when he was only doing the ERNY, which any bariatric surgeon in their home town could have done.   And he had several "office advocates", most of  whom were friends of his head cheerleader, who finally came clean (after over two years of MWG outing her) about it being IN HER JOB DESCRIPTION TO PUSH HIM ON THE OH BOARDS!   I still have the links, if anyone is interested in seeing the TRUTH.  

And, BTW, here is a link to what some  actual Schlesinger patients have to say - one was suspiciously pulled down from the AZ OH board (luckily, I saved it and cut and pasted it here) - be sure and check out TJWOOD's profile on OH also:

I don't argue with people unless they are insisting on blowing rainbows up everyone's butts as has been done here - especially when links to public government websites or other proof has been posted and ignored.   There is much going on behind the scene here that many of you are blissfully unaware of.   You may not like MWG's tactics, but  much of what she says is true.   I know because i took the initiative and researched much of it myself before I became a believer.   But, I insist on doing my own research and not believing what some patient, doctor or website spews out.   If everyone did this, we presumedly would come to the same conclusions.   Unfortunately, this is not the case.

on 12/31/09 3:43 am - Phoenix, AZ
On December 31, 2009 at 11:14 AM Pacific Time, StacysMom wrote:
Cross post from AZ board: 8

Dr. Husted and Dr. K are both terrific surgeons who know what they are doing and do not mislead patients - THEY ARE NOT BAIT & SWITCH doctors.   They do not to my knowledge have paid employees pushing them on OH or any other chat boards.   They are NOT telling other surgeon's patients to call them at their offices for a private phone consult (as Schlesinger was doing).    I have NEVER had a problem with their answering questions on the OH boards!   Please do not lump me in the same category with  MWG - we disagree on this point!  She is entitled to her opinion and I have mine!
Dr. Schlesinger was manipulating patients to come to him from across the U.S.  by giving out incorrect info about the DS and/or convincing patients that he was going to give them the DS, when he was only doing the ERNY, which any bariatric surgeon in their home town could have done.   And he had several "office advocates", most of  whom were friends of his head cheerleader, who finally came clean (after over two years of MWG outing her) about it being IN HER JOB DESCRIPTION TO PUSH HIM ON THE OH BOARDS!   I still have the links, if anyone is interested in seeing the TRUTH.  

And, BTW, here is a link to what some  actual Schlesinger patients have to say - one was suspiciously pulled down from the AZ OH board (luckily, I saved it and cut and pasted it here) - be sure and check out TJWOOD's profile on OH also:

I don't argue with people unless they are insisting on blowing rainbows up everyone's butts as has been done here - especially when links to public government websites or other proof has been posted and ignored.   There is much going on behind the scene here that many of you are blissfully unaware of.   You may not like MWG's tactics, but  much of what she says is true.   I know because i took the initiative and researched much of it myself before I became a believer.   But, I insist on doing my own research and not believing what some patient, doctor or website spews out.   If everyone did this, we presumedly would come to the same conclusions.   Unfortunately, this is not the case.

You may not like MWG's tactics, but  much of what she says is true.  
I have no opinion about either of the MD's being discussed however in general MUCH of what MWG is is NOT true. She posts information that she cannot or will not back up, she refuses to give sources of what she claims to be credible facts and she accuses others of being plants for surgeons (in may case she accused me of working for surgeon that I did not even  end up having my surgery with).
Whatever you do is it truthful, necessary and kind?
on 12/31/09 4:19 pm
 I can't speak for everything she has ever said to anyone, but I have personally researched every thing she has ever said with regard to one certain surgeon in AZ, and found it ALL TO BE TRUE, plus more that I found!

Because I concur with her opinion on this surgeon and his advocates, many on OH think that she and I are the same person.       

Many of her research tactics are sound, while they may also be unorthodox.   She has a medical background and knows "who to ask about what" and how to interpret the answers.    Some people may have a problem with her manner, but to disregard all of her info as B.S. is foolhardy.   It's like "throwing out the baby with the bath water".     

 I take info any way I can get it.   And, info which runs counter to "pack mentality" is especially useful - and she provides a lot of this.    Use it as a "jumping off point" for further research!  Maybe some is B.S. and the rest is true.   Sometimes when unorthodox gathering methods are used, it is difficult for others to replicate the findings.   However, I was able to verify her info which was pertinent to my needs.    Can't speak for MX though.   I know nothing about how things are done there or where to look.

I'm just dumbfounded that there is such anger here over MWG!   If she wants to attack me, let her!   I can defend myself.   Some people only want to hear what justifies their set beliefs - she rattles people's cages and sometimes that's a good thing!

on 12/31/09 8:58 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Even a  stopped clock is right twice a day. Just because she provided some useful info on one specific MD does really change any of what I and others have posted about her.
I have no problem with you being a devotee of hers however when I see things posted about her lauding her I will continue to post MY experience with her distortions, unsupported allegations and flat out lies.
Whatever you do is it truthful, necessary and kind?
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