Revision Surgery and Midwestern Girl

Debbie M.
on 12/24/09 12:23 am, edited 12/24/09 12:23 am

Oh boy, she showed you Michele!  LOL

She's a whack job.   


on 12/23/09 3:35 pm, edited 12/23/09 3:36 pm - Wyoming County, NY

Dr. Keshishian politely corrected information that I posted with a study he recently did I and exchanged a PM with him thanking him for correcting me.   

I looked at his post history and he was extremely  knowledgable and I was interested in learning more about his work and view points on other surgeries so I sought out his website. 

I stumbled on his blog from November 8 where he talks about what lead him here, people from OH were seeking him out and asking questions.

He is a compassionate caring surgeon that is genuinely interested in the advancement of bariatric surgery and the informed decisions of his patients.  Those that have used him have nothing but the highest regard for him.  This was the closing of his blog:

"I am a firm believer that the best patient is the most knowledgeable patient. It is always safer to spent as much time as needed to ask questions, and investigate all the options. If I can provide any information please contact us at [email protected]"

 HW 365/SW321                                                        Walk or Run 200 miles in 2010 

(deactivated member)
on 12/25/09 12:39 am - Bayonne, NJ
A good doctor has nothing to hide. He or she will share their research and results, and answer questions. That's to be commended.
on 12/25/09 2:48 am - Huntsville, AL

What is MWG's problem with bashing one of the finest surgeons on the planet????

Anyone would be lucky to get Dr. K. doing a nice procedure for them.

on 12/26/09 1:25 pm - Phoenix, AZ
I know nothing about Dr K and have no experience with him.
Unfortunately I have a lot of experience with MWG and I strongly caution anyone not to listen to much of what she has to say about surgeons other than her chose few.
She fancies herself an expert on everything WLS related and she is anything but.
Many of the "facts" she post cannot be substantiated and when pressed to "prove" what she says becomes abusive, argumentative and downright nasty, but never provides any proof. She then blocks the poster.
She has been reported repeatedly to OH and other boards she posts on. She has a small group of devotees that hang on her every word, especially as it relates to surgeons and surgery in MX.
While Dr K most likely does have "an amazing moral compass" MWG has no moral compass.
Whatever you do is it truthful, necessary and kind?
Debbie M.
on 12/30/09 9:28 pm
Liveinphx:  I just received a PM from someone who use to post a lot on the AZ State board but MWG has run her off - she's afriad to post because that wacko sends her PM's with threats.  I told her to make copies of the threats and the reports she sends to OH.  From there she needs to go to the feds she has to, thank God there are laws against this sort of thing. I would expect that OH would have a zero tolerance policy against threats being made against it's members by others, but apparently that's not the case.  Thanks for hanging tough and not putting up with her crap.
FabBy50 .
on 12/28/09 9:47 am - Everett, WA
I know nothing about this Dr but I do know alot about MWG and yes she is a wack job!! She took an istant dislike to me and hijacked everythread I posted in, it was downright crazy. I wish someone would post daily, NO hourly to warn newbies about her!!!!!!!! And yes she has me blocked too!! LOL
on 12/29/09 7:31 pm
Gotta agree...MWG is a hole and needs a life. Trouble with everyone and at others sites too.  It'sa fact...she is poison and likes the attention brought on by being a so called "expert".
FabBy50 .
on 1/18/10 2:47 pm - Everett, WA
Hey Sterno I was trolling around looking for something to read and cane upon your name! You have lost 101lbs!!! Wow I'm so proud of you! I bet you feel wonderful. I just hit 55lbs, that is after thelap band fiasco!

Good to see you are doing well, keep it up!
on 12/30/09 1:51 am - St. George, UT
Well Debbie...Looks like you really started a firestorm with your post regarding MWG...

I will say that Dr. K is not the only Dr. she has bashed for coming on these boards...We used to get postings from Dr. Schlessinger and Dr. Husted but they all left due to the insults and inuendos that they were hunting business and using the forum as free advertisement...

I personally who was researching RNY to DS, ERNY and a few other procedures for revision was very excited to see these professionals posting and giving feedback on the forum for free....I know how busy and overwelmed they can be and for them to take time out of their busy schedules to try and answer questions or clear up misconceptions about the different procedures was amazing to me...Unfortunately for all of us who appreciated it there were (2) out there and a few more who absolutely hated being Stacy's Mom and the other being MWG and a few others...Who cares if they were trying to get new patients in the's up to the person whether or not they use any one Dr., certainly no one can make them do what they don't want to do...Shame on them as the only Dr who posts anymore is Dr. K....hang in there with us Dr. K we love you!

For those of you who don't know Dr. K he is one of the best Revision Surgeons doing RNY to DS in the U.S. today...He has done a study wich anyone of us can access to see results of his work and it shows the great success of RNY to DS...Dr. Husted also is one of those Dr.'s who has done many RNY to DS procedures so the loss of him posting was great to those of us trying to learn...Thanks again to MWG and Stacy's Mom...I hope Dr. K doesn't let either one of them scare him off as he is doing nothing wrong... I have posed several questions to him regarding the RNY to DS procedure and he has done nothing but answer and has never asked me to become a patient and the same thing goes for Dr. S and Dr. Husted both have always answered my questions with no expectations of me becoming one of their patients...I eventually decided to go with the ERNY with Dr. S for insurance coverage reasons but I hate that the disgusting attitudes and bashing of some people on these boards of Dr.'s whom they don't even know citing that they're doing it all in the name of free advertising seems like B.S. to me...I don't think that's the reason behind it at all...Maybe someday we will find out their real reason for being so cruel to all the rest of us by running everyone away who might give insight to us that we can use for making informed decisions...You know MWG we aren't dumb people contrary to what you might believe, we really can dissimenate information and make good decisions without you getting your two cents into it by running off every Dr. *****ally knows the ins and outs of these surgeries...Get a life and be fair to the rest of us by shutting up and going away for good...

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