11 Days Post Op

on 11/24/09 2:45 am
I don't have internet at home and my i-phone wouldn't allow me to enter text here, so I am finally updating my progress, since I am at work (1/2 day) today. I worked 1/2 day yesterday too.

Like I said before, the first 18 hours at the hospital were pretty rough. I thought, "What did I get myself into?". I was in a lot of pain, very nausiated every time I sat up, and not only that, but the meds made me really depressed to the point that I didn't even want to speak. I hated that feeling. I just don't ever feel that way. But, I was determined to have a quick recovery so I lifted my arms, my legs, did my breathing device, and tried to sit up as much as I could bare.

I hated the cathiter! It hurt and once, it got a bend in it and by bladder filled and it was VERY painful. My back was hurting me from laying in the hospital bed so bad. Really I, should of had them give me more pain meds. It is very exciting as each tube is removed, one at a time! By day 2, I was sitting on the couch in the room, taking several walks, playing on my lap top and feeling pretty well. So well that the Doc let me go home! He said I could stay another day but I wanted to go home. Wednesday at home I was so stir crazy that I did my first outing to Target with a friend. I was tired and needed a nap when we got home. Thursday I went to my sons school at noon and on Friday I went to run some errands by myself! 

I am healing really well. My incision really hasn't been the most painful part. My back has been killing me. Sleeping in the same position and bending to compensate for my front is wearing on my back. Yesterday was the first day that it didn't hurt ALL day. Today is about the same. I haven't needed the pain meds since Friday, and even then I was only taking it before bed so that when I woke to use the restroom I wouldn't be sorry.

I have a G-Tube and it has to stay in for 2 more weeks! It doesn't hurt at all. It's just kind of annoying.

So... The liquid diet thing really hasn't been too bad. In fact, the weird thing is that when I do sit down to eat my cream soup (or something) it's good but even find it hard to finish. I also made it so my son's preschool last thursday for his Thanksgiving family potluck. When I first walked in and smelled all the mounds of food I thought "this is going to be hard", but by the time I had put some food on his plate and sat down with him I realized I had no desire to eat. It was just just really a strange experience. Although, I am looking forward to the "mushy" food stage that starts on Friday.

My first 7 days I had lost 13 lbs. Wow, I was amazed. I know it's because I was virtually fasting, but still amazing. Since Friday I have lost another 2 1/2 lbs. I guess I have a good headstart no matter how fast or slow it comes off.
on 11/24/09 9:55 am - Boynton Beach,, FL
Congrats on your surgery; continued success to you.  Maryjo



on 11/26/09 8:47 am - New Boston, TX
Im glad you posted, post as often as you can.....

My surgery is next thrusday.....my surgeon said yesterday that mine would definaltely be open....

Was yours open or done laproscopic?

So im thinking in my mind the first 2 days are gonna be rough.....but i can do it...

Is yours a G-tube or a drain? If its a G-tube are you taking nutrition through it?
on 11/30/09 1:52 am
They did mine open. I had drains at the hospital but they came out the morning of the second day. I came home with the G Tube and it has to stay in 3 weeks so I don't get it out until next Monday. At first the G tube was fine - no pain at all. This last week it has been annoying and pulling/pressure and a bit sore. Not really painful. I also am finding that I am allergic to the paper tape/bandage arount the G Tube. I have been changing out the bandages everyday. The spot where the G Tube enters "weeps". I kinda yucky and smells a little sour, so if you have a G Tube, change the bandges everyday.

But, other than the G-tube annoyance, I am doing great and I am now 2 weeks and 3 days out.
on 12/1/09 1:19 am, edited 12/1/09 1:20 am - Colorado Springs, CO
I'm glad you are doing well.  My Doc wants to do my surgery the first of the year.  On the 10th of this month, I should have an exact date.  Although, I've talked to my Doc about it, researched it a million times and read a ton of blogs about it...I still get a little worried about the pain. (OPEN RNY)  I have to keep reminding myself it's only for a small period of time.  Given I don't have any complications.  But other that, I'm excited, a little anxious and a little nervous. Of course, these feelings are all natural and expected. Again, I am so glad you are well and thanks for the tips about the G-tube thing.
on 12/1/09 2:59 am
Truly it really is a very short time of discomfort. Try to remember that when you are in the midst of it. Really it was only the first day and 1/2 that I was really uncomfortable. It wasn't fun but looking back it was well worth it.
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