on 11/11/09 6:33 am, edited 11/11/09 6:37 am - St. George, UT

Hi Everyone:

Just wanted to ask any of the RNY's or ERNY's if they have ever been diagnosed, or treated for Pancreatitis?

This illness usually starts as severe pain in the abdomen and often radiates into the back. Nausea and vomitting, fever can also follow.  If anyone out there has had this experience could you please post your situation, if it was treated, how your doing, etc. Also if your physician felt your WLS played into the illness?

Thank you so much.


on 11/12/09 7:36 am - mesa, AZ

 I have not heard of anyone with it. I hear of more blood related issue's .

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 11/13/09 6:15 am, edited 11/13/09 6:16 am - St. George, UT
Hey Gina:

How are you doing? Good to hear from you...It's funny right after I posted this thread I entered Pancreatitis in the search bar here on OH and I was overwhelmed by what I read....Many, many, many people have had this illness, especially lap banders or anyone who has had WLS...One of the things that causes or plays into Pancreatitis is a bad gallbladder and it's widely known that most surgeons remove the gall bladder in surgery if there are any signs that it might be warranted in the future...But also, many gall bladder surgeries are done soon following WLS as well and that might attribute for the many outbreaks of the Pancreatitis in WLS patients...

Thanks so much for your response...

on 11/13/09 9:08 am - mesa, AZ

 I am good. Just started working a temp job at a bank. Love that I went to school and cant find a job!!   Oh well ...

 Your search  explains why I didnt hear of it previously .. Dr Blackstone  did me the honor of removing  my enormous gallstone  and bladder.  - cant imagine the pain people have with it.

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 11/12/09 7:53 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
I have not had one, but just read an article you might take to your doc. He should have access to this, since repeat pancreatitis might have a basis in your wiring.

SOARD for Sept/Oct 2009 (vol 5 No 5) pag571

The article on Sphinctoer of Oddi

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 11/14/09 1:11 am

I am glad that you wrote about this! I have the same symptoms: pain in the abdomen that radiates into the back, nausea, and vomitting. Have you found out what is wrong and if so what can be done? I had an EGD done a little over a year ago and they found 2 ulcers and 1 was in my pouch. They thought the pain was from the ulcers. The pain never got better and I had another EGD done just a couple days ago and they said my ulcers have healed. I am still having the pain so the ulcers were not the problem. Could you please e-mail me back and let me know?
                                                                                                                   Thank You
on 11/16/09 3:24 am - St. George, UT
Hi There:

My Dr. is having me tested for Pancreatitis...There are many RNY's I'm told that suffer from this after RNY possibly due to the way the RNY was hooked up...I don't know which connection they do increases your chance nor do I know if I have my hooked up that way...My surgical notes are long gone as the Dr. who did my RNY is dead...But in the last surgery to ERNY the surgeon said I barely had a bypass at all...The way they check for Pancreatitis is by doing a blood test while your having an attack of pain...They check your lipase levels and I believe if highly elevated it may mean you have the illness...

That's all I know for now...

on 11/16/09 12:29 pm

Thank you for the information. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow with my family physician. The gastrointerologist wanted me to follow up with my family physician to see what other test he wanted him to do. He had asked me about my gallbladder and pancreas. I told him that I do not have a gallbladder and I did not know about my pancreas. I figured he might have me tested also for pancreatitis. If you don't mind keep intouch and let me know how  you are doing.
                                                                                                                                God Bless,
on 11/16/09 11:47 pm - St. George, UT
Hi Margaret...

To test for Pancreatitis I understand there are a couple different tests they can do...The test they are going to give me is a blood test but I have to wait until I have the next attack to have the blood drawn as that is when the elevated Lipase levals will show up...There are other tests they do such as a CT Scan, Upper GI....

I don't have a gallbladder either but you can still have Pancreatitis whether you do or don't have one...

I'll be happy to stay in touch...please do the same...

I was wondering if your pain is often and how long does it you feel nauseated when it happens...Does it feel like there are two people in your stomach and each one has an end on your stomach or intestines and they are both twisting in two different directions...This is what mine feels like, it is horrible...

Thank you for your reply,

J Roflson
on 11/18/09 10:43 am
Hi There,

Just wanted to let you know that I had my blood work done and it came back ok. I was not having pain when I had the blood work done. They didn't say anything about needing to be in pain at the time that I had it drawn. My doctor wants me to have a CT SCAN done.

I usually have pain ever few days and it last different lengths of time each time. Some times it may last about 30 minutes and some times longer. I do feel nauseated when it happens and some times I vomit.  Mine feels like terrible aching pressure going from my abdomen through to my back, it is horrible. I hope that the doctors can find out  what is wrong with us and we can get better!


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