No success with LapBand

Keydi B.
on 11/9/09 9:42 am - Elmwood Park, NJ

I have had the lap band for 2 years and i have had some problems ever since.   My IBS started with the surgery.   I have had my gallbladder out a year out.   I have been in the ER numerous times with abdominal pain what turns out to be IBS.  This past time I was almost certain it was the band since it was just to the left of the band (rather more toward the center of my body).  I think I am frustrated with it since I keep eating sweets.  I admit I am a chocaholic.   I have had some mental issues,   I am not sure whether to see if my doc can just switch the LB to Realize or to swithch to RNY.

Have a Nice Day/Night! 

on 11/9/09 11:13 am
Hi Keydi!  I too have had the band for 2 years and it's been useless as far as I'm concerned....looking for a rev. to the "duodenal switch".  Just starting that journey!

starting wt-320
pre op-312
on 11/9/09 1:37 pm - Bremerton, WA
I am getting a revision from the lapband to the rny medial on 11/17/09. You should speak to your surgeon about a revision. Do your research and find out which surgery will work for you. But definately talk to your surgeon and tell him/her your issues. 
Revision from Lapband to RNY
Surgery date: 11/17/09 - Dr. Srikanth
HW 316/ SW 283/ CW 235 / 1st Goal 250/ 2nd Goal 200/ 3rd Goal 175 
on 11/9/09 11:47 pm - Friendswood, TX
I too had lapband for 20mo. with no wt. loss no othe problems. I just had revision to RNY now 5 days postop.  I didn't get it first because I hada friend who almost died but with alot of research and now having friends years out who are so sucessful I took the plunge.Having no problems  on liquids for a week see the Dr. on Fri. I too love sweets but to be healthy I am committed. I've learned through researching  you have to want to change, committed to the vitamins and Dr. appt.s and go to support groups  where I've found wonderful support. You can tell who will suceed and who will have trouble. This is a lifelong thing just like a disease.I have 2 friends who almost died from not taking their vitamins. Yes at first you are okay but it sneaks up on you and becomes critical quickly without warning. Now they have to do injections and I'm not a shot person. My friends are so energetic and their health has improved so much. I want that too. I think all the medications we take make us worse. I was approved quickly without a problem by AetnaPPO. Good Luck! 
(deactivated member)
on 11/10/09 1:37 am - AZ
On November 9, 2009 at 5:42 PM Pacific Time, Keydi B. wrote:

I have had the lap band for 2 years and i have had some problems ever since.   My IBS started with the surgery.   I have had my gallbladder out a year out.   I have been in the ER numerous times with abdominal pain what turns out to be IBS.  This past time I was almost certain it was the band since it was just to the left of the band (rather more toward the center of my body).  I think I am frustrated with it since I keep eating sweets.  I admit I am a chocaholic.   I have had some mental issues,   I am not sure whether to see if my doc can just switch the LB to Realize or to swithch to RNY.

If one band didn't work for you another brand of band isn't going to help either.

One problem, if you have a problem with sweets the problem is... no WLS type fixes white carbs.  That one is on us.  Band, sleeve, bypass, DS... none of them fix white carbs. :o(

on 11/10/09 5:38 am - Boynton Beach,, FL

I had the lapband for 9 years.  Lots of problems, some success early on but nothing after that.  I thought like you if you I would replace it maybe it would work.  I replaced it in January and within the 3 months the same problems returned.  finally did what I should have done from day 1, had an RNY bypass on 8/31.  I love it.  Lost as much weight in these 9 weeks than I did with the band in 9 years and I feel good and have no symptoms.


good luck to you ... talk to your surgeon 





on 11/10/09 5:51 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
Dear Keydi
I had the lap band Nov 4, 2005 and did well for a year.  Lost 120 then all of a sudden I could not swollaw my own spit, became malnurished, had soft food syndrome.  Dr. Curry said band did all it was going to do for me and I needed malabsorption surgery. 

I endured a (Bic%^h of a dietitian) telling me I was noncompliant.  I felt lost and left behind.  I regained all the wt plus.  All co-morbidities came back with a vengence.  I have had a stroke, almost a heart attack (just had a cardiac cath Tuesday last week).  I now weigh 403 and I am virtually a prision in a concrete body.  I am worse than I was before the lap band. 

I am going for a revision from lap band to DS because I do not want this to ever happen again.  I am waiting on my surgery date.  Please honey look into a revision before your health takes a fatel plunge.  Alot of people prefer RNY (easier to get and there is a RNY surgeon on every corner) but I choose DS after much research.  You have to find what fits you but please look at every option. 

My heart hurts for you and all the others that got caught up in the money market of lap band.  please feel free to PM me anytime and ask anything. 

God Bless you.
on 11/15/09 3:06 pm - Shinnston, WV
i had lapband in 2007.  I have lost 0 pounds!  I've never been more frustrated in my life.  I am scared to death of a revision but then 4'11 and 278 so which is worse?  These boards help me alot.

I'm scared and feel absolutely helpless!!!!!  I hate this band.  I constantly slime and can barely swallow spit at times and still NOOOOOOOOOOOOO weightloss.  I am very open for sugestions also!!

Good Luck to all

My email is [email protected]

Keydi B.
on 11/16/09 11:34 am - Elmwood Park, NJ
I have met with my surgeon and first step is to take out the band and wait.   See if my problems improve.  If we figure it is not the band than I can always get rebanded.  However, the bypass is not doable since the old stomach cannot be scoped.   The only surgery she said is doable is the sleeve.   Right now I am working on getting the removal done hopefully before the holidays.
Have a Nice Day/Night! 

on 11/19/09 12:50 am - Bremerton, WA
Have you spoken to your surgeon about this? I was so frustrated that I wasn't losing weight but when I got a fill within two weeks I would get so tight I wouldn't be able to swallow my own saliva. My surgeon is the one that suggested a revision but I hadn't thought about it since I figured my insurance wouldn't pay. I was wrong. Once I decided which surgery I got an approval within a week and here I am two days post op. The main thing is that if you went to your surgeon and did you follow up told them your problems and they can prove that it is medically necessary then you can be approved. If insurance isn't an option look into financing if possible. I was kicking myself in the butt for going with the band but I am glad I decided to make the change.

Good luck!
Revision from Lapband to RNY
Surgery date: 11/17/09 - Dr. Srikanth
HW 316/ SW 283/ CW 235 / 1st Goal 250/ 2nd Goal 200/ 3rd Goal 175 
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