The Atlanta Conference was a BLAST

Barbara C.
on 11/9/09 2:31 am - Raleigh, NC

Well, we did it! We trekked to Atlanta by plane, train and automobile and had wonderful time meeting so many virtual friends we've met online and many more we had yet to meet.

It was soooo good to put hugs to the people we've come to know and care so much about as we have made all of our respective journies. 

The first day many sorted through stacks and rack of clothing donated to the swap meet. I'm sure that there were many who had to purchase a new piece of luggage to take home the new smaller lovelies that were so generously shared and passed down. 

After the clothing swap, many milled about and met in the lobby, but the event really kicked off at the meet and greet where we all met so many of those avatar buddies we have only met virtually. There will people that were just embarking on their journey and had not yet had surgery, newbies that were just a little post op and then a number of 'old timers'. Of course, every surgery type seemed to be well-represented, which was so nice. I think that many of us found that we much more in common in our respective journeys, regardless of the surgery type that we have chosen as the tool to help get control of our weight. 

Saturday morning started off with a corridors of vendors catering to our needs, from compression garments, to supplements, beauty aids to exercise DVDs, inspirational books that included book signings by their well-known authors and much more. 

Once the programs got underway, we had a series of speakers throughout the morning that delved into topics such as behavior issues, discussions of surgery types, and intimacy, then we broke for an absolutely fabulous, delicious lunch that was geared to the needs of those losing and maintaining their weight, but I doubt that I single diner felt the slightest twinge of deprivation. The food was beautifully presented, tasted great, varied and plentiful. 

After lunch they had breakout sessions that addressed a whole range of topics from plastic surgery in Brazil, to Zumba, cooking, tools to help maximize and maintain your weight loss, etc... They ran multiple small sessions so that people could go to more than one topic and so that they were small enough to allow you to hear and see well, as well as ask questions. 

The evening festivities were started off with a 'Fashion Show' where about 25 or 30 participants at varying points of their journeys were able to strut their new bodies, sharing the pride of their accomplishments with so many of their friends and peers. We were all so very proud of everyone who came out to share their new found, healthier, slimmer bodies. 

Finally, many danced away the night fantastic, getting in some pretty good cardio workouts. 

It was a lovely event and if there is an event coming to an area near you, I would absolutely suggest that you mark your calendar and make plans to attend.


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