on 11/2/09 5:21 am - St. George, UT
Hi Everyone:

Just wanted to give an update on what's been going on with me...I haven't been posting much lately although I get on here once a week to read what's going on. My Father passed away back in August and it has really thrown me for a loop.

So May 20th I had ERNY Surgery as most of my fellow ERNY'ers already know...I weighed in at pre-op diet 214 lbs and at surgery day 205...Today I weighed 171...So that's 43 lbs...

I had my first set of labs a few weeks ago and all was good with my levels except my Vit D and Vit A were a little low, so I have beefed that up...

I do experience painful gas but not so much that I can't bear or control it and the oil slicks are still prevelant in my life....Nothing I can't handle or don't enjoy seeing each time I flush as I actually feel like I'm flushing calories...I know, call me crazy but it gives me the warm and fuzzies to watch those orangy oily slicks go down the toilet...

Other than that all is well....Would love to hear back from any other ERNY'ers...Tell us how your journies are going...

on 11/2/09 6:15 am

Hey Janie, good to see you around!

Looks like you are loosing good, and doing well!!

Just had my 6 month labs done and waiting to hear from them. 


LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

on 11/2/09 7:32 am - St. George, UT
Good to hear from you Shele....I'm sure your labs will be good...I know your doing a good job with all your supplements...

Loved hearing from you...

on 11/2/09 7:31 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
I would qualify as an ERNY. 100cm common channel. But all my nutritional levels are perfect. And that's perfect by my very picky standards. It's taken years. My dh is also, and his levels are also good. He gets better protein than I do, I get better D. LOL Nothing like a lil competition to keep things interesting.

I always WAS an ERNY tho, My revision was only for staple linen disruption. Don was, too.

CongrATS ON YOUr loss (darned caploc)

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 11/2/09 7:37 am - St. George, UT
Wow! I feel very special getting an email from you...Your FAMOUS! in my book!

That's interesting I have a 100 cc....Tell me a little bit about your journey with that....So you received the ERNY at the same time you received a revision on your pouch or is that what you received in the beginning?

I also had a staple line disruption and received a RNY as a first revision then went to the ERNY last May...

Can you also elaborate a little about how the shortened channel has been for you...Any issues at all? I know you had your surgery a while ago...How long has it actually been that you have maintained your weight loss...

Thank you so much for your response...I feel quite privleged to hear from you.

on 11/2/09 7:56 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Well, no, i started life with this rny, but 1994, transecting was just starting to be done The first lap was done i***** but not here. (lap is automatically transected-you'd have to see the equipment)

So, we started on a very aggressive vitamin/protein regimen. Even i***** it is far more aggressive than anything out there today.

My first year was the year of the Shart, or Never Trust a Fart. Then poof, gone and it went the other way. I've had 3 "too much lost" and 3 regains. All were adjusted back to my goal except I'm currently in the last too much lost (I weigh around 100, but I'm 5'1"), and I'm not too worried, since the appetite WILL return, it always has before.

Since vitamins and stuff are my special area of interest, I pride myself on having these perfect labs. I want Don's perfect, too. OUr docs scratch their heads and wonder how exactly we do it, but then, they know me, don't they? Raised me from a tadpole to the OCD person I am today. LOL I drive them INSANE with nutritional minutae.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

Teena A.
on 11/2/09 8:20 am, edited 11/2/09 8:21 am - Mesquite, TX

I am so happy to see your smiling face on here.

I have been wondering where you have been.

I am sorry to hear about your dad passing.

I am so proud of you.

Your weight loss is tremendous.

I cannot wait til I lose more weight.

I was three weeks post op revision last Friday and so far have lost 30.

I want more though.


You know how that goes.

We want what we can't have right now.

I am wiling to be patient though as I know I will get there and you will too.

I am so happy to see your post.

Sorry to hear that your Vitamins D and Vitamin A was low, but I know you know how to get them up and if you do not Michelle is a wiz at getting us where we need to be.

I am patiently waiting to see where my labs are since I have a common channel of 90 and have been taking massive dosages of vitamin supplements.

I hope my labs are as great as Michelle's.

Keep your head up you can do it.

Love ya girlie.

Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
10/09/09 - Distal Gastric Bypass (ERNY) Revision - Common Channel 90

"Never Let People,Places,Or Things Stand In Your Way Of Fulfilling Your Goals And Living Out Your Dreams." Teena Adler
on 11/3/09 12:18 am - St. George, UT
Teena Honey, how are you?

30 lbs!!!!!!!! unbelievable!!!!!!!!!! That is amazing...Your really going to do well...How are the gas and potty issues? Have you experienced this much as yet? It took me about 30 days before the gas or bloating kicked in as I ate very carefully for the first 4 weeks following surgery...

How much are you wanting to lose or what is your personal goal? I have 26 more pounds to go to hit my first personal goal which is 145...and then I will aim for 135...we'll see how the body is shaping up once I get there...The thinner you go the more hanging skin...Don't really want that either...

Thanks for all your words of encouragement...You are the light on the revision board...

Aren't you just loving life right now?

on 11/2/09 9:02 am - Layton, UT
Hi there Janie!
Congrats on your weight loss and congrats on your fab attitude!  I'm so sorry about the passing of your Dad.  My mother passed away the end of Sept.  No matter how old we are; we still love and miss our parents!  Tough times....hard for me to keep my face out of chocolate right now!

I just had labs done (was trying to get some additional plastics done)....and my boss (the p.s.) caught my anemia.  Weird cuz my iron, ferritin, etc were in ok range.  Soooo off I go to a hematologist (per pcp's orders) to see what's really up with my blood.  I've got an email in to our Michelle (vitalady) too so expect her valuable input sometime soon as well.

My alphabets are up in my labs (abcde's an so on)......so my huge handfuls of vites are doing their job. 

My weight is stable but since I have a "fleshy" upper abdoman; my ps would like me to lose 5 lbs just to see if any of it comes off of the upper tummy.  If so, then I'll have a better p.s. result...if not, then they'll lipo the heck out of it!!!!

I can drop 5 pounds by a couple of day of high protein so no biggie with that.

......once I get my anemia tackled then I'm sure I'll have energy to tackle all kinds of adventures!  LOL!  Wooo Hoooo!  I can't wait!

Good to hear from you and all the ERny buds! (and all the buds, period!)

Updates are so much fun!  (BTW, I haven't had an orange slick in weeks and weeks.  It hasn't effected my weight at all though so I personally do not miss the mess!....using less Lysol potty cleaner!)

Hugggzzz your way,

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


on 11/3/09 12:12 am - St. George, UT
Hi Joyce:

I'm sorry to hear that your Mother passed away in September...I've lost both my Mom and my Dad in the past 18 months and I still have my Grandmother living with me who is 101 as of December 2....She just keeps a ticking like the energizer bunny! Simply amazing...Has always treated her body as if it is a temple...and it's obvious that because she has taken such great care of herself is why such a long life....

So your considering some plastics...I wish I could do that but money is definately an issue for me...I would love to have the bat wings, inner thighs and double chin all fixed...But probably won't happen anytime soon...Not unless I get an unexpected windfall...Not much chance in that though...

I'm feeling really good...Started to look at new clothes...I promised my husband that I would wear everything I had in my closet until I absolutely had to buy something new...I have sizes from 3X down to 14 after I get under 14 which is what I'm wearing right now....It's shopping time...Wish you were here to go with me...That would be a ball...

I sure would love to come to your support group...I'm trying to see Dr. S here soon and will try and encompass a meeting while I'm there.

Thanks for the words of encouragement...Good Luck on your iron...I've been there before and had to do 16 weeks 3 days a week IV liquid iron supplements...Not bad just boring you had to sit for several hours...I'm not real good at sitting.

How long did it take for your oil slicks to completely go away?

Keep in touch...

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