Lap Band Removed and Converted to RNY

Andrea G.
on 10/26/09 3:31 am
Hi!  My name is Andrea.  I was having severe stomach pain since Aug. 31, 2009.  After 4 ER visits, I met Dr. John Alexander.  He did an EDG, and he said my lap band had slipped and needed to be removed.  My primary care doctor said my Gallbladder was also very bad, and also needed to be removed.  After the initial denial from my insurance BCBSLA, I spoke with them on the phone and they said if I needed emergency surgery it would be covered.  October 8th I ended up at another ER that morning because of the abdominal pain, they pumped me full of pain medications and sent me home.  Later that day I started throwing up again violently, and ended up at the ER at Forest Park Medical Center. I was admitted to the hospital, and the next day went through a 7 hour surgery.  They had started of lapracopically, but then had to open me up due to the complications.  My stomach had been eroded through with the lapband, and I had a large hole with scar tissue.  After repairing my stomach, they removed my gallbladder and preformed an open RNY procedure.  I know that the surgery saved my life.  The recovery process has been difficult.  I developed a dependance on the dilaudid in the hospital, and went through bad withdrawals when I went home.  My hospital staff was amazing and so is my dr.  I have not been the model patient (mood swings and pain intolerance :-p), although I am walking everyday, and I feel much better today than I did before surgery.  I still have the staples, and a lot of pain at the incision sites, and some pain when I drink something that my body doesn't agree with.  I also have a lot of pain from gas and referred pain.  Although I am a little over two weeks out of surgery, is this normal for people?  I am still on a clear liquid diet to help me heal.  I would love to share stories with other people who might understand what I am going through too.  Thank you!
on 10/26/09 4:48 am - Boynton Beach,, FL

Wow you sure went through a lot.  Take it easy and take it one day at a time.  I had lapband for 9 years and it too slipped. It sliipped up though whereas yours slipped down into the stomach.  Mine was around the esophagus.  Lots of esophagus problems.  I revised 2 months ago to an RNY.  It was not emergency surgery like yours though and they did do it laparascopically.  I am doing great.  I wish you a speedy recovery.





on 10/27/09 1:55 am - Houston, TX
The recovery for my revision was a long one. Your body has been though so much, know your  pain will subside and each day will be better then the last! I too had severe complications due to VBG in 2005, my revision was March 2008. I am very comfortable with my weight, 150 pounds, size 10. This has not been an easy journey for me, I still have some issues with pain, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which sucks......but I know what I need to do to feel better, I am in a much better place then I was for the years I had undiagnosed complications....hang in there! Hugs...Katrina   
on 10/27/09 2:03 am

I have a lab band (5 1/2 yrs now) and about 2 1/2 years ago it slipped. During the surgery, where they were going to "reposition" it, Dr found that the band had eroded into my stomach. They didn't open me up but after a very long lap surgery I ended up with a hole in my stomach as well, staples and a removed gallbladder. Very simular to you! If I had known then what I know now, I would have had a revision to RNY at that time but instead the Dr. put a new lap band in! Now I am scheduled for RNY on Nov 13th, very excited, very nervous! Keep in touch, love to hear how you progress! 
on 10/27/09 1:04 pm - MN
I had a bad slip of my band this past June and had emergency surgery to remove it. Now my Dr. is willing to replace the band or do an RNY. I just dont know which one to chose (if BCBS authorizes it). I lost 60 pound during the year I had the band and have another 20-30 to go. How much do you need to lose? I am not sure if 20-30 warrants a bypass. Do you have any advise?

Andrea G.
on 10/28/09 8:31 am
I would have the band taken out and see if you can take care of yourself withot the surgery.  The surgery is hard, and for 20-30 lbs.  I don't know if it is really worth it.  Sometimes I wish I had not done the surgery in the first place.  If I hadn't had all the complications, I would not have done the surgery.  I hope that you are able to make a good decision that is not only healthy for your body and spirit.  Please take care of yourself :)!
on 10/29/09 10:02 am

For me revising is as much about future weight maintance as it is about more weightloss. I know if I have my band out and nothing to replace it I will gain the weight back. I have 50 to 75 lbs to lose but I "think" if I was as close as you are I would still choose the RNY or another Lap Band - for me the RNY because the Lap Band has not been very successful for me.

(deactivated member)
on 10/30/09 7:54 am - AZ
On October 27, 2009 at 8:04 PM Pacific Time, mellon wrote:
I had a bad slip of my band this past June and had emergency surgery to remove it. Now my Dr. is willing to replace the band or do an RNY. I just dont know which one to chose (if BCBS authorizes it). I lost 60 pound during the year I had the band and have another 20-30 to go. How much do you need to lose? I am not sure if 20-30 warrants a bypass. Do you have any advise?

What about a sleeve?  Bypass is pretty drastic for such a small amount of weight and you already know you do well with restriction alone.

Just a thought.

Andrea G.
on 10/28/09 8:33 am
Good Luck with your surgery.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope that you have a very easy surgery and a fast and speedy recovery.
Lori A.
on 10/29/09 3:49 pm - Mesa, AZ

I am curious why you had your lapband removed? I know people who've had te lapband after RNY & DS, but have never heard of anyone having the band removed..

Lori Acierto
1/4/06 Lapband
Dr. Terry Simpson M.D. F.A.C.S.
(4'9") 215/159/135/115 (ultimate goal)

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