RNY reversals? How about Revisions? Who was your surgeon?

on 10/26/09 8:55 am - Huntsville, AL

I can tell you exactly what's wrong with the dizziness, and your obesssion with your vitamin deficiencies, dizziness, fatigue, etc.  ZOLOFT withdrawal.  BTDT.  And, yes, the withdrawals sometimes don't hit for MONTHS.  I've been taking that drug for 18 years.  I KNOW of which I speak!

You need to add back another SSRI.  I know zoloft comes in liquid form, and me adding an extra dose a day of it, helped get my blood levels back to where they were pre-op.  I'm even not having the blood sugar swings anymore!

I would certainly get that squared away before making any radical decisions about your surgery!!

on 10/23/09 1:57 pm

It sounds like you need to talk to this person who is having similar problems:

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/4047168/ERNY-Complicatio ns/

It sounds like the degree of your bypass may be more excessive than you body can withstand.   Not every surgery works for every body.    Unfortunately, once your stomach has been cut off from the pouch, it is very difficult to put together again.   Only a handful of surgeons around the world have the skill and experience to attempt such a revision.   Most of them also do the DS surgery, because so many RNY'ers have opted to be converted into the DS.  

You should probably look at www.duodenalswitch.com and see which doctors are on there.   Bear in mind, though, that not all DS surgeons are capable of doing the type of reversal that you require.   I think Dr. Husted and Dr. Rabkin can reconstruct the pouch back onto the stomach.   There is a risk with doing this type of surgery.   There can be leaks, etc.    

Just because a doctor says he or she does revisions, doesn't mean that they can do the revision that you need.   Be aware that lots of doctors do the "bait & switch" to procure patients.   They tell you that they do the surgery that you want and then, once they get you in their offices, they "convince" you though subtle manipulation and "doctorspeak" that it's the wrong way to go and ONLY their way is the right way for you.   Don't fall for this crap.   Become educated on what you want - know the pros and cons.   Some docs will even wait months until the patient has been approved by insurance and then the patient will find out that, if they want to get ANY surgery from that doctor, it must be the surgery that that doctor will give them - or they had to start the process all over again!   Some of these doctors prey on unsuspecting patients in just this way.   

You may want to consider  reversingonly  the "bypass" element of the RNY surgery and putting your intestines back the way they were before you had surgery.   That would probably fix the majority of absorption issues you are having.   And just leave the pouch the way it is.  Still risky, but less so when you don't have to reconstruct the stomach.

Good luck.
(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 1:56 am

Can you private message me?  I'd like to ask you a question or two.  Just more privately than these boards allow.

on 10/28/09 12:08 am - Huntsville, AL
If you go to Schlesinger, lemme know so I can go out and dig a hole.
happy girl
on 10/26/09 9:31 am, edited 10/26/09 9:50 am
I would suggest the U of MN  Drs Buchwald and Ikramuddin have done reversals... It could be your original surgery was too extreme and you only need a revision??

I would also suggest, please listen to Michelle. I am not exaggerating when I tell you, her advice and kindness has saved lives.  And I mean that literally.

I am a distal RNY Revision (100cm common channel) and I would be in a crap load of trouble if it wasn't 't for Michelle....and I will tell you that Michelle (and her husband Don) write back to me whenever I have a question and I have plenty (I might buy from her once or twice a year, the rest of the time, I buy locally).

When Michelle speaks especially of vites and supplements, you should do yourself a favor and listen. Please.

Good luck with your decision.

2003 RNY, 2007 Revision Distal RNY
April 17, 2009 ~ fleur de lis TT w/Muscle Repair, Medial Thigh Lift, Ventral Hernia Repair 



Ms. Cal Culator
on 10/26/09 9:42 am - Tuvalu
 So, you had your anatomy rearranged in order to limit the amount of food you CAN eat and malabsorb some of the food you DO eat and now you're upset because it isn't "normal" to have a limit to the amount of food you can eat and it isn't normal to malabsorb some of the food you eat and so because it isn't "normal," you don't want to take the required supplements and so you just decided to get very sick instead?  How is this NOT like holding your breath until you pass out and then blaming whoever you were mad at for the bump on your head?

If you had RnY in 2002,  a HUGE amount of information on supplementing was available when you made your decision to have the RnY.  I know this because some of that information is what swayed me away from the RnY in 2002, when I got my band.

But, I mean really.  You're complaining about taking supplements?  Yet willing to try a risky surgery to put things back KIND OF the way they were?  You're the one who mentioned "not healthy,"' but this approach is a good example of some "not healthy thinking."

But you are right about one thing.  You wrote "But, you see, the problem IS me."  Bingo!

(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 12:59 pm
I have never complained about the limited amount of food I can eat.  Never.  Yes, there was info available in 2002 about supplements.  It was that we'd need a multi-vitamin, calcium & iron forever. 

I've taken that.  Forever.  I've taken more than that, forever too.  Now we need more and more and more.  Where does it end?  For me it ends with putting things back how they were (or close to it). 

My only problems in thinking were coming back to these boards since I left in 2003.  They were filled with cattiness then, and they are now.

So, I apologize for offending you, even though my intent was never to attack Michelle/vitalady. 

And finally, I do wish you peace and happiness for all your lifetime.
(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 9:56 am


Do you want to stay healthy enough to have your reversal surgery?

You can tank out in a matter of weeks and not be healthy enough to have your surgery.

All Michelle was trying to do was help you, not sell you anything.

Vitalady provides a VERY valuable service to the people here.  She knows more about vitamins and malabsorption than any nutritionist or dietitian I have ever met and certainly more than most surgeons, seeing as that is NOT their field of expertise.  She helps whether you buy her vitamins or not. She helps anyone, all the time!  There are a few vitamins that I cannot locate anywhere but from her so thank GOD she is there for me.

She has NEVER used sales tactics and I think you are rude and ungrateful.  If you could put those 2 words in your avie, it would help anyone in the future that thinks about responding to you.


(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 12:53 pm

Thank you for voicing your opinion.  She does, in fact, use sales tactics.  She did in responding to me.  That doesn't make her a bad person.  I'm sincerely happy you are lucky enough to buy vitamins from her.

However, I have apologized numerous times for what I did not intend to be an attack on anyone, although it was taken that way.

I see that your post is the last one in this thread at this time tonight.  So, this will be my last apology, and my last post.

I'm sorry you were offended by my words in previous posts.  But, if you'd follow your advice to me, maybe you should put "RUDE and GETS PANTIES IN A WAD TOO EASILY" in your avie so people could see that they are not able to have an adult difference of opinion with you without being called names before they respond to any of your posts. 

I know, that was rude.  I'm just tired of the ridiculous over-reactions & continued over-reactions after apologies are given. 

My wishes are that you have health, happiness and love all your life long. 

To everyone reading:  My wishes are the same for you all.....health happiness and love forever in your lives.

(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 3:55 pm - San Jose, CA
Rude and ungrateful -- yup, that about sums it up.

Michelle was trying to help you - as she has helped MANY of us, including the DSers who malabsorb more than you do -- avoid a dangerous surgery which could leave you with a non-functioning pylorus (has Schlesinger told you what would happen if THAT happens?) as well as non-functional bowel, when you have a normally functioning RNY and you haven't tried the more thorough supplementation routine that Michelle GRACIOUSLY offered to help you with (and she doesn't give a rat's ass where you buy the vitamins, just that you take them).  And you were RUDE and UNGRATEFUL and everyone saw it.

Yes. you need a reversal, and everything that comes with it, because you can't HANDLE the truth -- or your WLS.

Buh bye.

By the way, how many reversals has Schlesinger done??  I know he can't/won't do a revision of an RNY to a DS, because he thinks redoing the stomach is "too dangerous."  Yet you are asking him to put your stomach back together.  Whatevah.
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