? for slipped bands - revision moved

on 10/9/09 10:14 am
Hello everyone!   I have a slipped band that was due to be fixed on OCt 30th.  But I keep having continued pain and this achy feeling in my stomach that goes clear through to my back.  Sometimes I eat and the food just sits there.   AFter talking to my surgeon today - he said he was moving me up to the 15th due to worsening of these pains and being more frequent.   So I'm being put on a liquid diet until next thursday (SO FUN)  and then my surgery will take place to have my band corrected. 

Those of you that had a slipped band - did you experience pain and achiness in your stomach and even pains int he back??   I'm wondering if others went through this.. he told me he'd do my surgery via emergency if necessary.. but we are hoping to avoid that. Any suggestions?

I am posting this in the lapband board also.

THanks - Valerie

band 4/18/08 slipped band 10/15/09.  further band complications --revision from band to sleeve 10/21/10.  Starting Weight - 230 Rev. surg wt - 203 Current - 147 Goal - 130



on 10/9/09 1:48 pm - northeast, TX
That sounds all too familiar........I thought I was having a heart attack when it first started - pain in the back but mostly in my chest from my waist up to my left  collar bone and sometimes even up into my jaw and ear.  It really scared me til I found out that it was typical pain for a slipped band. 

I hope you can get it taken care of soon because it can become an emergency situation.  I was fortunate that mine held until I could schedule removal and replacement (I lived on liquids and mushies for several months)......the second band didn't work either, though - it slipped immediately and I never ever had a fill - 7 more months of liquids and mushies, then converted to an RNY. 
on 10/10/09 6:42 am
are you satisfied since going to RNY?  I had the opportunity - but at only 185 lbs i didn't feel like it was the best option for me since i am terrified of that surgery and my surgeon said the complication from the band gave me a higher risk of complications from the RNy.   so here we are..   i also have some pains even as low as my waist but a MRI prior to pregnancy didn't show a slip at that time.. so who knows.   I just hope they fix it and everythign is good again.. it was great before i got pregnant/

thanks for the info.


band 4/18/08 slipped band 10/15/09.  further band complications --revision from band to sleeve 10/21/10.  Starting Weight - 230 Rev. surg wt - 203 Current - 147 Goal - 130



on 10/10/09 9:03 pm - northeast, TX
Am I satisfied? Remains to be seen.......I'm just 5 weeks out.  RNY is certainly not something I ever intended to do.  But I had lost 160 and was struggling to keep it off (still 40 lbs from goal). 
I only made the decision to 'convert' after consulting with 2 surgeons, my primary, and, mainly, my cardiologist.  They all agreed that the weight loss had saved my life......I was 62 when I began the wls journey, had 5 heart stents, diabetes and had no life at all.  The weight loss cured all that and gave me (and my family) back my health and life and hope for a future.  So....even tho I am no longer SMO or even MO, the threat of regaining the weight and going back scared me; and all the doctors agreed that it would be dangerous for me to take the chance.  So....here I am.  Still not sure I did the right thing......only time will tell.  But I will work at making it work....and I know that's the key.

I do know that the stats on a second band working any better than the first are not good.....if I had been aware of that before having it done, well...I wouldn't have done it....a nurse told me that in recovery after the second band ....lotta good it did then!...and I've read that since.

Hope things work out well for you.....you are young and have a baby and keeping your health is very important whatever it takes.  Best wishes.......
on 10/10/09 11:35 pm - MI
I had emergency band revision less than two days ago! I was experiencing horrible chest pain, acid reflux and was unable to keep any food down. I decided to go to the ER and at that time was told I would be having surgery. I feel like I was run over by a truck of course but hoping that each day will show improvement. I am happy to be "revised" but am grieving over the way my stomach looks. I had a LBL last August and now have 6 nasty incisions :( I know it could be worse but I had come so far! 

To answer your questions...I did feel pain and achiness anytime I ate. I was unable to keep liquid down and ended up at the hospital on Monday for an emergency unfill under fluero. THis allowed liquids to go down however this surgery was not an option. Best wishes on yours!
From 251 to 141 and LOVING every minute of it! From a size 18 to a size 6-8!
I can finally SPREAD my wings again!
on 10/11/09 12:11 am
I too had those symptoms but my surgeon couldn't tell whether it was a slight slip or just a diliatation.  I just had my band out on oct.7 and the new Realize band put in at that time.  I know the stats of weight loss may not be as good, but I only have about 40lbs to lose to get to goal, and I loved my band.  Good Luck with your upcoming surgery, and I wouldn't worry too much as long as you are on liquids only, you should be fine.
on 10/11/09 4:24 am - GA

I am a revision from band to sleeve. I had a slip, chronic dilatatiom, achalasia, vomiting..you name it. I lasted 2 years with a slipped band that would correct itself with unfills and then slip again. Not to scare you, but it could be eroded or maybe the slip is larger now than before. MOST slips are not considered medical emergencies unless symptoms are worse which is your situation. Dont panic. As long as you are able to eat or drink, you should be fine. But the disclaimer now. I am not a doctor so if you feel that you cant wait a few more days, you need to call your doc.




on 10/11/09 11:32 am
Thanks everyone!!!  I appreciate allt he advice.  I have to admit i am terrified...  but my surgeon does believe my slip was 90% most likely caused  by the vomiting and that having them fix the positioning of the band should fix my problem.  My husband is a RNY success story = he's done great - but still i can't find peace with the decision to do it - so i'm not going to.   not right now - that's for sure.   I will definetly update you guys.   I was able to eat a tad of mashed potatoes as the liquids and i were having issues after a while  but i am still sticking with them -

My surgeon did say he'd have done it friday (the same day we talked) if i were in more pain - or running a fever..   he wanted to do it tomorrow (Monday) but it is the on e day that i just really can't.  So we move to thursday which is ok.. i have three more days - adn we'll see what happens.

Thanks again everyone!!

band 4/18/08 slipped band 10/15/09.  further band complications --revision from band to sleeve 10/21/10.  Starting Weight - 230 Rev. surg wt - 203 Current - 147 Goal - 130



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