Insurance Coverage for Revisions
I'm having tons of problems. Had my original RNY surgery in 2002 and am trying to get a revision to a DS. I've had to go through every appeal possible and am waiting for a decision from the Dept. of Managed Health care. If they decline they don't overturn the insurance companies decision I'll go out of the country. They are happy to approve an RNY but I went that route once and it didn't work for me and not going there again.
I'm having the same problems as Debbie. I had original gastric bypass surgery in 2001 and trying to get a revision to a DS now. I have been denied 3 times so far, hired an appeals specialist and now may have to go through an external review. It is not fun, let me tell you. But, if you want something bad enough, its worth fighting for. Also, if your contract covers your revision, then you are entitled to it. This is my situation - my insurance should cover it, but of course, they don't want to. I think insurance companies think you will eventually give up and they won't have to pay then. Don't let this happen to you.

I got my first denial a few minutes ago. It's just a stall tactic, because they did not even address the complications that my doctors (both my surgeon and my gastro doc) said they wanted to revise for. They said that my BMI is not 35 (it's 34.8), and my Barrett's lesions biopsy was negative. Thankfully, they were negative. A positive diagnosis is a death sentence. My step-father died just last week of Barrett's that progressed to cancer.
Anyway, I won't go into all the details, but I have Blue Cross of Alabama, and they are AWFUL to work with. I hope your insurance company does you better, but from the looks of the posts above mine, you might just have a battle like the rest of us. I hope not.
Anyway, I won't go into all the details, but I have Blue Cross of Alabama, and they are AWFUL to work with. I hope your insurance company does you better, but from the looks of the posts above mine, you might just have a battle like the rest of us. I hope not.