Ability to eat after revision....

Terri D.
on 10/7/09 7:54 am - West Warwick, RI
I feel like I am able to eat too much now after having revision from VBG and also correction of  a gastric strictre because nothing makes me throw up anymore~my doc said when I said this, "you sound like you are complaining" in a friendly voice.  Not that I want to go through the misery I went through with my VBG for 22 years but since having the revision done, I have lost a total of 65.5 pounds (pre-op included) surgery was June 2, so I should be happy but the weight loss is so slow and my surgeon told me it would be much slower the 2nd time around and I haven't been gaining, just worried because food doesn't make me sick anymore other than occasional gas that causes a lot of pain if I eat something new but even this is not all the time.  The other thing is that within 30 minutes after I eat I feel like I am on fire, my face flushes and then after about 2-3 minutes of this, the feeling goes away.  Just wondered if anyone has had any of this that they can comment on my status.  Thanks.
on 10/7/09 9:44 am - MI
On October 7, 2009 at 2:54 PM Pacific Time, Terri D. wrote:
I feel like I am able to eat too much now after having revision from VBG and also correction of  a gastric strictre because nothing makes me throw up anymore~my doc said when I said this, "you sound like you are complaining" in a friendly voice.  Not that I want to go through the misery I went through with my VBG for 22 years but since having the revision done, I have lost a total of 65.5 pounds (pre-op included) surgery was June 2, so I should be happy but the weight loss is so slow and my surgeon told me it would be much slower the 2nd time around and I haven't been gaining, just worried because food doesn't make me sick anymore other than occasional gas that causes a lot of pain if I eat something new but even this is not all the time.  The other thing is that within 30 minutes after I eat I feel like I am on fire, my face flushes and then after about 2-3 minutes of this, the feeling goes away.  Just wondered if anyone has had any of this that they can comment on my status.  Thanks.
Hey Terri!  65.5 pounds since June 2 is absolutely awesome!  That is nearly 16 lbs a month....when could you do that prior to wls?  CONGRATULATIONS on such a wonderful success.

What are you eating when the you get this feeling of flushness?  You may be experiencing a slight case of dumping.  Sometimes sugars, cream or fats can cause it, especially early out.  Dumping usually subsides the farther out you get.  At least for most.  It is different for everyone.  I would recommend keeping track of your food intake to see if there is any one type of food possibly causing it.

Keep up the good work!  You should be proud. 

Terri D.
on 10/8/09 3:41 am - West Warwick, RI

As for what I am eating when I get the flushing, it varies, nothing specific an dI don't always get it just sometimes and no, I couldn't lose this much weight this fast before the revision.  I know I need to be better at recording what I eat, but I am just not in tune with that, need to get a good swift kick in the pants from my surgeon, I guess and that will happen next month when I go back for my next follow up.

Thank you for your input!~~

on 10/9/09 6:04 am - St. George, UT

Hello Terri:

I had VBG in 1979 and ten years later it had come open so I had RNY in 1989 like you I lost the weight extremely fast both times...

65.5 lbs in 4 months is simply amazing...nothing slow about that at all...I just had ERNY Revision surgery and I've lost 38 lbs since May 20th...So consider yourself lucky girl...

Are you taking any new vitamins because what your describing sounds a little like a niacin reaction...

You are doing amazingly great...Enjoy the honeymoon because it does slow down after about 6 months...But weight loss should continue up through about 1 to 1 1/2 years...At least that's how it worked for me...And, by the way I kept my weight off with RNY for almost 17 years...before I considered another revision...

Good Luck,


Terri D.
on 10/10/09 1:38 am - West Warwick, RI

I think you may have hit the nail on the head with the vitamins because if I am correct, the flushing occurs on the days that I remember to take my B complex which is a supplement that contains 250% of the RDA requirement of daily Niacin in addition to my 2 flintstones chewables that I usually do remember to take and it has 75% of the RDA requirement of Niacin, so now that you have mentioned the possibiity of Niacin being the culprit, I have something to watch for.

The 65.5 pounds I have to clarify was not in 4 months as I lost 20 before I had surgery, somehow that has been misunderstood but then when I think about it losing 45l5 pounds since surgery ain't half bad, either.  I am actually not in a hurry to drop the nubers as I don't want to regain any back.

Why did you have to have another revision?  Just the thougt of going through any more surgery scares me to death as I nearly died in June and have no desire to repeat the process.

Thanks for your input!! 

on 10/12/09 5:16 am - St. George, UT
Hi Terri:

Honestly I'm embarassed to say that the failure of my second extremely successful surgery falls on my shoulders and only me....I can't blame it on anything but stupidity and being a hog!

I was successful for 17 years after my RNY Revision from VBG, I was really a busy person who worked days and nights but in 2004 I moved to Utah to care for my Mother who was ill and also my Grandmother who is almost 101...I began working only 1 job and fixing meals 3 times a day where before I was lucky if I ate once a day...I was sitting at a desk all day working and eating anything I could pop into my mouth...I don't care what surgery anyone has there is no magic pill if you don't follow the guidelines...Eat and leave the table....I wasn't doing this I was eating all day and came home at night and ate again...So there you have it...I gained from 155 to 214 day of starting pre op diet and now I've lost since surgery 38 lbs...It is slow but I know how to do it this time and I don't eat sweets anymore at all...

Hope this helps...

on 10/10/09 6:03 am - India
you are the only other person I know who has has weightloss surgery 3 times. I have scoured the net but never ever found anyone else. I had to remove a band last year......... & had an RNY. But it failed miserably & I started to gain weight.
Now I am planning to go into surgery in a week. pl let me know the pitfalls & some diet tips.
thank you.
Terri D.
on 10/10/09 9:55 pm - West Warwick, RI
I have not had weight loss surgery 3 times, only twice and I did NOT want the bypass but I had a gastric stricture that the only way it could be removed was by doing a gastric bypass.  I developed an abscess a few days after the bypass surgery and nearly died from the infection......that is the biggest  risk--death but I had an excellent surgeon who savedmy life.   I am doing well now, just worried about my vitamin levels.
on 10/12/09 5:08 am - St. George, UT
Dear Amrighty:

First off, I need to know what type of Revision are you having in a week? Will you be completely repairing your RNY or going to an ERNY or a completely different surgery?

Pittfalls of surgery of course is risk.....will your surgery be open? Are you doing a PreOp Diet?

These are all questions that I would need to know before I could comment on pittfalls or diet...Because every revision really requires different outcomes or rules...Except for the Protein and Vitamin rule you must eat and drink protein and take mucho vitamins...Please feel free to email me privately and I would be most happy to continue our conversation.

on 10/13/09 4:58 am - India
Thank you for yor reply Janie,
I am going to re size my pouch. I was given a pouch that was over 200cc & aproximal RNY. To my horror I started to gain weight almost instantly. Well after a year long search for a good surgeon, I have finally decided to go ahead.
Yes I am on a pre-op diet & the chances of an open RNY are rather small my doc is pretty sure of that.
By the way what is an ERNY?
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