RNY revision questions...please help me understand.

on 9/29/09 12:23 am - los angeles, CA
Dear Lisa-

I'm so sorry to hear that  you're experiencing so many challenges. I also encourage you to get a second opinion... not because I sense your current doctors are wrong, it's more from the place of that when facing a challenge such as this, you want as much guidance as possible.

While many doctors may not be willing to treat you, there are some bariatric surgeons out there that have the experience and the willingness to treat a patient with complications such as yourself. I know it must be challenging to muster up the strength to make the calls, especially if you're anticipating that they will decline your request. Do you have a loved one that can help you investigate?

Sending prayers of grace & light that a graceful solution comes forward that allows you to experience your full vitality & well-being again!

With Light and Blessings
on 9/30/09 6:17 am
We have an awesome doctor here in Fresno, California.  His name is Dr. Higa and he specializes in difficult and challenging cases, including revision bariatric surgery.  He is also the immediate past president of American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.  According to my primary doctor and everyone else I've talked to out there...he's the "best of the best".  Teaches other doctors how to do procedures...etc.

Here's just one (of many) articles I've found on him:


I know California is a long way for you...but maybe there's some way to have your doctors talk to him....or something??
on 9/30/09 9:11 am
I think there is some confusion here. I LOVE my Dr.  Dr DeLeTorre is an amazing surgeon. I chose him because he IS outstanding in his field.  My questions are not about Doctors. I am not looking for a new Dr.  I am asking if anyone has had a revision for the same reasons that I'm facing.  Strictures and Ulcers.  I'm asking if anyone has had the revision because I'm just simply afraid of it.  The recovery is worse my Dr said. It's worse than the original bypass because I am sick, I was healthy when I had gastric bypass, he said. These are the words of my Dr.  I'm asking if any of you have had the revision due to complications similiar to mine, and how was your recovery?  Do you still suffer from strictures and/or ulcers??  Do you regret the revision at all?...was it worth it ??.....and did it work??  Please people, understand that I have total confidence in my surgeon and I'm not looking for a different one. I'm simply asking for someone to talk to me about their revision....which sadly, no one has yet to talk to me about their revision on this board.
on 9/30/09 8:39 pm

Sorry I didn't understand what you were looking for.  I had/have ulcers and a very dialated stoma.  I had the rny revision to ds... bowel only! My pouch was not touched. I regret that very much NOW> at the time I was too affraid of the recovery time and complications that happen with some rny to ds revisions. I have read of several people having leaks.  SO I chose not to go for a full ds revision, and I have had wound complications.  It started about a week out. It took I think about 2 months to clear up. Well at 6 months out I developed another wound problem. I went a good 4 months without anything open at all. No sign of any problems. All of a sudden I ended up back in surgery to clean it out and now have a wound vac.

To date I have lost about 42 pounds since I started the revision journey, with about 43 to go to a normal bmi.  The loss is slow to none at times. They tell me it's because of the problems, we will see.

IF i had this to do over I would find the best revision surgeon and get a full ds revision. My stomach started burning again, and I feel the ulcers are back. I take nexium everyday and as of late it is not helping much at all.

I just want to say if you  have made it through all that rambling, a revision IS serious. Some have no problems.  You just need to keep researching and you will know when you have the right choice. I have never admittted this, but I really was not satisfied when I went for the bowel only, but I was terrified of complications as I have 5 children, and here I am 6 months out and not allowed to drive or lift over 8 pounds again. A wound nurse comes out every other day to change this dressing.

Do what you will find in your heart to be right!  If YOU are happy that your dr can do the needed work, that is a huge plus!

Good luck to you!

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

on 10/1/09 10:08 am
I really appreciate your post!  I am so sorry that your still having complications.
Tommorow I have blood drawn to see if I'm healthy enough to undergo the revision.  I spoke to Dr DeLaTorre last night and he stated that my recovery is NOT going to be easy. by no means.  He said it IS much harder than the orignal gastric bypass...because I am so sick right now. I do not need a revision for weight loss, but because of the ulcers and strictures that keep occuring...and at such a rapid rate too.  In fact, I'm under the weight that I want to be.  Who knew I'd be on the other end of obesity?

One thing you mentioned, that I was NOT aware of, is leaks being common with revisions?  I am so scared it's not even funny. I wasn't this afraid when I originally had my gastric bypass 3 years ago...THIS revision is scaring me to death. 

I DO know that my Dr intends to take out a small portion of my bowel, as well as a small portion of my pouch during this revision.  He said the amount is very TINY.  But I'll need to ask about leaks.

One of my main questions is how many people  have ungergone this revision and how many still have strictures and ulcers??? You obviously still have the ulcers,...... do you stricture up as well???  I stricture up terribly.  My Dr said I stricture up more rapidly than most people.

Tuesday I have a 4th EGD with dilation. I had to try just one more time and my Dr agreed to that.....he's said it's certainly not un-reasonable to try another one....while we wait on bloodwork and to see if I'm healthy enough to undergo the revision.  I suppose if I'm NOT healthy enough to undergo the revision then they'll put a feeding tube in?  Anyone out there have on of those in?  What can anyone tell me about those??  I really would love to have my life back..I'm sure you would as well Shele.
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