Major incisional infection 6 months post op

on 9/26/09 3:57 pm
I had my surgery 4 years ago. At that same time I had an open  hernia repair, along with lap RNY.
The lap RNY incisions which were less than an inch long all healed quickly. The hernia incision healed slowly, and then reopened again and again. I never had an infection, I had many cultures taken to determine if it was caused by infection. Apparently I was alergic to or rejected the sutures used to close the hernia. It went through the cycle of healing and opening back up for 2 years! Then I had another hernia repair since that first one had failed, and a TT at the same time. This time I also had an issue with the sutures even though the PS used different sutures. I had blood flow problems and some skin necrosis, and areas that healed and reopened. I had the incision revised twice, which meant opened, tissue cut away and then packed so it would heal from the inside out. 
All in all, I had an open wound for 3 years. I have been wound free for almost a year now. 
One area that I actually got healed without more surgery to debride the wound, was by using a product called Dermawound. It's a product that is grainy, red colored that you actually pack into the wound, and then cover with thick gauze. To remove it, you just rinse with sterile or saline water gently, and let whatever doesn't wash off easily stay in there. Then repack with fresh Dermawound. I did it 2 times a day, and the deepest area healed without any other help.So, not to scare you, but you will heal eventually, and most likely with a few weeks of wound care.
Best wishes.
on 9/26/09 10:01 pm

Well Sally, see there it is, it can Always be worse!  Thank you for putting it in perspective!  I tried to get them to do a tummy tuck LOL, I told them if they  slipped in surgery it would be fine !

 Thanks for the good wishes!


I got the wound vac yesterday, it was weird when they first tuned it on, and was quite painful for a few hours.  It seems better today, and The wound nurse said maybe 2 weeks with the vac! Lots better than the 4 months they said at the hospital!

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

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Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

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