Update on my band over RNY

on 9/21/09 2:08 pm
Hello Everyone...

It's been about two months since I posted last..   Just a lot going on..
Lost my job.. Chasing my 10 month old.. Sold my house (Yeaaa!) ..Moving, etc.

Just a recap... I had RNY in 1993..  I was 289lbs and lost down to about 165 lbs..
Gained almost all of it back.. 

I had band over RNY April 30th this year.  I was at 258lbs..  I'm currently at 225lbs. 

I do hurt most of the time when I eat.  I feel the band is more painful then the RNY (On a daily basis)  I cant eat anything spicy.  I may have the band too tight but  leaving it alone for now.

Hope everyone is hanging in there!! 

God Bless,

on 9/21/09 8:25 pm - Canada

I have the band an am considering revsion to RNY but my fear is regaining the weight...I see a lot of ppl on here that have in fact gained wiehgt...this scares me. Do I fight with the band with 60 lbs weight loss in 2 years or get a byass??? Any long term successes with the rny that can shed some light for me?
on 9/22/09 1:35 am - St. George, UT
Dear Sweetforlife:

Dependent upon how much weight you have to lose...If you are truly looking into having RNY why not research having a DISTAL RNY right from the beginning...This will give you both restriction and malabsorbtion for maintenance...I don't know how many surgeons you might have closeby that offer this surgery but there are many on this site who can give you information about it...

The biggest problem with RNY which is what I had as a revision from Gastroplasty was the pouch and stoma stretching although I maintained my weight for 20 years after receiving the RNY...If I would have had a second tool such as malabsorption to help me maintain I believe I would never have had to had the 3rd revision to ERNY which essentially is a shortening of the Common Channel to give me additional malabsorption...

Hope you find what your looking for here good luck...

on 9/22/09 3:26 am - Germany
Have you looked into the DS? There are other surgeries then RNY & lapband. The distal RNY covers one of the problems of the "normal" proximal RNY - that there is not enough intestines bypassed to create permanent calorie malabsorbation. The distal RNY bypasses as much as the DS and therefore gives you permanent malabsorbation. But the second reason why the RNY so often fails are the problems associated with the pouch, esp. stoma stretching. So why not going for the DS, where your phyloric valvue stays intact and you don`t get a stoma that can stretch?

The distal or ERNY has the worst of both RNY and DS - the RNY pouch and the permanent malabsorbation of the DS (which is a blessing for weight loss and maintainance, but also brings risks of malnutrition and requires heavy supplementation). Actually, with the ERNY and distal RNY, the risk of malnutrition, especially protein malnutrition, is a lot bigger then with the DS, because people with the RNY pouch often have problems with meat.
on 9/22/09 4:14 am - Columbus, OH
I had a BOB too I am doing well I am down 12 lbs since surgery and 24 since I began the liquid diet on August 24th. I still have some pain and soreness but I think that is partially due to my size. I have been doing at least a 20 minute walk each day since Wednesday some days 40 minutes.

I was on a calorie restricted "liquid" diet prior to surgery for three weeks, it consisted of 5 packets of HMR, I used Chicken and Chocolate flavored www.hmrprogram.com one small green salad with protein (2 oz Tuna), and a frozen meal under 300 calories. I have not had caffeine or alcohol since 8/1/09 either.
I am on a pureed and soft foods diet now or Step II as my Dr calls it. I have had FF or low fat cottage cheese and ricotta, I love seasoned salts or hot sauce in them including www.baconsalt.com. I have also had greek yogurt(thicker and more protein then regular yogurt, like sour cream), refried beans, pureed pot roast (love moms!) and my favorite is a muglette http://www.hungry-girl.com/week/weeklydetails.php?isid=1784. I went to a lot of websites and ordered their sample proteins so I couldl decide what I like. I love Isopure Carb Control from GNC (15 grams of protein in an 8 ounce bottle) I take it on walks since it is like a fruit punch. I also like Muscle Milk light, they sell it everywhere but is about 6.99 for 4 at Sams Club or Costco it is about $25 for 18. It is sugar free, 100 calories, lactose free and 15 proteins in a 8 ounce juicebox like container, very convenient and tasty.

these sites are the ones I can remember that all had sample protein mixed packs for about $5-$12, great way to test and not spend the $20
bari-good eating

Thats what I can think of for now, remember though that I had RNY the first time and not stapling. Everyone's bodies are diffrerent too and lose at different rates.

Good luck with your process, I am very happy with mine and am expecting a weight stall soon but would be thrilled if it kept at this rate.
Sarah Jam Eve RNY March 6th 2003 BOB September 14th 2009 
on 9/24/09 2:02 am
Is it a lap band, or a fobi?  How did you decide which one to get?
on 9/24/09 10:39 am
The Dr. I used gave two options... lap band or Realize band... To make a long story short... I just felt there was not enough study in the US on the Realize band..

I was told there was in Europe, etc...   I just felt I wanted to use something that had more long term research done on it..

Good luck

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