It's done and I'm healing
Everything went well. I hade to have a central line put in after 5 IV attempts. They were able to get a tiny vein and got a temporay IV started. When I came to, I had the central line, 1 jp drain, 2 lines for my morphine pump....wooooohoooo and 5 tiny incisions he used to complete the correction of the jejunal diveticulum and my revision. I'm feeling a ton better, not any lighter though because I had to have numerous bags of fluid because I was dry as a bone. My output (urine) was really low, but I went 2 days without ice chips, water or anything, not to mention I was up 2 hours after surgery walking, and I walked every other hour without fail while I was in the hospital.
I'll post more later on. I go to Dr. A. on Tuesday. But he did tell me to disregard with the dietician told and to do only clear liquids for the first 3 weeks. But the hospital considers diluted apple juice and cranberry juice as clear. I never knew I like Apple juice but it was yummy. All 2 ozs of
I'll post more later on. I go to Dr. A. on Tuesday. But he did tell me to disregard with the dietician told and to do only clear liquids for the first 3 weeks. But the hospital considers diluted apple juice and cranberry juice as clear. I never knew I like Apple juice but it was yummy. All 2 ozs of