ABC's of a revision by Eric Schlesinger, MD, FACS

Kerry J.
on 8/20/09 8:42 am - Santa Clara, UT
Hi Janie, I see what you're saying and it's not clear who fulofjoy is talking about, I assumed it was Schlesinger, but her avatar says her surgeon is Maguire. It would be nice if she would clarify who tried to bait and don't switch her. I also assumed it was Schlesinger because that's what he did with me, the guy lied through his teeth about the after effects of the DS trying to convince me to get a revision to ERNY. As you can probably tell, I have 0 respect for Schlesinger. I just do not go for lies and deceit and that is what he was peddling to me and that is my only experience with him.


on 8/20/09 8:43 am - MI
On August 20, 2009 at 2:43 PM Pacific Time, JROLFSON wrote:
This post is in response to Kerry and Bearmom's post to Little, I believe her name is....

I think you guys may have stepped on your tongue's a bit as I believe Little was not speaking of Dr. S but instead she was talking about Dr. Maguire...

If you go back and read her latest posts she speaks about meeting with Dr. Maguire not Dr. S and he informed her she would be getting the distal not the DS like she originally had thought...

Maybe I'm wrong here but I believe you should check it out and maybe not trash Dr. S for something he had nothing to do with....Probably you were confused and assumed it was him because of the title of the thread ABC's of Revision which yes, Dr. S did write...

Don't mean to upset anyone just felt since we're all trying to get our facts straight here maybe the both of you should as well...

 Way to go Janie!  Well you know what they say about when you assume....

Unfortunately, there are those who would rather inflict negativity and unkindness rather then support and unbiased feedback...  I guess to each his own.

By he way, glad to hear you are doing so well after your successful revision!

Teena A.
on 8/20/09 11:59 pm - Mesquite, TX
on 8/19/09 12:24 pm - Collinsville, OK
Teena just wanted you to know i'm glad to see you back on the boards! I always enjoyed your posts and you up beat attitude!

Susan < Mildstorm>



Teena A.
on 8/20/09 11:59 pm - Mesquite, TX
Thank you Mildstorm.

I am glad to be back.

Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
10/09/09 - Distal Gastric Bypass (ERNY) Revision - Common Channel 90

"Never Let People,Places,Or Things Stand In Your Way Of Fulfilling Your Goals And Living Out Your Dreams." Teena Adler
on 8/20/09 7:58 am - St. George, UT
Dear Teena:

I appreciate the fact that you reposted this article by Dr. S....I read all that he wrote on the ABC's of Revision which helped me to make a very important decision for my own Revision which was performed by Dr. S and happy, I might add, am I, that I chose him...Also every Surgeon has different opinions and feelings about what is or isn't best in different situations...Because what Dr. S wrote doesn't agree with someone else doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong...It just means he would take it case by case and determine what is right or not...All surgeons are different just like me and you and yes, by goly their all human, can you imagine that?

I went through many agonizing hours of search and appointments with different surgeons before I came to my final decision...It was the hardest thing I've ever done, even more difficult than the choice to have my 1st and 2nd Weight Loss Surgeries as this was my 3rd...

I'm not here to promote any one Dr. because there are so many that are excellent and more and more are learning the different revision techniques that choices are growing daily...

But, if you want a particular type of surgery over another then one should go to the surgeon who has done the most and has the highest success rate at it. Because of my research I know who these surgeons are....I like you, promote that anyone investigating revision should do diligent research even if it takes as long as it took me almost 3 years to find what is most comfortable to them.

So Teena, again I salute you for reposting this article as it is helpful, regardless of what others think or if it's right or wrong that's why were here to read, dissimenate information and make choices....

Best of Luck,

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