LapBand Slippage and Revision

on 7/31/09 9:33 am - Highland Park, NJ
Hi all,

I have not been on the message boards in awhile but need to get back into a supportive community as I am now 2 days post-op from my band revision surgery. I'm wondering if anyone else here has had the same surgery--a slipped band that has been put back in its proper place.

Here's my story for those interested: I had the band put in 3 years ago and lost 120 lbs. total. I maintained that weight loss until about 10 months ago, when I herniated 2 discs in my back (ironically by pushing too hard in my workouts because my wedding was coming up) and things started to go down hill. I gradually began to gain weight, and though I avoided back surgery with months and months of physical therapy, I emerged from the injury 15 pounds heavier and realized that I could really eat quite alot. While I didn't have severely acute symptoms of slippage (aside from some heartburn), looking back I can see that pain meds for the back injury may have covered up stomach pain and seemed like the cause for my nausea. So, when the back injury finally seemed under control at the beginning of the summer, I went in to see my surgeon, wondering if I needed a fill or what was going on. A flouro showed slippage and all of a sudden my summer plans (whi*****luded my delayed honeymoon) had to be rearranged to get the surgery done in the next 4 weeks. Then, when I had the pre-op endoscopy to check for any erosion, that Dr didn't find erosion (which was a relief) but also said that there was no slippage and that I should just go ahead and get the band tightened again. So at that point I was totally confused, and my surgeon ordered a CAT scan which confirmed the slippage. Meanwhile, my surgeon unfilled the band and I gained an other 15 lbs. It was a really stressful few weeks of not quite knowing what was going on.

Anyway, I had the revision surgery on Wednesday and it went well. My surgeon unhooked the band and replaced it in the proper spot, and he also repaired a hernia that may have been causing some heartburn/reflux. I spent one night in the hospital and was pretty nauseous that first day and night. The second day I was better and did fine with my tray of fluids, and so I was sent home last night. I'm feeling even better today, though I'm having some diarrhea, which I don't remember having after the first surgery. Overall, I'm feeling a bit anxious--in part, I feel like my doctors didn't explain things to me quite as well this time around. I wasn't quite ready for things to be more painful than before (I was told it would be less so since he wasn't going to have to mess around with the port at all). I did have the surgery before, and so I guess it makes sense that I should know all of the rules, and I have all my books on the lapband, etc. But, they didn't even give me a handout with the post-op diet or anything. I was told to have clears and protein shakes for the first week, which is longer than the first time around. I called to ask if being on clears meant that I couldn't mix my protein powder with milk or yogurt. The office person said milk was fine but really didn't seem to have time to answer my questions, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. So, the process has been frustrating, and often fraught with feelings of failure, but I made a commitment to this imperfect technology! Anyway, I go in on Tuesday for my follow-up. I can't wait to see the scale moving in the right direction and I love the control I have over my life when the band is working well.

How are others doing post-op after revisions? Would love to hear from people!

355/235 lowest/265 pre-op revision/199 goal
on 8/4/09 10:46 pm - Boynton Beach,, FL
Hi Anne,
Well i can surely relate to your story.  I had a lap band put in 2001.  Lost about 100 lbs. but still had about 50-60 more to go.  In 2005, started having problems with band and no restriction and pain.  Surgeon repaired hiatel hernia and said band was working fine.  after that I lost the 25 lbs that I had gained during the time leading up the hernia.  All was good until about a year ago and then started a continual weight gain.  Needed surgery in February at which time they removed my band which had slipped and was around the esophagus (it slipped up; not down) and they put in a brand new band.  I lost 30 lbs the first month but really nothing since then.  I have had no restriction and am told now that the esophagus is dilated and that I am getting no benefit from the band and it is only damaging the esophagus.  I just received insurance approval this week to have a gastric bypass and I should be scheduled for surgery later this month.  When the band works i think it is a wonderful tool, I am just unclear as to the long term benefits of the band.  Good luck to you.
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