Revision from LapBand to GB

on 7/29/09 1:44 pm - Salem, MA
I had the lap-band back in September 2006...I have pretty much lost a total of 40 lbs. I still want to lose at least another 50. I watch pretty much everything I eat, I count my calories using SparkPeople and still don't lose weight. I have PCOS so it's very hard for me to lose. I am seriously considering getting RNY at this point. Has anyone done this or is anyone else with the band considering it?


"'I'm only this far, and only tomorrow leads my way" ~ Dave Matthews

Add me as a friend on Facebook! Look for Beth Crowley in the Boston area and let me know you are from OH!

on 7/30/09 9:43 am, edited 7/30/09 9:43 am
Hi Bethinboston,

I got the band in 2007 and actually never really got it to where I was able to lose weight with it.  First few months I had no restriction and ate mushies most of the time and by the time I finally got restriction then I was pbing everything healthy and tended towards more slider foods.  I've been told I had PCOS but I'm probably a lot older than you and don't know for sure that I had it but had many symptoms.  But I had type 2 diabetes and hypothyroidism and am on antidepressants and peremenopausal.  Things that made it difficult to lose before the band and didn't really change after the band.  The only time I lost was on the liquid diet pre-op.  I kept the band until I started having bad GERD issues and it was removed after 14 months.  I waited until 8 months after it was removed before I revised to RNY.  I'm pretty happy with the results of my RNY so far and have not had any complications, (knock on wood) and still pinching myself because I was such a failure with the band and I'm finally losing weight! 

PS my ticker doesn't show but I started at 259 lbs which is more than I weighed prior to getting banded!

Anyway I wish you luck in your decision take care Nancy.
      Revised from Lap band 8/22/07 to RNY 6/11/09   Starting weight 259lbs
on 7/30/09 9:45 am - Bowie, MD
Lap Band on 03/21/06 with

I have had my band since March 2006,  Lost about 80 pounds, which took me to 235 pounds.  Got pregnant and after going through childbirth and all I am now at 265, and my band is just not working for me anymore.

I have been seriously thinking about a revision and getting an RNY.  I have actually already called my insurance company and set up a consultation already.   Many people seek revisions from the band I'm noticing.  I would also love to hear from anyone who has actually had the revision and hear what their experience was like. 

Good luck and great question.
Myrna A.
on 7/30/09 12:10 pm - Ferris, TX
I got banded in Dec '06 and lost 33lbs, but developed GERD and esophagitis, and a dilated pouch. I could never get past 2.5cc's in 4cc band before vomiting and everything getting stuck. Soooo---I'm revising to RNY next week, Wendsday Aug. 5th!!! iI'm so excited because I gained all but 2 of the 33lbs back!!!
Myrna A.
on 7/30/09 12:03 pm - Ferris, TX
I also got the band in 2006, and only lost 33lbs, and it stopped working for me. I also developed GERD and esophagitis and a dilated pouch. I am revising to RNY next Wednesday, August 5th.
I gained  back all but 2 of the 33lbs I lost with the band because as soon as I would get to 2.5cc's in my 4cc band, the problems would begin with everything getting stuck, vomiting, etc.
on 7/31/09 2:13 am - Wantage, NJ
Hi.  I had a lap band in April of 2006.   It took me  about 18 months, but I lost about 65 pounds with the band.  Then I started having problems and developed GERD and had to have the band emptied.  That was in January of 2009.  My doctor told me I had no other options and would just have to live with the band inside of me, but with no restriction.  i felt lost and was so worried that I now had no restriction.  Well needless to say I started gaining the weight back right away. 

In March I consulted with another doctor that a friend who had GB recommended.  He gave me a completely different story.  Long story short, I had the GB surgery on 7/2/09.  I am down 24 pounds as of today.  (I had gained all of the weight back I lost with the band since 1/09)  But now I am on my way back down and really feel in control again.   Before the surgery I consulted with a nutrition counselor, as required by my insurance company.  She gave me a lot of great tips for after the surgery.  I also found out post surgery, that my band had damaged my stomach because it was so tight for so long. (overfilled)   In addition it was stuck to my liver.  (gross)

I feel so much better now and would have skipped the lap band entirely had I known then what I know now.  

Best of luck with your journey and please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

on 7/31/09 3:07 am - Las Vegas, NV
Hello, I also was banded in July 2006 I started at 289 and the lowest I ever reached was 238. Just like a few of you I became pregnant and regained all of my weight. I felt like such a failure because I could not loose any weight. I am still hungry all the time. My father in law also had the band back in 2002 and lost 175 lbs in a year. Since he has regained the majority of it back...I really truly hate my band and  I am seeking revision to RNY as well. My Prior auth was submitted on July 20th and I am not waiting impatiently and check on the status twice a day in hope for good news. Wow Jen 24 lbs in less than a month! That is awesome! I wish everyone good luck and will be praying that we all get our revisions =)

on 8/1/09 4:14 pm - Pensacola, FL
 I also had my band 3 yrs ago, august 4th. The most I lost was 73lbs .I was 300lbs when I got it done and lost 50lbs in the first year. I've been struggling ever since. I don't eat that band either. For 2 yrs, I stood up to eat, ate only past 5pm+, and made trips to the bathroom to gag myself cause the food was always stuck. That's basically how I lost weight. I took my fill out to go to mexico for vacation for 3 weeks. I didn't want to have issues down there, plus deal with questions of "why are you standing, why aren't you eating, or why are you going to the bathroom so much?" I normally lose weight when I go down, but this time I ate really well. I guess just tired of not being able to eat for 3 yrs. I want to get a fill, but I know it's gonna be the same thing. The dr said that it's not normal all the things I had to do to eat. Yea ..I'm sure, but what can I do?? 

So I've been thinking about getting the same thing done. But this time in mexico, cause it's cheaper and I've heard about a lot of good drs. I'm gonna make a call monday to my dr that did my surgery see how much he'd charge. Problem is, he did my surgery he's 4 hrs away, but cheapest dr, another dr has seen me since, that dr doesn't have a good bedside manner. I know he'll be pissed, especially since I won't use him. I know he charges 24k for the surgery or did before. Not sure how much it'd be. My dr that did it, I'd have stayed with him if it wasn't so far away he charged 13k for a surgery that around my city was 18k. 

I had a panniculectomy in nov last yr, I look pregnant now. I'm happy to have the skin off, but jeans fit me really weird now. I'm just not happy with my body at all. I just feel like I'm getting older and older.. I want to be skinny take all these nice pics with my husband and family while i'm still young look..enough lol . My plastic surgeon says he can do heavy lipo, but would rather not, I'd rather not also. He would charge 12k. I didn't go back to my appt with him to tell him my decision cause I'd gained 10lbs while in mexico!! 

on 8/3/09 5:44 am - Salem, MA
Thanks for everyone's stories and support. I'm going back to my surgeon at the end of August to discuss options. I don't want to get too into everything until I know if it's even an option for me. I don't  know that I would be approved. I'm going to see what happens while also working out like a crazy person and really eating healthy for the entire month and see if I can lose anything. Good luck to those that are seeking revisions as well! 

"'I'm only this far, and only tomorrow leads my way" ~ Dave Matthews

Add me as a friend on Facebook! Look for Beth Crowley in the Boston area and let me know you are from OH!

on 8/3/09 8:41 am, edited 8/3/09 8:42 am
I really find comfort in finding others who are in my same situation! I have been SO frustrated with my lap band and it's inconsistent results and my weight! I got my band in April 2004 - got it replaced in 2006 because it slipped and I was REALLY sick - vomiting through the night,  eating rolaids like they were a main course, etc. Now, I have a 4 cc band filled with 4.5 cc fluid and sitll I can eat just about anything except on occassion when the first bite gets stuck and it hurts. I started out at 237, lost 72lbs (NOT due to the lap band, I was doing fertility treatments and doctor said I had to lose so I worked my butt off ), since then I have gain most of it back. I am back up to 206. I am also looking at gastric bypass! I truely wish I had done it in the first place.

I have appt with my surgeon on Aug 26th but... my insurance says that I have to have the surgery at Salem Hospital (where my husband works) - it's a clause in the insurance policy. My surgeon is at another hospital. Salem Hospital does not do Revision surgeries so I am petitioning them to allow it else where! Frustrating! 
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