Tricare prime and vertical sleeve
on 7/27/09 1:50 am
Thank you!!!!
I would call both military facilities near you and see why they cannot see you??? I would also have your pcp submit another referral to both facilities and try again. That is the only way you are going to get the surgery you want, that, or wait until Tricare gets on board and decides to cover the RIGHT surgeries so they do not have to pay for revisions!!! Seems simple to me, but somehow they just do not get it.
I would just not give up. Call the facilities and get in touch with the bariatric departments and see why you have been denied access, and what you can do to get in!
I wish you the best of luck!!! Just do not give up on the surgery you want. You DO NOT want a third one!
When I was at the doctor yesterday the first thing I asked when he said convert to bypass was can I do the sleeve and he said no because there will probably be way to much damage from taking the band off due to adherence. He says the lap band doesnt adhere as bad as my band but it still does. My best friend had her Molina band removed at the end of May and converted to RNY and there was no way to go to the sleeve due to the damage. Maybe yours will not be so bad since it hasn't been on that long. Mine as been 6 yrs and my friends had been 15 yrs. I know I didn't answer your question about the insurance but I did want to let you know that can't always go to the sleeve from the band.
After 6 years with the band, I'm sure there'll be a ton of scar tissue, but an experienced revision surgeon can work through this, and again, there's always the option of waiting for your stomach to heal before pursuing a revision. If possible, I would shop around for someone who's capable of performing the surgery you want.
Hello all, I actually work for Tricare Prime... have you all tried calling your BSR (beneficiary service representative)? They should be able to tell you what all is covered and not covered. Also you may want to get the book for Tricare Prime Beneficiaries as well as visit the website... the telephone number is 800-444-5445... the number may be different depending on what region and state you actually live in... hope this helps. :-)