is sleeve better than band?

Mechelle J
on 7/12/09 11:14 pm - Manchester, KY
I lost my band last week.

Has anyone not done so well with the band and been very successful with the sleeve?
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding"  Proverbs 3:5
on 7/13/09 12:44 am
I have the band... It sucks!
Kathy H.
on 7/14/09 1:43 pm - Kent, WA
To answer your question, "Is the sleeve better than the band?" the quick answer is yes. There isn't a foreign body inserted into you to erode or slip .... no port to flip, etc. Since your stomach is made into a small sleeve, there isn't a way to "eat around" your restriction like you can with the band. Since so much of your stomach is removed with the sleeve, there isn't the amount of hunger-triggering hormone ghrelin being produced.

However, there aren't any long-term data to reference with regard to the sleeve, and my surgeon feels that a restrictive-only surgery won't be as effective, long-term, as a combination malabsorptive/restrictive surgery will be. This is especially the case with folks who have already had one weight-loss surgery ... our metabolisms are particularly stubborn.

I suggest you consider all your options and make your decision from there. The combination malabsorptive/restrictive surgeries are RNY and DS. I'm partial to the DS, because of its superior excess weight-loss statistics... it's LONG-TERM weight loss statistics and its superior statistics for co-morbidity resolution.

You didn't mention what it was about the band that "sucked," for you. The reasons the band sucked may give you insight about where you should focus your energies, next.

The more you research, the more clear the best choice for you becomes. I wish you luck!

Have you considered the Duodenal Switch? Information is power.

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 7/13/09 2:52 am
IF a restriction only procedure can work for you, the sleeve will avoid many of the bands problems. Depending on manufacturer, the band only has a life span of 5 to 10 years, so it's not permanent. The sleeve cannot erode, slip, be under or over filled or leak, and has the benefit of helping the stomach produce less grehlin (the hunger hormone).

Many of us need the addition of some malabsorption to maintain the loss, but it you're a lightweight and the band was enough for you previously, then the sleeve may be a better choice.
Kerry J.
on 7/13/09 2:53 am, edited 7/13/09 2:54 am - Santa Clara, UT
 Hi Mechelle,

I have the DS, which has the sleeve plus small bowel rerouting and I love it. I can eat like a normal person and lose or maintain weight just by watching the carbs.

The sleeve allows normal eating; but in smaller amounts than you can with your full stomach. If all you need is some restriction to how much you can eat, the sleeve would be my choice.

For me, I knew I wanted the malabsorbtion of the DS so I could eat more and not have to diet and still lose and then maintain a normal BMI. At 10 months out, I eat pretty much like a normal person that's a light eater, nothing sticks or makes me dump; it's wonderful.

Kathy H.
on 7/14/09 1:46 pm - Kent, WA
I'm sorry ... I responded to the wrong post. Please dash into your original post and find my response to you.


ps... I also thought YOU were the one that said your band "sucks" ... whoops.

guess it's time to step awaaaaay from the computer!

Have you considered the Duodenal Switch? Information is power.

Lori G.
on 7/14/09 6:06 pm - CA
Aloha Mechelle-

I read your profile, and you attribute part of your inability to hit goal with the band to your love of liquid calories such as frappacinos  (sp?).

It is possible to eat around a sleeve with liquid calories, so it might not be the best surgery for you. The VSG is a restrictive only procedure-  you absorb 100% of your calories. With a DS, you will malabsorb most of your fat and about half of your protein...but all the simple carbs will be absorbed. I'm not positive about the malabsorption ratios with an RNY, but someone once described the differences as such: a  DS is mostly a malabsorptive surgery with some restriction. An RNY is mostly a restrictive surgery with some malabsorption.

I don't like milkshakes or smoothies, never have- but I'd be concerned about sabotaging the sleeve if I did enjoy those things. I was a virgin WLS with a high BMI, and lost rapidly and easily with my VSG. I love the lack of hunger with the sleeve (due to lack of grehlin), and the satiety I feel  when I eat (now I know what full feels like, I never did pre-op!). I never feel deprived, at goal for 3 months I eat whatever I want as long as I get my 100 g protein in- my sleeve is so restrictive that I struggle to get enough calories in ( but I work out a bunch, too, and love it so  I am not willing to give that part up!). There are several VSGers who are revisions post- lapband- some write of slower rates of loss due to sluggish metabolisms, but universally they seem to enjoy more freedom with their VSG when eating- no food getting "stuck", no fills, unfills, no vomiting, etc. Some had a long way to get to goal and others were close but lost their bands for mechanical or medical reasons , not necessarily failure to lose weight. Hopefully some will chime in as their situation more closely mimics yours.

Be well, spend some time on the DS board if you haven't researched that particular WLS yet and if you feel that grazing or liquid calories might have contributed to your dissatisfaction with your weight loss. Good luck- XoLori

Mechelle J
on 7/15/09 12:15 am - Manchester, KY

WOW!!!!!! I just read your profile and you are amazing! Thanks for the advise. You are an inspiration.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding"  Proverbs 3:5
(deactivated member)
on 7/15/09 3:23 am - AZ
On July 13, 2009 at 6:14 AM Pacific Time, Mechelle J wrote:
I lost my band last week.

Has anyone not done so well with the band and been very successful with the sleeve?

I was banded and revised to a sleeve at goal.  I use the sleeve for maintenance.

It really depends on why you didn't do well with a band.  Were you unable to change eating habits and food choices?  If so, the sleeve will not be for you.  Someone above claims you cannot eat around a sleeve.  That is not true, you most certainly can eat around a sleeve just like you can eat around a band or any other WLS type.

If you do not do well with restriction alone you will not do well with a sleeve.

However, if the reason you did not do well with a band is because you never had a sweet spot, chronic problems such as multiple slips not due to PBing,  or something similar then maybe a sleeve is for you.

What was up with your band?

Mechelle J
on 7/15/09 11:09 pm - Manchester, KY
I started having severe esopheageal spasms that was the most severe pain I have ever experienced.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding"  Proverbs 3:5
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