Deefinately going with a revision

Kerry J.
on 7/6/09 10:08 pm - Santa Clara, UT
Well Nancy, so far your one of the lucky ones, unfortunately, the cure rate for Type II isn't all that great long term with RNY especially when compared to the DS cure rates. Check this out:

I've never had Type II so it isn't an issue for me, but I had RNY for 28 years and got a revision to DS last September and I can say without reservation that there is no way in hell I would ever let anyone turn my stomach into a pouch again, no way in hell. As far as I'm concerned RNY is an abomination and nothing more than a money maker for greedy surgeons who are more interested in making money than they are in their patients health. If they really cared about their patient, they would be trained in doing the DS and give every patient this option truthfully.

After living with RNY for 28 years, it just makes me sick seeing all these people going to get butchered the same way I was without having a clue what else is available.


on 7/7/09 1:35 am - Layton, UT
~"without reservation that there is no way in hell I would ever let anyone turn my stomach into a pouch again, no way in hell. As far as I'm concerned RNY is an abomination and nothing more than a money maker for greedy surgeons who are more interested in making money than they are in their patients health. If they really cared about their patient, they would be trained in doing the DS and give every patient this option truthfully.

After living with RNY for 28 years, it just makes me sick seeing all these people going to get butchered the same way I was without having a clue what else is available."~

Kerry....Come on....You yourself say that you kept your weight loss off with the Rny for many years.  You haven't even gotten an entire year behind you with your revision.  The story is yet to unfold......  I'm thrilled for you and your new health, new lease, new beginnings....but, beating the heck out of surgeon's who give lifesaving surgeries, and poo pooing those of us with successful Rny's is getting tiring.

Can't you find joy in your personal journey without throwing vinegar towards many of us?

I know we have beat this dead horse to death!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Kerry J.
on 7/7/09 7:30 am - Santa Clara, UT
Here's the thing Joyce:

You have no idea what it's like to have the DS, you have no perspective. It's like giving someone who has never owned an automobile a Yugo and then asking them how they like it. They're going to be thrilled because they don't have anything to compare it with. Your RNY is the Yugo of WLS, the DS is the Lexus, or Mercedes Benz and until you've had both so you can compare, you have no perspective. I have the perspective you lack; not only that, but I also have much more RNY experience than you do. How long have you had your RNY? I had it 28 years and I kept my weight off for 15 of the 28, but it was not because of the RNY, I kept the weight off because I exercised every day and I dieted all the damn time. The RNY did help me get it off, but after a year, it was done helping me and was a giant PIA and in fact hindered my efforts to keep the weight off.

As far as the surgeons who sell RNY go, they are what they are and if they don't have enough integrity to learn the truth about all the WLS and explain each surgery to their patients, they are just what I said they are; money grubbing low lifers. The life saving surgery you speak of makes them in the neighborhood of $6,000.00 an hour and I would think that for that kind of money I would get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That's not what you get from most RNY surgeons, what you get is a RNY sales job and lies about the DS.

If a surgeon is really interested in his patients health and well being he will learn all the facts about all the WLS and go over those facts and figures in detail with their patient. Can you give me an example of a RNY surgeon that does this? I really doubt you can; so we are left to advocate for ourselves and the only way to do that is to learn all the facts ourselves and use every resource we can find to learn the truth and facts. Once we know all the facts, we can make an informed decision, until then any decision is suspect because it's being made with false assumptions.

As far as throwing vinegar; I suppose you can call it that if you want to, but to me, what I do is shine the light of truth and knowledge on the subject. The fact that RNYers don't like this truth and light is extremely telling.

I know what I've found and I don't want people to suffer for lack of me telling them what I know, what I've been through and what I've learned. I know you would like me to shut up and let people go get their RNY and "happy" for them. I can't do that because of what I know and what I've been through and the perspective I have that they don't. If they want to ignore me, or if they want to choose RNY anyway for what ever reason, I have no problem with that and I hope they do well with it. I just can't sit silent and not tell people what I know and what I've learned.

on 7/7/09 8:02 am - Layton, UT
On July 7, 2009 at 2:30 PM Pacific Time, Kerry J. wrote:
Here's the thing Joyce:

You have no idea what it's like to have the DS, you have no perspective. It's like giving someone who has never owned an automobile a Yugo and then asking them how they like it. They're going to be thrilled because they don't have anything to compare it with. Your RNY is the Yugo of WLS, the DS is the Lexus, or Mercedes Benz and until you've had both so you can compare, you have no perspective. I have the perspective you lack; not only that, but I also have much more RNY experience than you do. How long have you had your RNY? I had it 28 years and I kept my weight off for 15 of the 28, but it was not because of the RNY, I kept the weight off because I exercised every day and I dieted all the damn time. The RNY did help me get it off, but after a year, it was done helping me and was a giant PIA and in fact hindered my efforts to keep the weight off.

As far as the surgeons who sell RNY go, they are what they are and if they don't have enough integrity to learn the truth about all the WLS and explain each surgery to their patients, they are just what I said they are; money grubbing low lifers. The life saving surgery you speak of makes them in the neighborhood of $6,000.00 an hour and I would think that for that kind of money I would get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That's not what you get from most RNY surgeons, what you get is a RNY sales job and lies about the DS.

If a surgeon is really interested in his patients health and well being he will learn all the facts about all the WLS and go over those facts and figures in detail with their patient. Can you give me an example of a RNY surgeon that does this? I really doubt you can; so we are left to advocate for ourselves and the only way to do that is to learn all the facts ourselves and use every resource we can find to learn the truth and facts. Once we know all the facts, we can make an informed decision, until then any decision is suspect because it's being made with false assumptions.

As far as throwing vinegar; I suppose you can call it that if you want to, but to me, what I do is shine the light of truth and knowledge on the subject. The fact that RNYers don't like this truth and light is extremely telling.

I know what I've found and I don't want people to suffer for lack of me telling them what I know, what I've been through and what I've learned. I know you would like me to shut up and let people go get their RNY and "happy" for them. I can't do that because of what I know and what I've been through and the perspective I have that they don't. If they want to ignore me, or if they want to choose RNY anyway for what ever reason, I have no problem with that and I hope they do well with it. I just can't sit silent and not tell people what I know and what I've learned.

I definitely know the difference between a luxury car and a compact car:  MONEY!!!  You speak of surgeon's wages yet I haven't seen a surgeon on the DS list who is offering it for free :)  In fact, many many people who would LOVE to have a DS, end up going with something else because of the big price.  One could argue that there's no "price tag" on better quality of life yet it's hard to tell that to our families! 

I can't afford a Mercedes Benz.  I couldn't afford a DS.  I couldn't afford the serious possible complciations & risk of having a revision to a DS.

I have never been to Ireland yet I know all about Ireland and can find details all over the place with research.  DS information is as available as Rny information so I don't need to live in your shoes to recognize your joy of being in them!

We can't all take your same path Kerry and so to belittle those of us who choose a different path and tell us that our surgery of choice will bring us disaster is not only unsupportive but becomes offensive. 

I do NOT push anyone into Rny and in fact suggest the DS more often than not.  If people are asking about the ERny then I am more than happy to share my experience yet I will not blast them if they choose to go elsewhere.  I respect their right as an adult to study and choose for themselves!

You mention my perspective being less than yours and ask me questions.  Here's where my perspective comes from:  SIX years of working in the Bariatric field whi*****ludes; but is not limited to: a DS surgeon, a lapband surgeon and surgeon's who do everything BUT DS

Is DS wonderful?  YES
Is DS possible for everyone?  NO
Is DS covered by insurance?  Sometimes
Is a Revision from Rny to DS riskier than other options?  YES
Does having an Rny automatically mean you'll fail?  NO stinking way!
Does having a DS automatially mean you'll succeed?  NO way!
Do people on this list have the right to be treated intelligently and with support?  YES!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Kerry J.
on 7/7/09 8:58 am - Santa Clara, UT
I definitely know the difference between a luxury car and a compact car:  MONEY!!!  You speak of surgeon's wages yet I haven't seen a surgeon on the DS list who is offering it for free :)  In fact, many many people who would LOVE to have a DS, end up going with something else because of the big price.  One could argue that there's no "price tag" on better quality of life yet it's hard to tell that to our families! 
I'm not defending or slamming surgeons for their fees; I'm saying that for the kind of money they charge they owe their patients the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Why are you skewing what I'm saying? Also this isn't about people being shown a Benz and a Yugo and given the choice, this is about people being shown the Yugo and being told it's the Benz.

I can't afford a Mercedes Benz.  I couldn't afford a DS.  I couldn't afford the serious possible complciations & risk of having a revision to a DS.

I doubt that is true, I'll bet it was your choice to go with the lesser cost, if you had really wanted the DS I'll bet you could have had it. The fact that you chose ERNY is OK with me, it's your choice, I'm all for choice, informed choice, fully informed choice. As far as risk of complicaions, where do you get that there is more risk of complications with a revision to DS over a revision to RNY? I would like to see the data on that, as far as I know, there is no difference in risk.

I have never been to Ireland yet I know all about Ireland and can find details all over the place with research.  DS information is as available as Rny information so I don't need to live in your shoes to recognize your joy of being in them!

You sure wouldn't know it from talking to most RNYers, most have no clue about the DS and that's why I'm doing what I do, inform. People etill have their choice, I just tell them what I've been through and what I've learned, what they do with that is completely up to them.

We can't all take your same path Kerry and so to belittle those of us who choose a different path and tell us that our surgery of choice will bring us disaster is not only unsupportive but becomes offensive. 
I sincerely hope no one has to go through what I've been through and that's why I tell people what I do, I'm hoping to help people avoid what I had to go through.

I do NOT push anyone into Rny and in fact suggest the DS more often than not.  If people are asking about the ERny then I am more than happy to share my experience yet I will not blast them if they choose to go elsewhere.  I respect their right as an adult to study and choose for themselves!

Good for you, but it sounds like you're saying that I push people into DS, if that's what you're saying where did I do that and who did I do it to?

You mention my perspective being less than yours and ask me questions.  Here's where my perspective comes from:  SIX years of working in the Bariatric field whi*****ludes; but is not limited to: a DS surgeon, a lapband surgeon and surgeon's who do everything BUT DS

Is DS wonderful?  YES
Is DS possible for everyone?  NO
Is DS covered by insurance?  Sometimes
Is a Revision from Rny to DS riskier than other options?  YES
Does having an Rny automatically mean you'll fail?  NO stinking way!
Does having a DS automatially mean you'll succeed?  NO way!
Do people on this list have the right to be treated intelligently and with support?  YES!

I can agree with most of what you're saying and I say good for you; but when I was 6 years out of RNY, I didn't know I had Hep C and I still thought my Yugo RNY was a Mercedes Benz. Your experience is very valuable and worthwhile; but you still have a very long way to go to get to where I am now.

on 7/7/09 1:58 pm - Layton, UT

The points you make in promoting your DS as good for "everyone" are in fact disputed in your very own information.

Have you read it?

Where did I get my information that an Rny revision to Distal is riskier?  From 3 of the DS surgeons on the DS list, from DS post-ops and from the site.

Who told me that I couldn't have a DS?  Besides my insurance; that would be 3 of the DS surgeons on the DS list, plus a lapband surgeon and 2 Bariatric "generic" surgeons....and, a gastro doc AND my OB/GYN surgeon. 

One size does NOT fit all.....

......and by the way....a Yugo gets a person to their destination as well :)

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Kerry J.
on 7/7/09 7:44 pm, edited 7/7/09 7:56 pm - Santa Clara, UT
The points you make in promoting your DS as good for "everyone" are in fact disputed in your very own information.

Where did I say my "DS is good for everyone"? I couldn't see it anywhere and I sure don't remember saying it. I did say that the DS is a better WLS by any measurable way; which it is. That's not the same thing as saying it's for everyone. Why are you skewing what I say again? 

Have you read it?


Where did I get my information that an Rny revision to Distal is riskier?  From 3 of the DS surgeons on the DS list, from DS post-ops and from the site.

Lets see now who would those surgeons be besides Schlesinger? His opinion is not valid to me because I know he is a bait and no switcher, he lied through his teeth to me about the DS tried to sell me RNY. You don't get much lower in my book than Schlesinger.  And where on is this information? I must have missed it and when I looked just now can't find it. Is it part of a peer reviewed paper? And how would a post - op know if there is more or less risk?

Who told me that I couldn't have a DS?  Besides my insurance; that would be 3 of the DS surgeons on the DS list, plus a lapband surgeon and 2 Bariatric "generic" surgeons....and, a gastro doc AND my OB/GYN surgeon.

Insurance is just a money issue it has nothing to do with the risk involved. Who are the three DS surgeons besides Schlesinger? In my case it was Schlesinger and Ungson that said it was too dangerous, but my detailed questions as to why it was too dangerous were ignored and never answered. I believe it comes down to them not wanting to take the time or not being skilled enough to do the job; which is why I chose Rabkin. The lapband doc is a joke, he wouldn't know a DS if it bit him in the butt; same for the generic surgeons and your OB/GYN. All the studies I've read show no difference in the complication rates or RNY and DS. If there are studies to back up what you're saying, I will eat my words and I really would like to see such studies. 

One size does NOT fit all.....

I never said it does. In fact I've said many many times that this is about making a fully informed choice. Once people have all the information; they should decide for themselves which WLS is best for them, but not before and they should not just listen to their surgeon and buy what ever it is that he is selling.

......and by the way....a Yugo gets a person to their destination as well :)

Well sometimes it does, but it's not as reliable and the quality of the ride to the destination leaves much to be desired. Still, if you would rather have a Yugo, it's certainly your choice. I had my Yugo for a very long time and now that I know what I was missing, do not want it back; that's my choice. Maybe in 20 years you will decide your Yugo has to go too, but in any case it will be always be your choice.

on 7/8/09 3:59 am - Layton, UT
Dr. Schlesinger wasn't even included in the equation.  YOU put him there!.....And the lapband surgeon who gave me an opinion used to be one of the leading DS surgeons. ......  I won't name surgeon's names because these surgeons are reputable according to the DSfacts list (thus, the reason that I called them) and so why tarnish their reputations just because YOU don't agree with their recommendation?

Changing your words?

The reason I jump into any kind of thread involving you is your attitude towards those of us who have selected other surgery types.  It's degrading to say the least!  My point in sharing my reasons for NOT having a DS are to simply point out that many of us have issues that lead us in another direction.  Valid reasons!

And for your clever car analogy; .....  Do you honestly rub your mercedes ownership into the faces of true friends who are making their way nicely with a Yugo??  A DS option is NOT possible for everyone!  Thank Heaven's there are very good alternatives!  And honestly, I will NOT accept my ERny vehicle as being similar to some Yugo!  I've got the sports car dude :)  I'm traveling fast and getting places in style!!

I LOVE my ERny today.  I'm below goal and loving life.   I'll do my best to make my tool last for as long as possible.  If it fails me then I'll be headed out and about to see what other options are available for my personal cir****tances. 

There are many ways to educate us Kerry.  Have you heard the saying "you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar?"


Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Kerry J.
on 7/8/09 9:37 am - Santa Clara, UT
Dr. Schlesinger wasn't even included in the equation.  YOU put him there!.....And the lapband surgeon who gave me an opinion used to be one of the leading DS surgeons. ......  I won't name surgeon's names because these surgeons are reputable according to the DSfacts list (thus, the reason that I called them) and so why tarnish their reputations just because YOU don't agree with their recommendation?

You're right Joyce, it was me that included Dr. Schlesinger in the equation; I assumed he was one of your three because he is your surgeon, was I wrong?

I also mentioned I was told the same story by Ungson and Schlesinger, but only Schlesinger lied to me about post op DS life. So IMO Schlesinger has no credibility, Ungson was at least truthful about he DS and just said it would be too dangerous for me, but couldn't or wouldn't give me specific reasons why it would be too dangerous.

Changing your words?

Yes; why do you do that?

The reason I jump into any kind of thread involving you is your attitude towards those of us who have selected other surgery types.  It's degrading to say the least!  My point in sharing my reasons for NOT having a DS are to simply point out that many of us have issues that lead us in another direction.  Valid reasons!

I don't think I've ever said you made the wrong decision and I would not say so to anyone that had made a fully informed decision. I do pity the thousands who get RNY not knowing all the facts and options and do my best to inform people of what their options are. If you take offense to that, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm not going to stop telling people about my experiences and what their options are and I'm not going to stop telling people how great the DS is.

And for your clever car analogy; .....  Do you honestly rub your mercedes ownership into the faces of true friends who are making their way nicely with a Yugo??  A DS option is NOT possible for everyone!  Thank Heaven's there are very good alternatives!  And honestly, I will NOT accept my ERny vehicle as being similar to some Yugo!  I've got the sports car dude :)  I'm traveling fast and getting places in style!!

Again; you have no perspective, all you know is ERNY, I would have said the same thing 6 years out, I had no clue what I was missing or what my life could really be like and neither do you.

I don't doubt for a minute you're having success, I was successful for 15 years, but I still had no clue what I was missing or what life could be like with the DS. I also don't doubt you're thrilled with your Yugo; so was I for almost 15 years. I hope you never have to go through what I did and that it works well for you for the rest of your life and I hope you life is long and full. 

I LOVE my ERny today.  I'm below goal and loving life.   I'll do my best to make my tool last for as long as possible.  If it fails me then I'll be headed out and about to see what other options are available for my personal cir****tances.

Good, I'm happy for you! I hope you ERNY never fails you and you never have to do anything else. 

There are many ways to educate us Kerry.  Have you heard the saying "you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar?"

Yep, I've heard it before and I readily admit, I'm not perfect in how I present myself and maybe I do offend some people, but I do the best I can. Like Popeye always says; I yam what I yam Olive.


on 7/7/09 3:36 am
On July 7, 2009 at 5:08 AM Pacific Time, Kerry J. wrote:
Well Nancy, so far your one of the lucky ones, unfortunately, the cure rate for Type II isn't all that great long term with RNY especially when compared to the DS cure rates. Check this out:

I've never had Type II so it isn't an issue for me, but I had RNY for 28 years and got a revision to DS last September and I can say without reservation that there is no way in hell I would ever let anyone turn my stomach into a pouch again, no way in hell. As far as I'm concerned RNY is an abomination and nothing more than a money maker for greedy surgeons who are more interested in making money than they are in their patients health. If they really cared about their patient, they would be trained in doing the DS and give every patient this option truthfully.

After living with RNY for 28 years, it just makes me sick seeing all these people going to get butchered the same way I was without having a clue what else is available.


Kerry I appreciate the enthusiasm you have for the DS and also whatever issus you had with your RNY.  I have moved from the lap band to RNY so in a revision section you're going to get all sorts of folks who've had all sorts of experiences with their first and second surgeries.  My type 2 diabetes was worse with the lap band than prior due to the eating habits I had with the lap band.  Since my RNY things have been much better and as long as I don't go back to eating like I was I should be fine.  Knock on wood!

If you think about each and every WLS can be a "butchering" of sorts.  If you''re happy with your DS you don't consider it butchering but others might.  I did not have a positive experience with the lap band but others do so I'm not going to sit around and tell them not to get it because it didnt' work for me.

Peace, Nancy.
      Revised from Lap band 8/22/07 to RNY 6/11/09   Starting weight 259lbs
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