LAP BAND TO GASTRIC BYPASS - have you done this??

on 6/30/09 2:52 am
 i don't know what esophageal spasms are, but they don't sound good.  have you been successful with your band??
on 6/30/09 12:53 am - los angeles, CA

Thank you for asking the question -- and a big thank you for all the replies. I'm so grateful for the way each of us shares our journeys.

I'm in a similar place. I was banded in 2/2004 and was very successful... I lost 60 pounds and kept it off for a few years. But then I had a slip and had my band removed 7/2008. I'm sad to report that I've regained all of the weight plus another 7 pounds. It's so disheartening. I keep getting advice to eat less & exercise more. I realize that this is the best advice that most people can give me, but a part of me wants to scream and say, "If I could do that -- don't you think I'd have done it by now?" It's so hard to feel a prisoner of body chemistry that's designed to support obesity.

I'm investigating having another surgery -- it's between gastric bypass & the sleeve. For me, it feels harder the second time around. I'm beginning to realize that these aren't always "forever" solutions. For some people they are, but most of the WLS graduates that I know who are 5+ years out have had significant weight regain.

However, I need to do something... and so I may try another surgery to buy me more time to navigate into a new lifestyle that I can maintain for the next 40 or so years.

All the Best...
on 6/30/09 8:15 pm - Houston area, TX

Make sure you check out all the wls that are available:  RNY, DS and VSG.  Everyone has to make his/her own decision.  I did very well with a restrictive only procedure, so for me the next logical choice is VSG.  (Plus, right now I am "too small" for the DS.)  My personal choice is that I won't get the RNY.

Gloria A.
on 7/2/09 11:59 am - Federal Way, WA
Hey Susan ... thought I would add my reply to the great list.

I had my band put in 12/2004 ... lost 90lbs in 9 months .. then hit a wall .. .year 3, I had gained back about 20 lbs.  I didn't have a slip "yet", but I had damaged my pouch and was getting ill.  My surgeon was very response, made me come in and sit with the radiologist as we viewed the pictures of my distorted and damanged pouch.  We removed all of the fluid and I could no longer tolerate any fluid in my band.  after about 6 months, I had regained over 1/2 of my weight loss. 

After consulting with my surgeon - a revision was definitely in order.  I opted for a proximal RNY bypass vs. a distal. 

I had my revision Jan, 2008 - 4 weeks after a full hysterectomy GO PROTEIN from Vitalady! ... I am 1 year out and I am steady at 110 - 115 lbs lost total from my original 280lbs (pre band weight)

1)  How has your experience been with a bypass after having a lapband - - how is it different?
I was able to "trick" my band .. if I drank hot liquid before, during the meal I could eat a lot more.  No such luck with my bypass/pouch.  Because my stomach was damaged in the area around the band, my new pouch had to be made smaller, and my surgeon really stapled, stitched and secured this new smaller pouch.  I have great restriction.  In addition - early post op, I have learned since then  - if I overeat, I know I will get this "bolus" of food hit my intestines - I get strong nausea, sometime dumping syndrome .. bottom line, this has been aversion therapy for me ...

Also, I now experience severe dumping syndrome ... not as bad as the first 9 months .. but if I eat too much simple carbohydrates - not just sugar - I get the bloating, pain, gastric distress, and/or almost coma like sleepies  (is this TMI??).

e.g. when I had my band, I could eat Cheetos - now, the dumping the one and only time I tried was so severe I have not had a cheeto, pringle, or other junky food like that for more than 1 year.  I am extremely cautious of eating those chips at Mexican restaurants - again, fear of the big dump.

2)  How was the recovery?  
Per my note above ... I had my revision (lap) 4 weeks after my hysterectomy .. I proteined up like a mad woman, and I took a full 1.5 weeks to rest.  I obeyed every rule ... sips of room temp water, protein, the whole pouch recovery prescribed by my doc (soups only, then pureed, then soft, etc.).

3)  How different are your eating habits? 
I did have to learn how to eat all over again ... I had become lazy from my unrestricted, open band ... and I had a few episodes after starting solid food where things got stuck and had to get out the same way it had entered my body.  And the fact that I have dumping syndrome, I can't have too much food hit my intestines per meal (i.e. the slick food trick doesn't work for me anymore either) ... I "mentally" stop eating with or without getting the signal ... again, aversion therapy has worked.

1.5 years out .. I can eat just about anything ... if I chew well.  I don't have problem with hardy bread, meat, etc . .but again, I can only eat at most 1/2 cup for the full meal ... so if I eat some bread w/ butter before the meal comes .. I am so full i cannot eat my meal.  I tolerate complex carbs just fine, and the more fiber a carb has - the better, less likely to dump. 

I can tolerate fruit well, salads are fine.  I actually eat more normally with the bypass than with the band - and much smaller quantities.

However, I find I "feel better, do better" with a low carbohydrate eating plan - similar to Atkins maintenance or South Beach maintenance ... let's just say too many carbs are just bad news ...

4)  How much more restrictive do you find it?
I have great restriction - although I am only 1.5 years out ... so I should (haa haa) ... and I think it helps that my pouch is a bit smaller.  The restriction is different ... I found the restriction with the bad painful sometimes, and I didn't not have great esophogeal motility ... thus the hot tea before eating.  In the end, I feel into the slick food trap ... I have an eating disorder after all ..

5)  Are you glad you did it - how is your weight loss?
Weight loss has been fantastic - even as a revision ... I lost at about the same rate as with my band, which I think is pretty good.  I realize the last bit of weight I need to lose will come off via plastic surgery.  Pre-band I wore a 22-24, gained back to a 14/16, currently an 8-10.  The weight loss has been different with the bypass too .. I am less 'fatty' .. it is strange, but I was leaner at 190 with my bypass than when I hit that same weight with my band. 

I am overjoyed and very pleased.

6)  I'd love to hear anything else you'd like to tell me!

I had a short honeymoon period with my band .. after month 6, I was really having to watch what I ate .. and I never leaned out because I couldn't give up the fats (I like butter, use olive oil etc.).  After 12 months, I was struggling to keep the weight off and I could not lose weight no matter how hard I worked out or how strict I was with my eating.

I have found that I don't have to obsess about food with my bypass .. the tool makes eating sensibily "easier" ... yeah, i still eat junk food occasionally, but in small quantities.  And my junk food has "changed" .. popcorn not chips, for example.  I can have a small popcorn at the movies where during the band-days, I knew that the popcorn would trigger carb cravings and even a small amount could trigger a weight gain or halt weight loss.

Finally - my reason for taking off the weight was to keep the big 'D'  away for as long as possible(diabetes, not divorce for you country music fans) ... and gaining weight with the band was not going to enable me to do that.

I don't regret my band, don't blame the band .. but it was not the right tool for me...

Best wishes ... happy to correspond :)
Cheers ... G

on 7/2/09 12:10 pm
 OMG - thank you so so much for your reply.  I hope it helps me as it does the other people *****ad your post.  I learned and incredible amount, and I appreciate all that you said.  So here's a question I forgot to ask - which is worse....throwing up something that gets stuck in the band OR dumping?  The dumping thing really scares me.   How long does it last, and do you get sick from it too?  Thanks again!  And, PS - I am so happy to hear about your sustained and continuous weightloss!
on 7/5/09 10:14 pm - Dalton, GA
I had a band in November 2005. Lost 86 lbs with it in 10 months. It got infected, eroded into my stomach and had to be removed in September 2006. Since then I've gained back 100 lbs. 

I went to this new surgeon with the idea that I'd get another band. He told me that I had such a high risk situation as it is from the previous infection and scarring that he wouldn't recommend another band. He suggested RNY to me. I'm currently in the process of jumping through all the pre-surgery hoops that are required by my insurance company. I am also healing from a broken ankle and can't get RNY until it's healed---sometime mid-August.

I am so looking forward to getting RNY and being on the path to losing again!
on 7/22/09 6:33 am - Boynton Beach,, FL
Thank you all for posting your comments here.  It has been many months since I've been on this site but always know that I can find my answers here.  I had a band #1 put in in 2001; I had a repair of hiatel hernia in 2005; I had a new band put in February 2009 and now am told the band must come out as there is too many damage to esphogus going on.  They have submitted insurance approval to convert me to a gastric bypass.  I am anticipating insurance approval this week as my insurance company has been very good with these types of procedures.  Many of my questions were answered above.  I have the same fears and concerns as all of you do. I consider myself very knowledgeable on these procedures and am fully aware of the pros and cons.  I am not as concerned with the life changing habits I will need to maintain as I can be very structured when I need to be.  My biggest concern is the added chance of complications due to the scarring of 3 previous surgeries and the possibility that the procedure will not be done laparoscopically.  good luck to all of you as your pursue your individual goals.
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