LAP BAND TO GASTRIC BYPASS - have you done this??

on 6/28/09 4:26 am
 HI - I would love to hear anyone's experience with this - I had a lap band 3.5 years ago - lost about 65 lbs at my highest weight loss, and have gained 25 back in the last 2 years.  Still have about 80-100 to lose.  working with my doctor and nutritionist for over a year, but I feel it's time to have a revision to a bypass as I am miserable with my weight gain and I am not living my life to its fullest...which is the whole purpose of weight loss surgery anyway, or atleast according to me. My doctor will do the revision, and I am working to get all of the things done to submit to insurance.  

I am scared of the bypass - it seems so extreme.  My experience with the lapband has been remarkably non-intrusive.  Anyway, Here are my questions:

1)  How has your experience been with a bypass after having a lapband - - how is it different?

2)  How was the recovery?  

3)  How different are your eating habits?  

4)  How much more restrictive do you find it?

5)  Are you glad you did it - how is your weight loss?

6)  I'd love to hear anything else you'd like to tell me!

Thank you for your time and information.


Susan (Supes)

on 6/28/09 5:08 am
I have already had my  lap band removed 2yrs ago and am finally ready to consider bypass. I would love to see some answers to these questions.  Thanks
on 6/28/09 8:52 am
 Have not heard any responses yet.  will let you know.  have you gained weight since you took the band off?  why did you take it off?  why did you not do a revision when you had the band off?  i am just looking for feedback - just want to know your thought process!  thanks.  Susan
on 6/29/09 10:42 pm
There have been some really helpful replies here.  Thank all. 
Yes , I have gained back the 80 lbs I lost w/ the band and then some.  I had the band for 2 1/2 yrs and up until the last 10month things were going ok.  Then I the band slip 3 times. Each time meant a month on liquids hoping for the band to correct itself. The first 2 times it did. The last time I needed surgery to put it back into place.  Well in surgery the doctor felt the was far too much scar tissue and removed the band.  As sick as that band made me I was very depressed and disappointed to have lost it.  After spending to last 2 yrs searching for another answer,  which I've been looking for all my life and still have not found Iam now looking into the gastric bypass.  I will be going to a meeting at my local hospital tonight to learn more.  Good luck to you in the decision making proccess.
Kerry J.
on 6/28/09 1:26 pm - Santa Clara, UT
I can't help you with the Lap Band stuff, but I had Gastric Bypass / RNY for 28 years. I was able to keep most of my excess weight off for about 15 of the 28, but eventually couldn't continue the diet and exercise necessary to keep the weight off. You can can read all the details on my profile if you want to know about it.

I got a revision to DS last September and it's been great, I just wish I had done it 10 years ago. I cannot recommend RNY, as I don't think it's a good long term solution. It works well to get the weight off, but isn't so good for keeping it off. It's also not so good for the quality of life if you consider eating like a normal person a quality of life that's important. For me, that was a big deal, I was sick and tired of feeling deprived all the time, not able to drink milk, eat cold cereal, ice cream or have an occasional piece of cake or pie. Having to avoid rice for fear of having it stick in my pouch, having to chew a piece of steak to mush etc. IMO the RNY life sucked.

Anyway, I would be happy to help if I can, so feel free to ask questions or PM me. I'm just so pleased with the results of the DS that I feel like I need to let people know about it.

on 6/29/09 2:32 pm
 Thanks for your reply Kerry.  All of this is very useful info on making my decision!  sincerely, susan
Kathy H.
on 6/28/09 2:19 pm - Kent, WA
If you haven't already considered the Duodenal Switch, I strongly urge you to. It's important to know all your options, so you're making the best one for your particular cir****tances.

I didn't have an RNY, but I had a VBG ... an old stomach stapling. I echo Kerry's words about feeling deprived with the minuscule portions and the fear of getting something stuck. I'm SO thankful I found out about the DS before I had my revision ... I thought the RNY was my only option. The DS has better long-term statistics, better co-morbidity resolution and in my opinion a *far* superior post-op quality of life.

Feel free to explore the DS board, and ask questions. Lots of knowledgeable people there that are willing to answer questions.

And good luck with whatever you choose. it's a big step.
Have you considered the Duodenal Switch? Information is power.

on 6/29/09 2:34 pm
 Kathy - thanks so much for the information.  It will be helpful in me making my decision.  sincerely, susan
Pam M.
on 6/28/09 6:02 pm - WA
I recently had a revision from the band to RNY. I got my band in July of 2008, by November had to have emergency surgery due to the band slipping. I have more info in my profile on the slipped band. It was very painful. After my emergency surgery, I was back at square one, with no fill.  With no fill, I was able to eat as if I had no band. After the holidays, I approached my surgeon about revision. I used to think that I would be the exception, that I would beat the averages and get to my goal weight. (most band people do not get to goal). By the time I brought up revision with my doctor, I realized that the band was not going to be effective for me. With my co-morbidities (sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and GERD), I needed something that was going to be more effective than the band. While my doctor left the decision up to me, I could tell that he agreed with my decision to pursue revision. He submitted the paperwork to my insurance, I was approved, and had my revision on 5/26.

1)  How has your experience been with a bypass after having a lapband - - how is it different?

It is easier to "cheat" with the band. I could eat pizza at one month out. With RNY, pizza is not on my menu for quite some time. With the band, I was starving a week after sugery. With RNY, I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat. Even foods I love are unappetizing. This is something that is frustrating to me, I wish that nauseous feeling would go away. I've been told that this is normal, and I should have my appetite back soon. With RNY, I can't cheat even if I wanted to, because if I eat something that doesn't agree with me, it all comes back up.

2)  How was the recovery?

In regards to the pain, it is pretty similar to band surgery, except I was in the hospital 2 nights instead of one. The gas pains that first week are similar. Since surgery, I have experienced more fatigue and low energy than I did with my recovery from band surgery.  During my second week post op, I made the mistake of taking a shower before eating, and I barely had the strength to lift my arms to wash my hair. I thought I was going to faint. If I don't eat enough, I get shaky and am very low on energy. I have to force myself to eat to feel better. Now that I am almost 5 weeks out, these symptoms are happening with less frequency, but I'm still waiting to feel "normal" again. I spend a lot of my free time resting.

3)  How different are your eating habits?

Very different. With the band, you can eat pretty normally until you start getting fills. If I ate too much with the band, I would get a horrible pain in my chest, and then the foamies. For the most part, I could eat anything in larger quantities. With RNY, it takes hardly anything to get that "I'm full" signal, and when I get it, I have to stop. If I don't stop, or if I eat too fast, it will come back up. I'm not too far out, yet, so am still experimenting with different foods. 

4)  How much more restrictive do you find it?

As I stated above, it is more of a definite restriction, and for solid foods, I physically cannot eat more than 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food. Tonight I fixed a Lean Cuisine. I was only able to eat about 2/3 of the chicken in it, and a couple of tiny bites of the rice and beans. It took me about 45 minutes to eat that much. With the band, I could have easily eaten that amount, even with good restriction.

5)  Are you glad you did it - how is your weight loss?

I have lost about 28 pounds since my surgery date, and I will be 5 weeks out on Tuesday. I never lost that well with the band, because I had more physical hunger with the band, and I could eat more. I received a visit from the support group coordinator while I was in the hospital. She told me that there are times that I will say to myself, "What the hell have I done?" I admit this first month has been difficult, mostly due to the lack of energy, the nausea, and the lack of appetite. I have had moments where I have wondered "Will I ever enjoy eating again?" I have been reassured that it does get better, that my appetite will return, and I will get my energy back. I don't regret the surgery, because for the first time ever, I believe that I will get to goal.

6)  I'd love to hear anything else you'd like to tell me!

Let me know if you have any other questions, I'll be happy to answer them. In summary, I guess I would say that the RNY is much more effective at restricting your eating, the low energy and fatigue are temporary, and the weight loss is greater. I weigh less now than I have in probably 15 years.

~My story on my revision to RNY from the lap-band is in my profile~



on 6/29/09 2:38 am - Littleton, CO
Wow - reading your post made me feel so much better.  I'm a couple weeks behind you and I'm feeling very similar to what you are feeling!  It's great to know I'm not alone =)

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