Laproscopic Revision of enlarged pouch and stoma?

on 6/17/09 4:31 am - NC
Daisy, my original surgery was Open RNY by Dr. Rhonda Wachsmuth at Charlotte Surgical Group.  I had a very hard time with that surgery (pain wise), but I did lose almost 90 pounds.  I started slowly regaining and could eat anything and as much as I wanted.  I was so ashamed and felt like a total failure.  But, I finally got MAD and said I'm going to see what is wrong.  Dr. W had left the state by that time, so I saw Dr. V who was in the same practice at the time.  He ordered an upper GI which showed that my staple line was totally disrupted (it had pulled apart--the staples were still there, but just came "undone.")  I basically had an ordinary stomach.  So, I went through the process for getting revised---took about a year, but it has been worth it.  He fixed the staple line and placed a lapband on the top of my stomach as well.  All of this done lap (thank the Lord).  I have kept off about 45 pounds since then.  I could have lost more if I had been more dedicated to my diet plan.  I'm getting back on track now.  Best wishes with your revision plans---who did your first surgery?  Dr. V is the best in Charlotte in my opinion and he is so nice and kind. 
on 6/17/09 5:22 am - Belmont, NC
My original surgeon who did my RNY was Michael Melkonian with Carolina Surgical Group. I didn't even bother calling him when I started thinking about a revision because of feeling so ashamed for gaining all the weight back. That is why I contacted Dr. Voellinger's office-plus I heard he does revisions. I'm just scared if he revises my pouch and puts a band on that I won't lose what I need to. I need to lose at least 200 lbs- that is why I'm wanting a revision to a DS.
You mentioned you got revised. How much did you lose after the revision? Did you have any problems with insurance covering it?
on 6/17/09 8:44 am - NC
I lost 50 pounds after revision.  I went in at around 250 and am now right at 200 (2 years later).  If I get back on track, I know I can lose 30 or so more pounds, which puts me at a great weight for my height (5 9).  I don't know if he does revision to DS or not---have you checked his forum on obesity help?  Those tell how many of each type procedure he has done.

At first, I was denied by my insurance (BCBSNC) because THEY (BCBS) used the wrong surgical review policy---they denied me based on the criteria for initial WLS.  When I pointed out there error, I was approved within 1 week.  I don't know who your insurance is with, but you need to go to their main website and print out a copy of their surgical procedure policies.  You will most likely find it under "Surgery for Morbid Obesity."  When you find it, print it out and take it with you to Dr. V's so they can make a copy.  That's what I did.  You'll have to go back through psych consult, nutritional consult, and all that stuff.  But, the good news is that Dr. V has all of those services right there in his office. 

Good luck---let me know how you come out! 
on 6/17/09 10:00 am - Belmont, NC
Thank you for the information. I had no idea he even had a forum on here. I've already checked it out, but nothing specifically stated if he had a done a revision to a DS. My consultation is in 3 weeks, so guess I'll have to wait. Also, thanks for giving me that tip about the insurance. I have United Healthcare. I'll be sure to look on their website for information.
Thanks again.
on 6/16/09 10:43 am
Thank you!!

I was hoping it was possible to do it laparoscopically......(sp?)

Congratulations on all of your weight loss....wishing you well in your fill and losing the rest of your weight!!!

I am in Minnesota....and seeing a surgeon who does revisions.....

SO...will know more on Thursday.,

Thank You,

on 6/18/09 1:11 am, edited 6/18/09 1:11 am - St. George, UT
I have a question for you asumamma1...

Was your original Stapling surgery done lap or open?

The answer to that question often tells the tell as to whether or not you can receive a second surgery via lap or open.

on 6/18/09 1:50 am - NC
My first surgery was OPEN.  I believe whether it is able to be done lap is primarily due to the skill of the surgeon.  (My first surgeon had not been trained in doing the surgery lap).  I knew going in that if he ran into any issues (such as excessive scar tissue), that he would have to do it open, but thankfully he didn't. 
on 6/18/09 4:34 am - St. George, UT
You're absolutely right the surgeons skills and abilities to do lap is first and foremost...But it's difficult for any surgeon regardless of how skilled they are to do a lap revision due to the scar tissue...

More times than most people are aware. A lap surgeon will go in with the intention of doing a surgery lap and then have to revert to an open procedure because more is in there they weren't counting on.

I've had 4 abdominal surgeries. Three of these four being WL Surgery related and one female related and all 4 times it was open. But I did have a lap procedure that could not be finished due to all the scarring.

As I have said many times before. After one major surgery I would much rather have an open procedure so I know my surgeon see's everything and get's it all done at one time...

happy girl
on 6/16/09 12:10 pm
it's possible, but they haven't been successful long term.  I may be an execption for the ReStore procedure as I have kept off 10+ pounds for over a year. You'd be hard pressed to find a doc doing those procedures you mention and I am not even sure if insurance would cover.  You should find a an experienced surgeon and discuss with him/her.

You might find a revision of your RNY isn't as bad as you think

good luck

2003 RNY, 2007 Revision Distal RNY
April 17, 2009 ~ fleur de lis TT w/Muscle Repair, Medial Thigh Lift, Ventral Hernia Repair 



on 6/16/09 12:57 pm
Thank You....."Happy Girl"  !!!

Love that happy!!!

I am seeing a surgeon on Thursday to discuss a revision.....

Thanks a bunch!

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