on 6/17/09 8:26 am
I really wish I could....I need something. I have a class that I am taking for my certification that I can not miss otherwise I would try to be there. It is hard to drive 3 hours each way but I am desperate. I have a Dr. appt. on June 29th so we will see what the Dr. says. In the meantime I am going to try the liquid diet again and up my protein to 200 and see if that helps.
on 6/17/09 1:49 pm - Layton, UT
On June 17, 2009 at 3:26 PM Pacific Time, SheriAZ wrote:
I really wish I could....I need something. I have a class that I am taking for my certification that I can not miss otherwise I would try to be there. It is hard to drive 3 hours each way but I am desperate. I have a Dr. appt. on June 29th so we will see what the Dr. says. In the meantime I am going to try the liquid diet again and up my protein to 200 and see if that helps.
Standard that has always worked for me:

INCREASE:  protein, water, fiber, exercise, vites
DECREASE:  carbs, sugar, salt, cheese,

Pouch rules:  Do NOT drink during the nutrition intake.  Wait at least 30 minutes following your meal to drink and then water load up until the next meal (no sooner than 2 hours).

DS and Erny extras:  Eat full fat and not low fat.  Low fat= sugar and weight gain.  Full fat just travels right on through and often takes some other unwanted stuff with it!

Vites:  Multi twice a day, inositol, zinc, copper, magnesium citrate, sublingual B-12, dry A, dry D, dry D3, dry E, Calcium citrate in the middle of the day (away from other vites), Iron late at night or early in the a.m. with copper and vitamin C (shouldn't be taken near other vites).  Milk thistle capsules, B complex, K and K1.  Protein drinks:  over 200 grams per day.  Protein from food is just recreational as the amount absorbed is questionable.

Hang in there Sheri!  You CAN do it!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 6/17/09 10:52 pm
WOW are all those vitamins in one and where do I get them. I take the B-12 in a shot monthly. The rest I will get this weekend...for sure. I also take Pro-biotics. 4 to 6 a day. I take 35 grams of pre-digested protein every morning with 4 tsp benefiber. I also take 4 tsp benefiber at night. I am certainly screwing up with the liquids and the eating so I will stop that...never really thought about it, I always thought of that as a new pouch only restriction. I stay away from sugar completely and all white carbs. Fruit does not sit well with me. I love salad but it doesn't do well with me either. I am confused with cheese, it has been a staple for me since surgery.  I don't have a problem giving it up. I eat whole wheat crackers and bread in limited amounts only if they are 100%. If its not asking too much would you share with me some specifics of foods that you eat. I tend to wander through the grocery store and never know what to buy anymore. If I am going to drink protein drinks do you know of any that are good? The pre-digested protein is awful but you get alot of bang for your buck 4 tablespoons equals 36 usable grams of protein. Doing that twice a day and I am pretty good. Thanks for your help Joyce.
on 6/18/09 8:09 am - Layton, UT
On June 18, 2009 at 5:52 AM Pacific Time, SheriAZ wrote:
WOW are all those vitamins in one and where do I get them. I take the B-12 in a shot monthly. The rest I will get this weekend...for sure. I also take Pro-biotics. 4 to 6 a day. I take 35 grams of pre-digested protein every morning with 4 tsp benefiber. I also take 4 tsp benefiber at night. I am certainly screwing up with the liquids and the eating so I will stop that...never really thought about it, I always thought of that as a new pouch only restriction. I stay away from sugar completely and all white carbs. Fruit does not sit well with me. I love salad but it doesn't do well with me either. I am confused with cheese, it has been a staple for me since surgery.  I don't have a problem giving it up. I eat whole wheat crackers and bread in limited amounts only if they are 100%. If its not asking too much would you share with me some specifics of foods that you eat. I tend to wander through the grocery store and never know what to buy anymore. If I am going to drink protein drinks do you know of any that are good? The pre-digested protein is awful but you get alot of bang for your buck 4 tablespoons equals 36 usable grams of protein. Doing that twice a day and I am pretty good. Thanks for your help Joyce.
cheese is confusing.  For some, it can slow down the loss because of the low protein/high fat ratio but technically "we" should do fine with it, right?  It's usually very salty too though so I've been told that ditching it for a while can help jump start the weight loss again...probably add it back in once the scale is going the right direction.

Vites?  It's an investment but we are worth it!  It's like, "which organ do we want to do without"?  That's the deal with the importance of taking ALL the vites on the Distal/ERny list!  Don't take any meds in oil form....They zip right through without any absorption!  Get all vites in dry form.

Protein drinks?  I've tried a zillion brands and am at the point with them that I can pretty much drink any of them now and somewhat enjoy them.  If  want to get fancy about it then I can make them into a dessert that is worthy of serving company!  LOL!  My current faves are Nectars (Fuzzy Navel tastes like a Sunny D), Choc Matrix (make into a hot choc with a shot of s/f peppermint syrup), Champion Pure Whey Stack in Banana Scream....Champion Pure Whey Stack in Tropical Sunrise....  I shoot for proteins that are pre-digested whey, around 120 calories per scoop and 23 grams of protein.

My day:
Morning 2 eggs a variety of ways....usually made into a veggie frittata (EVOO and low glycemic veggies like mushrooms, zuchinni, bell peppers, sweet potato)  I sprinkle freshly chopped tomatoes on top after it's done instead of squirting salsa or ketchup.

mid-morning:  protein drink

late morning:  flax seed muffin (like only 1 net carbs and very high in fiber)
tsp of peanut butter

before lunch:  protein drink

lunch:  fish or chicken with some delish recipe.  I buy a small ready to eat salad from Fry's deli and then double the protein on it ...i.e. extra shrimp, hard boiled egg, deli turkey, turkey bacon..

NOTE:  I eat Gluten Free (for 3 months now) and so my grocery list is found on the perimeter of the store:  meats, veggies, corn tortilla, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc..  The corn tortilla is about the only "bread like" thing that I have in my diet.

o.k. so after lunch I wait 30 minute and have  a dessert type protein drink (check recipes on O.H.)

mid afternoon:  nuke turkey bacon, slice of tomatoe, squirt of Miracle Whip and roll in a lettuce leaf

late afaternoon:  tuna salad, or chicken salad, or yogurt or cottage cheese, or corn tortilla with grilled chicken and Tbsp of fresca salsa warmed up.

Supper:  spaghetti squash with meaty spaghetti sauce, or shirataki (tofu) noodles with meaty sauce, grilled meat with baked sweet potato, or grilled fish with big plate of steamed spinach or squash, baked chicken with mashed cream cheese cauliflower, etc.

late evening:  deli meat rolled around a dill pickle or something easy

Bedtime:  hot choc protein drink

I make a lot of low carb and gluten free recipes off of the internet.  A friend read my food journal and said it looked like I was following the Medierannean diet.   sooooo.....maybe look that up?

try and join us at the support group today at 6!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 6/22/09 3:15 pm - Scottsdale, AZ
As always such great information on here and what wonderful support. 

I still have to go have my psych evaulation and make a new appointment with Dr S about the revision.  I'm slightly still scared out of my mind on the risks of revision surgery, not to mention the gas, bloating, etc that comes along with it.

I guess those however can be regulated if I choose the right foods correct?  When is the next revision support group here in Arizona, I really need to find a way to get out to one, no matter which part of the valley so I can ask questions and talk to you all! 

Tochatty (Jennifer) in AZ
Open RNY 07/2000
SW 336, Lowest Weight 185, CW 272
Seeking Revision GBS
on 6/23/09 4:28 am - Layton, UT
On June 22, 2009 at 10:15 PM Pacific Time, tochatty wrote:
As always such great information on here and what wonderful support. 

I still have to go have my psych evaulation and make a new appointment with Dr S about the revision.  I'm slightly still scared out of my mind on the risks of revision surgery, not to mention the gas, bloating, etc that comes along with it.

I guess those however can be regulated if I choose the right foods correct?  When is the next revision support group here in Arizona, I really need to find a way to get out to one, no matter which part of the valley so I can ask questions and talk to you all! 
Hey there friend!
The next Revision/ Highly malabsorptive support group is the 3rd Thursday of July (always the 3rd Thursday) at 6 pm, Tempe St Luke's, Rm 207.

You may want to hit the Chandler support group tonight since there are several revisions that attend the group for chatter and info.

Or....there's a AZ Grads of WLS support group open to all on the 1st Tuesday of every month (next is July 7th) at Bridges St Luke's in Phoenix, 5:30, room next to the big eduation room.

C u soon!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


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