How to mentally prepare for a revision

on 6/1/09 7:48 pm - Triangle, NC
I have a slipped band and will have to have a revision. Since I haven't been as successful as I would have hoped with my band, I've decided (I think) that I"m going to revise to the DS or RNY. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time getting mentally geared up for another surgery. I'm leaning towards getting the DS, but it's going to be a more complicated process (have to change surgeons), longer time line, and I won't know if my insurance will cover it until it goes under medical review by the insurance company.
And frankly, I know that having a second surgery is much more risky and each of these procedures has the potential for serious lifelong consequences (not to mention the risk of death).
I also know that the most important part of being successful is getting my head in the right place, but I'm having a hard time doing that right now while I'm still mourning the loss of my band.
Any words of wisdom?
Kathy H.
on 6/2/09 1:48 am, edited 6/2/09 1:50 am - Kent, WA
I don't know if this will work for you or not, but I researched like a maniac. I have always found that the key to dispel my fear is knowledge, so took a long time... in my case, seven months... to learn as much as I could about all my options.

I immersed myself in the forum boards, here at OH (specifically, the DS, RNY and Revision boards), and I attended seven DS support group meetings, here in Seattle. I also read all I could find on, and scoured the websites of every surgeon on the DS surgeon list to find *more* information. I interviewed (by phone, email and Skpe) five different surgeons, to make sure I was comfortable with my choice.

Did it fully prepare me for the revision? I think it did, with regard to the pre-op fears.

The part I hadn't factored in was the fact that I am twice as old as I was for my first surgery, so the actual recovery has been more difficult than I'd imagined. But heading into surgery, I was confident and sure. Your revision will be different than mine, because taking down your original surgery will be much less complicated than taking down my VBG (an old stomach stapling).

I'm glad to see you're exploring ALL your options... I felt a tremendous relief after learning about the DS.... I had so many serious reservations about the RNY, and I am SO happy with my choice!

the best of luck in whatever you decide.


(edited to correct a typo)

Have you considered the Duodenal Switch? Information is power.

on 6/2/09 8:12 am - Triangle, NC
Thanks for your response! I have been researching like crazy. Part of me just doesn't quite feel as comfortable with the RNY, but the process sure would be a lot easier. Part of me is also a little worried to wait so long. While my slipped band is unfiled right now and my doctor doesn't seem worried, I wonder if I could end up having further complications and need emergency surgery.
on 6/2/09 5:54 am

I was banded in 8/07 and had it removed 10/08.  It took me a good 5 to 6 months before I was ready to put myself back in the game.  First I had lost a lot of confidence in myself and WLS in general.  I think taking some time is a good thing.  In my case I put on some weight after the removal and that helped me make the final decision.  It made me realize that although I didn't choose the right procedure the first time I still was not willing to live at this weight the rest of my life with all the problems that come along with it.  One failed surgery will take it's toll on you emotionally as well as physically so give yourself time and you will know when the time is right for you to move on and if you choose a revision surgery.  Good luck to you Nancy.
on 6/2/09 8:26 am - Triangle, NC
It's great to hear from another former bandster. Your post touches on several of my concerns. I guess you're really right about the feeligs of failure (even though I know that having the band kept me from being even larger since that was the direction I was headed). Also, my surgeon told me to get the RNY in the first place, but I wasn't ready for that step.
While part of me is unsure about this big step now, the other part of me is ready to get something done tomorrow. I KNOW that I'm likely to gain weight with my band completely unfilled. I'm also feeling a sense of urgency. If I decided for sure in the next couple of weeks that RNY was for me, then I'd be able to have my surgery in late July/early August.  Since I'm an educator, this would be ideal. However, since I want to also explore the DS, then that puts me into the late fall/early winter to have anything done which is like an accountant being out at tax season.
Do you mind sharing how you came to decide on the RNY?
on 6/2/09 10:19 am

I was going to have the RNY before but I chickened out at the last minute and chose lap band instead.   About nine months after my lap band surgery my daughter had the RNY through the same surgical team.  Although she had some minor issues in the beginning she's done really well and has dropped almost 150 lbs and feels great in all respects.

So that's basically why I'm having it, the lap band wasn't working the way it should have for me and I more faith in the RNY procedure.  I ended up having bad GERD with the band and that was one of the main reasons it was removed.  I needed that time for myself to decide on a revision.  If I hadn't felt so bad about it before I suppose I would have done one right after the other but I needed to really think about it first.  Anyway good luck to you I know it's not always an easy decision to make.  It's nice to have a place in a forum where revisions can be discussed, it's helped me a lot.  Good luck to you, Nancy.

on 6/2/09 1:54 pm
I'm sorry that the band has not worked for you, I wish we all could be successful in whatever surgery we chose the first time around.
I had an RNY and only lost about 55% of my extra weight and not long after that I started gaining it back. I weighed exactly the same amount when I got my revision to DS as I did when I first had my RNY.  Lots of self-hating and feelings of failure and also depression during those years inbetween when I had the RNY plus I spent a lot of time in the bathroom and I had hypoglycemia.
PLEASE take your time in your decision. Although any revision sucks, it's a lot less risky to go from a Lap Band to a DS than from a RNY to a DS.  I don't mean to sound like there is no possible way a RNY would work, but I see so many people looking for a revision from RNY that it's scary to think someone could possibly need a 3rd surgery down the line.

I'm almost 6 months out and have lost 87 pounds as of today. Bathroom problems have resolved with the DS and I haven't had any reactive hypoglycemia!

I wish you the best with your decision.


RNY 11/00
with starting BMI of 57. Most lost was 52% EWL and BMI of 41.
Gained back every single pound.
Revision to DS 12/08 with starting BMI of 57 (again)
Over 3 years DS post-op, currently BMI of 26.3 
200lbs. gone as of 6/27/10 !!  I'm HALF of the old me as of 10/8/10 !! ONEderland 3/7/11 !!

LadyDi1970 and I are Angel buddies! 

on 6/3/09 7:52 am - TX

My goodness both of your stories are mine all over. I had the band 5 1/2 yrs ago - it slipped 3 yrs ago and I had it re-done. ( First time around I lost 85 lbs) after the 2nd band I stopped losing weight. I gained 5-10 lbs but then went on a protein/liquid diet and lost 20 lbs. As soon as I stopped that "diet" I gained the 20 lbs back plus 8 more. although I was exercising, walking 2 miles day....I just felt like no progress, no weight loss, something was wrong. You just know. So I went in for a fill thinking that must be it. Well guess what "BAND SLIPPAGE" again. 2nd time. This time the Dr Said not matter what the band needs to come out. I was devastated!!!  I can NOT be without a tool....I had WLS because I know my body, I know I need something. My Dr. ( mind you this is a different Dr then the one that did BOTH my other surgeries) I gave up on him listening to me say HELP this is not working anymore for me. Anyways my new Doctor is discussing a revision. I am scared and excited. I want to meet goal weight, I knowI can be successful. I went thru all the same feelings as you all have. Thinking I am a failure, I have even said that out loud to my husband. But My BAND FAILED ME. However the fear is there, What if I dont choose the right Surgery. My Dr has only discussed the RNY and a Sleeve. I weigh 244 - lowest weight has been 210 -oh I forgot to say ALL the Fluid was removed from my band 2 weeks ago, I was having pressure in my chest from the swollen slipped band. That is much better but it is so hard not to eat. I have NO restriction. I feel bloated and fat. I know everyone says READ and RESEARCH and I have done that til sometimes I stress myself out. you know what I mean? I have my endoscopy done on the 9th then I will meet with my Dr and make the decision. I know this is a long Post , but thanks for reading. I guess I needed to vent!

Best of Luck to you all and Gods Speed


May we all become the person we hope to be - may our goals be achieved and our dreams come true

Jerimiah 29:11
on 6/3/09 7:33 am, edited 6/3/09 7:33 am - los angeles, CA
I just wanted to post and let you know you're not alone. I was banded in Feb. 2004 and did great with the band until it slipped and had to be removed in July 2008. Since then I've gained back all of hte weight. Before all of this happened I thought I would have wanted to JUMP into revisional surgery, but I'm feeling much more cautious.

When I had my first surgery I went in thinking "This is it! This is the answer that is going to change my life forever!"  Now I realize that none of the surgeries can guarantee freedom from a lifetime of obesity. At best they are a tool that helps make a lifetime shift. However all procedures have risk and the possibility of weight regain. This doesn't mean that I'm anti-WLS. I still consider it a miracle that these options are available. It's just that I'm more cautious in considering a second procedure.

If I were to have another surgery, I'm considering VSG as I'm not crazy about the idea of malabsorption (strictly a personal preference). However, VSG is still relatively new -- just as the band was relatively new in 2004.

When they removed my band, the surgeon said there is a lot of scarring making a second surgery trickier. Therefore, it feels like I have only one more chance at bariatric surgery. And I'm not sure I want to leap right now. I have a consult with another surgeon this week for a second opinion.

So I'm writing this to just share of my process, too. I don't have any profound wisdom or guidance. But I'm writing this in support for all of us who are considering a second attempt at WLS. It feels like a really different game than the first time around.

Lots of Love to You!
on 6/4/09 9:01 am
I think having a Revisions section is really important as it's a totally different ballgame for most of us.  For some reason even though I gained and loss and gained and loss before the lap band after that failed I felt 10 times worse about myself.  If you get to a point where your surgery isn't working no matter what the reason is and it could be a combination of factors it is a major "loss" and it can take time to feel confident enough to attempt another WLS.  That happened to me and I still am worried about the "what ifs" with my next surgery but I feel a bit more prepared this time.  I feel more prepared emotionally and am more aware of the pitfalls as well as the fact that things can happen with or without my control.  I've joined a support group at my local hosptal and think that also may help me this time.  Good luck to all of us!  Nancy.
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