Was positive on having Lap Band, now thinking RNY--so confused & have surgeon appt....

on 6/1/09 11:48 am - bridgewater, MA
I am just finishing up my hospital's 3-month multidisiciplinary program for weight loss surgery candidates.  I've found the classes, appt.s, etc to be extremely helpful and I'm thrilled that I finally have an appointment with the surgeon.

HOWEVER, I am totally rethinking my choice of Lap Band.  I'm thinking that RNY may be the operation I should have.  I have been making lists of pros and cons of each; I will say I have 125 lbs to lose and would like to lose most of it; I am not afraid of RNY (you know, as afraid as I would be of any major surgery).  I don't know what to do. 

How did you make your decision and what do you think now?  Would you go back and have the Lap Band instead?  

Any help is appreciated.
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 6/1/09 1:19 pm
I hate to make it harder on you, but you should know about all the surgeries, as there are also the sleeve (restriction only, like the band) and the DS (restriction combined with mal-absorption). If you have 125 lbs to lose, I'd look closely at the DS, as it has the best weight loss stats and maintenance of that loss.

The surgeries are quite different, and you should ask question on all the separate boards.
Kathy H.
on 6/2/09 12:54 am - Kent, WA
I agree that you owe it to yourself to consider ALL your options, including the DS.

However, having said that, you need to be aware that if your surgeon doesn't perform the DS, you're likely to get sketchy, inaccurate information about the DS from him or her. Someone on the board a while back likened it to going to the Ford dealership to ask about buying a Honda - there is not motivation for your surgeon to give you positive informaiton on the DS if they don't, themselves, perform the procedure. I don't see your surgeon listed under your photo, so please be aware of that.

I never considered the lap band, because I'd already had a restrictive-only surgery that was very similar to the lap band (I had a VBG... an old "stomach stapling"). I knew too much to think that'd work for me.

I was resigned to the RNY... and I do mean resigned, because I know a lot of RNYers, and although I hated what I saw them going through (sugar dumping, minuscule portions, deprivation, a lifetime of dieting, etc.), I saw it as my only chance. Then someone nudged me into looking into the Duodenal Switch, and I very quickly knew I'd found my answer.

I've NEVER been good at dieting, so there is no reason to think I'd be good at dieting the rest of my life with the RNY. I actually enjoy the communal act of eating a good, satisfying meal with my family and friends, so why would I want to deprive myself of that for the rest of my life?

Finally, I know that at least part of the reason my VBG had failed was because I'd felt deprived of the foods I love, and I was afraid the same thing would happen with the RNY. The DS answered all those concerns, AND will allow me to take my NSAIDs for my arthritis, AND gives me the very best chance, statistically speaking, to keep my excess weight off!!

Do yourself a favor and explore ALL your surgical options, not just the ones you hear the most about, and not just the ones your doctor performs.

And best of luck on your journey, whatever you decide!

Have you considered the Duodenal Switch? Information is power.

on 6/2/09 6:58 am - Rialto, CA
Well I had the lapband and regreted it, bigtime. It such a hit and miss with the band.
Not to mention the complication from having a band around your stomach. I had my
revision to the RNY in Novemeber of 08 and I am so happy with that decision.
I've lost 80+lbs in 6mo, the most I lost with the band was 35lbs. Then I gained it back.
So, look into every option there is. I can only speak on my experience, but I am sure
everyone here will help in anyway to make your decision a little easier.

Good Luck!
Kaiser So Cal
Surgery- revision from LapBAND to RNY 11/28/08
Starting BMI 61.3
Current BMI 46.6
415 lbs  / 403 lbs / 316 lbs  /220 lbs
highest / surgery / current  /   goal

Zee Starrlite
on 6/3/09 1:11 am
Wow, it is too bad no one mentioned the Duodenal Switch w. Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. With higher  BMI's it gives you the best chance of losing and maintaining your weight loss with more eating.  I do hope your RNY continues to work and gets you down to goal.  The Lap Band was not a good idea for you.

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

Kerry J.
on 6/2/09 11:36 am - Santa Clara, UT
Hi M,

I don't know what your situation is, but I had RNY for 28 years and IMO it sucks. I did lose most of my excess weight, but I had to exercise almost every day to maintain and I had to really watch what I ate, it's like being on a diet all the time. Add to that the dumping if you make a mistake and the food getting stuck and the fact that you can't take Ibuprofen. When I couldn't exercise every day, I lost control of my weight and gained it all back. With the DS you have none of these problems or restrictions, I really really love my DS. 

If you want all the dirt and details you can read it all on my profile. But what ever you do decide to do, be sure and do yourself a favor and really check out all your options before you get cut.

on 6/4/09 11:39 pm


Duodenal Switch




Body by God; alterations by Buchwald.  I love Jesus.  I so so so appreciate my DS.

on 6/6/09 8:25 am - Omaha, NE
When I started looking at WLS I was very interested in the Band, BUT I started reading the boards. From what others stated  and the number of revisions, I started seriously consider gastric sleeve.  At one time the sleeve was the first part of a two part surgery for the DS. I am planning on have the sleeve done in the fall.

Good luck,

on 6/7/09 11:11 am - Ottawa, Canada
Revision on 12/10/08 with
Hi there,

I just wanted to give you my input.  I had the band in 2001.  I lost 65lbs, but never felt full, well, then over time i gained back 117lbs.  Needless to say I was very discouraged.  I had an RNY done almost 6 months ago.  I want to lose 200lbs, and I have lost 111lbs.  I think that it is a great options.

Good luck with your decision.!!!  If you have any questions, please PM me.


8 lbs lost before surgery
on 6/9/09 5:38 am - A Town, NJ
I had the band and HATED IT.  I revised to the DS and I am loving life.  I saw way too many posts about people with the RNY needing a revision and they all chose the DS yet I didn't see anyone with the DS seeking a revision.  So the choice was clear for me and I went with the DS.  Here's my recent post about reaching goal. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/3952462/At-Goal-before- and-after-photos/

Revision from Lapband to DS and Had healthy post-op baby, LOVE MY DS!

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