Weight loss after ERNY

(deactivated member)
on 5/24/09 2:18 pm - Phx, AZ

How long should I continue to lose weight after my ERNY?  I'm 6 months out... lost 44 so far... am below goal... getting nervous.........................

on 5/25/09 12:29 am - MI
On May 24, 2009 at 9:18 PM Pacific Time, Lizzie wrote:

How long should I continue to lose weight after my ERNY?  I'm 6 months out... lost 44 so far... am below goal... getting nervous.........................

 Hi Lizzie,

I am 7 months out from my ERNY.  I will loose or maintain, depending on my diet.  If I stick to mostly protein and limited complex carbs I have no problem continuing to drop weight.  However, when I add carbs to my diet my loss immediately comes to a stand still and I am easily able to maintain.  

I am sure this varies from person to person.  Have you tried increasing your carbs and calories?  For the past 2 months I have been fluctuating between the same 3 lbs.  I still have 8 lbs to loose to get to my original personal goal but my hubby and family think that I am thin enough and are worried if I should loose more weight.  So I have been intentually holding at my current weight until I personally decide if I want to change my goal.

I am sorry to hear you still have not been feeling well.   That has to be so tough.....  I hope you feel better soon.

(deactivated member)
on 5/25/09 1:01 am - Phx, AZ
I stick to MOSTLY protein..... I saw the NUT and she said to add complex carbs...veggies/fruits... I had even added beans..... and I am not saying that I do not add other things like protein bars which do have carbs, a few Wheat Thins, etc..... BUT whenever (that is a BIG WHENEVER) I do even this, I get the loose diarrea again.  So I am totally frustrated with WHAT to do.  My body has NEVER been able to tolerate carbs, esp pre-RNY.  I've been tested for Celiac, so that's negative.  I may have to contact the NUT again.

As far as the other, I've been pre-diagnosed with Hemolytic Anemia--my red blood cells are either 1) dying off early, or 2) being destroyed by my body, hence the excessive fatigue and other symptoms (which, coincidentally include the major symptoms I have been suffering from: Gall Bladder and Enlarged Spleen).  The "variety" of the anemia is yet undiagnosed, so the treatment has not begun yet.  I will mostly likely be having the Gall Bladder removed this summer; I have to make the appt w/Dr. S to schedule that after I get my labs drawn.  And if the anemia is one of the versions that necessitate removal of the spleen, I'll have to have that done.  Right now it's just too early to tell. 

Please tell me what carbs you add and how much...I can use ALL the help from a fellow revisioner that I can get.  Thanks so much!
on 5/25/09 8:33 am

Hey Lizzie,

I am sorry you are having such a rough time of it all. I want to ask a nosey question, and you may already know this... but worth a shot.  How did they test you for celiac?  


LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

(deactivated member)
on 5/25/09 9:23 am - Phx, AZ
It's a blood test, I believe
on 5/25/09 5:45 pm


The only true way to test for celiac is a biopsy during an egd! The blood test is not reliable.  You could try going gluton free and just see what happens.

The reason I know this is my sis had the blood test and tested negative, but her Dr. still suspects she  has it and told her she would have to have the biopsy to absolutely rule it out.

I hope you get some relief soon!

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

on 5/26/09 5:15 am - Layton, UT
On May 25, 2009 at 3:33 PM Pacific Time, shele wrote:

Hey Lizzie,

I am sorry you are having such a rough time of it all. I want to ask a nosey question, and you may already know this... but worth a shot.  How did they test you for celiac?  


Hey there Lizzie and Shelle,
Celiac testing is tricky.  Blood testing is usually the first step but false negatives are very common.  There are at least 2 other levels of testing and sometimes those don't even give an accurate diagnosis.  My tests were negative yet Dr. Simpson heard my list of symptoms and said I was definitely "glutten and wheat" intolelrant. ..... that my body reacts as it would if I had a peanut or dairy type of allergy.  He's treated dozens of his post DS'ers with the celiac methods and they've cleared up all kinds of post WLS complications.  My energy was the first thing to improve, then my type of potty moments, my bloating is very rare now and my breath is improving!!  Apparently the breath odor is the last thing to go and may take months of glutten free eating.

You can get all kinds of info at www.celiac.com

It's a rough way to go for those who are normies but for those of us who have been on track with protein and low glycemic fruits and veggies, it's not that big of an adjustment really.  there are days that I am depressed over the entire list of "can not haves" and life seems overwhelming BUT....I've just identiied the foods that work well for me, learned to cook them in a yummy way and repeat it. 

Anyway....that's a long answer to me suggesting that you not rely in a simple negative blood test if you indeed have many of the syjptoms of a celiac.  You may have to be aggressive with the gastro doc to get the other tests......Also, if someone has stopped eating wheat products anyway.....then they won't test positive for celiac.

Hope that helps
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


on 5/25/09 9:58 am - MI
On May 25, 2009 at 8:01 AM Pacific Time, Lizzie wrote:
I stick to MOSTLY protein..... I saw the NUT and she said to add complex carbs...veggies/fruits... I had even added beans..... and I am not saying that I do not add other things like protein bars which do have carbs, a few Wheat Thins, etc..... BUT whenever (that is a BIG WHENEVER) I do even this, I get the loose diarrea again.  So I am totally frustrated with WHAT to do.  My body has NEVER been able to tolerate carbs, esp pre-RNY.  I've been tested for Celiac, so that's negative.  I may have to contact the NUT again.

As far as the other, I've been pre-diagnosed with Hemolytic Anemia--my red blood cells are either 1) dying off early, or 2) being destroyed by my body, hence the excessive fatigue and other symptoms (which, coincidentally include the major symptoms I have been suffering from: Gall Bladder and Enlarged Spleen).  The "variety" of the anemia is yet undiagnosed, so the treatment has not begun yet.  I will mostly likely be having the Gall Bladder removed this summer; I have to make the appt w/Dr. S to schedule that after I get my labs drawn.  And if the anemia is one of the versions that necessitate removal of the spleen, I'll have to have that done.  Right now it's just too early to tell. 

Please tell me what carbs you add and how much...I can use ALL the help from a fellow revisioner that I can get.  Thanks so much!
 At first I started adding "green" veggies like green beans, broccoli etc.  Broccoli tends to cause gas with me though.  Then I started adding things like potatoes, corn and white bread.  Once I started adding these types of things I noticed my weight loss slow right down.  I know white bread is very non value added as far as nutrition goes but, sad to say, it is one of my down falls.    So I allow myself it as long as I am maintaining and within reason.  I probably eat on average about 1 slice a day.    If my weight goes up farther then what I want, it is one of the first things I cut.  I have also allowed myself some simple carbs once in a while and this seems to help me maintain.  I know I will probably get blasted for this....but occasionally I will allow myself some chips, crackers or a desert when celebrating an important event etc.  I am very cautious with most of these types of things because they are triggers for me.  Seems as long as I am mindful of it I can control it better.

Now when I first started adding these things I also had more issues with diarrhea,  this also seemed to stabilize out after my body got use to them again.  I added slowly and not to many different things at the same time so that I could tell what was causing me the issues.  Now I very seldom suffer from diarrhea.  Occasionally I do, but it is usually gone within a day.  My bm's are very soft but not liquid.  Prior to my ERNY I had major issues with constipation.  Enough so that my PCP wanted to operate because he was worried about what it was doing to my system and heart.  So this could be a reason why I don't suffer from diarrhea now.  Not sure.  

One other thing I did at first when I started adding foods that I thought might cause me some problems was to also add benefiber something similar to counter it until my body became use to the new food.  

I know you will have to find your own routine that works for your system.  I hope it becomes easier for you instead of such a challenge.  If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask or PM me.  

on 5/26/09 5:03 am - Layton, UT
On May 25, 2009 at 7:29 AM Pacific Time, mew6495 wrote:
On May 24, 2009 at 9:18 PM Pacific Time, Lizzie wrote:

How long should I continue to lose weight after my ERNY?  I'm 6 months out... lost 44 so far... am below goal... getting nervous.........................

 Hi Lizzie,

I am 7 months out from my ERNY.  I will loose or maintain, depending on my diet.  If I stick to mostly protein and limited complex carbs I have no problem continuing to drop weight.  However, when I add carbs to my diet my loss immediately comes to a stand still and I am easily able to maintain.  

I am sure this varies from person to person.  Have you tried increasing your carbs and calories?  For the past 2 months I have been fluctuating between the same 3 lbs.  I still have 8 lbs to loose to get to my original personal goal but my hubby and family think that I am thin enough and are worried if I should loose more weight.  So I have been intentually holding at my current weight until I personally decide if I want to change my goal.

I am sorry to hear you still have not been feeling well.   That has to be so tough.....  I hope you feel better soon.

Hiya girlfriends!
Me too!  Me Too!!!  ....LOL !  Meaning:  I lost below weight and worried about fizzling away or since I'm in Arizona; is it "melting away"?

when I dipped below 100 on my scale, I was basically eating pure Atkins style so probably would have continued losing....even though my eating way very very healthy and definitely on track!  So, carbs became the breaks for my weight loss...just like MEW.  I added tons of carbs in veggie form first and gained back around 5 pounds, then I added some fruits and gained a couple of more......then when I went glutten free in March, I've actually been able to gain and maintain around 115-117.  I pull back on the carbs when I hit 118 and then add them back in when I go below 115. 

I think many of us have gone our entire lives either losing or gaining and learning how to maintain a number is new territory!  We sabbotage ourselves in a variety of ways and many of us have an "all or nothing" mentality!  So, Lizzie...maybe take some baby steps and keep a food journal.....take note of what increases your weight and make the changes slowly with lots of notes as to how your body reacts.  If you have "planned" additons to your diet then you won't go through the mental torture of feeling like you're "cheating".

Hope you're feeling better soon sweetie pie!  ....  I'm in town for a few days so let me know if you're headed to the East valley for a doc check and maybe I can meet you???


Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


(deactivated member)
on 5/26/09 8:54 am - Phx, AZ
Hey Joyce:

Yeah, this is the PITS...for now, at least.  I have kept a food journal for months now... I don't vary it much during the day, because w/my work schedule, it works for me.  I do very well w/eggs, sausage, cheese (mozz), cheese stix, cottage cheese/yogurt, strawberries, chicken, green beans, carrots, squash, spinach, tomatoes... I mean, I eat all the good stuff.  I try to stay away from the BAD carbs...and do so very well...I'd say 98% of the time.  I have taken virtually everything away and started from scratch, adding other things bits at a time... still the same thing.  Wheat products have been NOT a part of my life on a regular basis for over 4 years (altho before the revision, I could tolerate them better, as well as potatoes, pasta, rice...).  Now, however, NADA. 

I was thinking last night...maybe it's the ELEMENT OF SURPRISE that my body is not liking...every once in awhile I'll have a few Wheat thins, or a piece of wheat toast...but it's like once every couple of weeks...maybe like MEW said, she has this now daily...so maybe I have to work up to a regular diet (within small portion reasonableness) of the stuff.  I love the beans...kidney, pinto, black, red............. and I tolerate them better, but the gas... Switched from GasX to BeanO, and it works better.  Also am taking LactAid every time I eat a dairy item.  I'd say for some things, some things are improving...I don't mean to sound like I am DYING here from the Hershey Squirts............  My main concern is now HOW TO KEEP THE WEIGHT THE SAME...  I liked myself 145-150.  This 138 makes me look skeletal, esp in the arms.

So, that's my story.  At least today's.  I know I'm doing better than 4 months ago...  Thanks so much... I'll PM you......regarding Lunch!!!  I eat lunch EVERY DAY!!!

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