
on 5/15/09 8:14 am

Thank you all for the phenomenal support.  I have received what I feel is a very sincere apology.  In my humble opinion I think that WLS is so HUGE that many of us are taken advantage of which makes us put up our guard and as result we become less trustful.  Many see dollar signs when we walk through the door—but thank goodness that many don’t see dollar signs—they see the person. 


I recall reading about Carnie Wilson in 2000 and being so excited about the possibility of losing the weight without pills or via a liquid diet.  I was on the phen-fen and was scared to death when I read articles about the number of people who became ill. 


I contacted a surgeon who completely did a horrible job in 2001—and I was in surgery for 8 hours.  My husband was so nervous that day.  In fact, my second surgeon said that it was if I had not had a RNY.  My second surgeon did a fantastic job in ‘03.   He and Dr. Feng, in San Francisco, did an awesome job on my son as well.  My son weighed 422 lbs.  He now weighs 196--4 years out without any problems, and he’s having a ball.  Now, my success lasted a wonderful 4+ years.  I was so thrilled and felt that I was my old self.  Then I became ill and had a female surgery, if you will, and the weight gain started.  Oprah said it best…I have multiple sizes in my closet--8, 10, 12, 14 and elastic.  That is so me.  I now wear a 16 but I absolutely refuse to get rid of my clothes.


In January ’08 I began having horrible heartburn.  I tried everything and finally had an EGD and a CT.  My esophageal sphincter muscle opening was huge, and I had a HUGE hernia.  Before surgery that March I was under the impression that I would be converted from a proximal to a distal RNY along with the other “fixes" not so.


Moving forward, I’m reading everything I can on my possible options.  The stats on the RNY to DS are impressive.  But I do not think that’s for me.  Next, based on 2 article’s that I read, a member made them available to the board, I am looking at the ERNY vs. the Band.  I had an EGD yesterday and was told that my pouch and stoma were small.  So, I’m leaning towards the ERNY with a surgeon in Houston.


BTW:  Speaking of Carnie.  I saw her on Oprah and she looks fantastic, and happy.  She’s lost a lot of the weight she regained.  I recall wondering if she’d had the ROSE procedure.  What do you all think?


on 5/15/09 1:37 pm

Just keep on reading, and you will know what to do!

I am glad you have made peace with the peson who offended you. Even though its just a stranger on a message board, it still is upsetting to say the least!  But I think it's good that the peson did appologize!


I really like Carnie! She always seemed so real and genuine. Glad she is doing well!

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

Most Active