Update band over RNY- 10 days post opp

on 5/10/09 11:36 am
Post Date: 5/10/09 6:29 pm
I did get on the scales today for Mothers Day...

I'm 10 days post opp from having lap band over RNY....   I have lost..... Drum roll please....


I'm happy with that...  I'm doing what I should with the fat free yogurts, puddings, egg beaters, etc...  I am hungry but NOT starving!! 

I can't wait to get the band filled for the first time.  I think it will make it a little less tempting to cheat.

At this point I'm glad I had this done... If the band and I keep working together.. I hope to lose another 73lbs to my goal of 175lbs. 

Please pray for me (really)  as it's not easy and just like anyone else... I have life situations that come up that makes me just want to grab the largest piece of chocolate cake I can and eat it.. I think God is testing me on a lot of situations right now and I'm not so sure I'm passing..   :-(  

Thanks everyone..

(deactivated member)
on 5/10/09 11:52 am - San Diego, CA
OMG!  Congratulations!  11 pounds is phenomenal!! (Yes, we round UP in these parts of town..lol).  Keep up the good work!
on 5/18/09 12:29 pm
Thanks Lisa..

Please stay in contact w/ me [email protected].  I want to hear how you do w/ surgery.  Also I will keep you pdated as to how I'm doing once I get my fills done.

So far the hardest thing for me is not drinking w/ my meals.. I'm having a really hard time!  I dont know if I really need to (As I feel lik I'm going to choke to death if I dont)  Or if I'm just playing a big mind game and needing to drink out of habit.

Eithere way... I'm having to work on this...

Take care,

(deactivated member)
on 5/18/09 5:54 am - Menomonee Falls, WI
Hi Jeannie
11 lbs....Wow...sounds like you are on the road...FINALLY.  I was in the Restore trial with you (Millie).  I am still struggling along trying to make the weight come off with the super-stoma.  I just keep gaining.  I give you credit for your courage.  What does the lap band surgery feel like after the RNY?  Is it painful?  Do you ever feel like you've eaten anything?  Keep us posted.  Thanks, Daisy (Millie) 
on 5/18/09 12:26 pm

I'm sorry to hear your still struggling. 

I dont mean to discourage you but the same Dr that did my lap band, was going to do the Rose.  Then of course I found out I was pregnant a week before surgery and could not go through with it.   He, his nurses, and the dietitian have all told me the Rose procedure was a flop around here... They did not have success w/ it and I dint think they are even doing it anymore. I know they used the 2nd rose machine that came out.. The one that was suppose to offer more flexibility once it was in the stomach.  It also allowed more staples.

DONT GIVE UP!   You can still do the band right? 

First I had Aetna Insurance.  (Which I did not have when I was trying to do the Rose)It was very easy to get approve for revision.  Their policy states:
Atna's Clinical Policy Bulletin (CPB) # 157 Obesity Surgery: 

  1. Repeat Bariatric Surgery:
  2. Aetna considers medically necessary surgery to correct complications from bariatric surgery, such as obstruction or stricture.  ( this did not apply to me)
  3. Aetna considers repeat bariatric surgery medically necessary for members whose initial bariatric surgery was medically necessary (i.e., who met medical necessity criteria for their initial bariatric surgery), and who meet either of the following medical necessity criteria:  (Mine was medically necessary because my bmi was over 40)  back then... I think a lot of people forget  when looking into revisions.. that most insurance company's does not require comorbs if the BMI is over 40)
  4. Conversion to a RYGB or BPD/DS may be considered medically necessary for members who have not had adequate success (defined as loss of more than 50 percent of excess body weight) two years following the primary bariatric surgery procedure and the member has been compliant with a prescribed nutrition and exercise program following the procedure; or  ( I could have gotten RYBG OR BPD/DS but chose lap band)
  5. Revision of a primary bariatric surgery procedure that has failed due to dilation of the gastric pouch is considered medically necessary if the primary procedure was successful in inducing weight loss prior to the pouch dilation, and the member has been compliant with a prescribed nutrition and exercise program following the procedure. (This was the requirement that got me approved.  This is the one that will get a lot of people approved as most of the revisions are needed due to pouch dialation)

    If AETNA did not approve me... I was ready to go to court because I met all of the requirements above.  Koodo's to them for not being Aholes like a lot of the other insurance companies and making it impossible to get revision surgery.  Most require Comorbs... however for many of us... The Comorbs went away when the weight was lost the first time.

    I really lucked out because the job I started in December gave me medical insurance from day one... 

    Now to answer your question... The band was not painful just a little uncomfortable.  On a scale 1-10.... I rank my worse pain at a 5...   It was NOTHING like the bypass.  It did hurt a little when I sipped my first little cup of water.  It was weird because most of my pain was in my right ovary.  So, when I woke up.. Just for a second, I though they did the wrong surgery... lol

    I think if ANYONE has this surgery... you may want to give yourself a good week before returning to work or doing anything too strenuous... I know people say you can go back to work in 3 days... But I was very weak and wanted to sleep A LOT... I had 11 days off total.  I had surgery on a thurs... took Thurs/Fri and all that next week off.  I wanted as many weekends as I could fit in. 

    You still have to diet.... actually it's not diet.. it's making the decision to eat the right way at every meal... I felt restriction for about a week after surgery (because of swelling) ... then I didnt feel it anymore.  I was afraid that I may have messed it up already as I had been lifting my 21 lb baby.. But the Dr. said that was normal... Because my band was not filled as of yet...  Then just this past week... I've really not had much of an appetite...  I go for my first fill on 5/28...  I will be curious to see how much restriction I have. 


    Should you want to contact me directly... My email address is [email protected].. Good luck!


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