Help! Problems after 12 years RNY

on 5/1/09 10:09 pm
Pleae help!  I have been coughing really hard for 2 months, gained 20 lbs in 6 months and not dumping any more after 12 years,..  I kept 80% of my lost weight off for 10+ years but now someting is wrong.  After 2 rounds of antibiotic for respiratory problems misdiagnosed, I have been diagnosed with Silent Reflux.  I'm scheduled for a Barium Swallow this week to look further.  My stomach was totally severed and stapled in 1997. If I need surgery to fix somthing that has gone wrong I would also like to be revised to start losing weight again.  My original surgeon is retired now, but says I am not a candidate for lapband over RNY but don't understand why.  Also, I have UHC insurance with no Bariatric coverage. If I need surgery now because of a problem to stop the reflux, etc.  would insurance pay since it is related to previous Bariatic surgery.
on 5/2/09 11:06 pm

I'm sorry I don't know the answers to you insurance problems, but do you by any chance take high blood pressure meds?

Hope you find some answers and relief!

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

on 5/2/09 11:42 pm
No Blood Pressure meds!  Thanks!
on 5/3/09 12:04 am - Norwich, CT
I had stomach stapling in 1982 and had a lap band placed over my old stapling in 12/08.  I would find out exactly why your MD said you wouldn't be a candidate because it is being done more and more.
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 5/3/09 12:27 am - West warwick, RI
 Hi. I also looked into having a band over RNY.  My doc said I was not a candidate because my stomach was severed and there is not enough room to place the band, it woulod be too close to the valve.  He said it would cause severe and chronic heart burn.  I think some people didnt have their stomachs totally severed just seperated by a series of staple lines.  Good luck!

on 5/4/09 12:22 am - St. George, UT
I'm not sure who your physician is but honestly many Surgeons don't like getting involved with complicated cases. What qualifies one as a complicated case? Any WLS Patient can for some surgeons be complicated cases.

You need a revision specialist...Doesn't sound like your Dr. is...There are many specialists on this board. It takes a lot of time investigating and searching. If you read back through the threads you will find many dr.s more than willing to take on Band over RNY...But it's not always the best way to go. There are other options. Several as a matter of fact.

Here are some just to name a few:

RNY to DS - Gives Metabolic and Malabsorption
RNY to ERNY-Gives More Malabsorption
Vergito-New Procedure that Dr. Husted Does...Not sure how it works
RNY to Sleeve-Metabolic only
RNY to Band
RNY to RNY-Fixes Pouch and Stoma

Check all of these options out....You will be glad you did. There are way to many people on this board who are going to a what they thought was going to be a successful revision only to find out it's not

Good Luck in your research...Please feel free to ask more questions.

on 5/4/09 12:45 am
Thanks for you help.  I am scheduled for a Barium Swallow tomorrow 5/5 to see what's going on.  I have UHC insurance with Bariatric exclusion.  I feel like the insurance will cover a hiatal hernia repair which is what I think part of my problem is.  I would like to be revised at the same time to kill 2 birds with one stone but don't know quite how to approach it with insurance company.  Do I ask them striaght up  and risk them not paying for the hiatal hernia repair because it's bariatric related?  Or do I just keep my mouth shut and cash pay the additional time needed for the revision and have the insurance pay for the majority of the costs?
Thank you for the Options for Revision that you have outlined.  I think that I would like to go RNY to DS.  It seems to be the best choice as far as weight loss results and not needing to be revised as often as RNY.  I would never consider a band over.  Several members of my family are banded and it's way too much maintenance and aggravation for me.  I am not sure if a Dr. would do DS on me since I need to lose 45 lbs to be at goal.  I already have to take B-12 shots by-monthly.  I have always been on Iron and vitimans daily.  I wonder if it could get worse with DS.  I am fine if I take my stuff, but if I don't I am in trouble.  I have heard great things about Dr. Ungson.  I would probably go to MX.  I have no fear of out of country surgery. Done it with plastics several times and very happy.  US is a huge waste of money if you are a cash payer in my opinion.
on 5/4/09 1:15 am - St. George, UT

Well if you only need to lose 45 lbs, I'm not even sure you would be a candidate for would really have to check that out with a Revision Surgeon. Dr. Husted is an excellent choice for that. I would give him a call he is in Kentucky. You can find him on this site.

There is the ERNY choice and seems would be a good one except for your Deficiency issues would be more at risk but that would also be the case with DS as they add additional malabsorption.

I chose ERNY because I am only trying to lose about 60-65 lbs. And that seems to be about the amount people lose with it. Many have lost more and some less. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me and we can talk.

on 5/4/09 7:04 pm
 Janie, have you read or heard about anyone going from RNY to a "stand-alone" sleeve procedure?  How successful was it?   

I have never heard of anyone doing this, not even in a research study. 

Hey, and good luck with your upcoming surgery!  You REALLY have done your homework!  LOL 
on 5/5/09 1:05 am - St. George, UT
I have Stacy's Mom and I'm trying to remember where and whom it was...I'll do some checking and try to get back to you....Wait a minute....I do remember.

I believe what they did was take down the RNY pouch just as they would the 1st part of a DS Revision then sleeve and transect the stomach and their you have it....Actually come to think of it I believe they are discussing this on one of the threads from this past week. And the problem with it, this is part of their discussion...Is they actually lost the majority of their restriction because in actuality their little pouch is smaller than their new transected stomach. And, they can eat much, much more than they ever did.

They did not receive the malabsorptive portion of the procedure therefore....loss due to liquid diet, but now they don't seem to be losing. And, I'm also not sure what they did with that bypassed portion of intestines that goes directly to the pouch. I suppose they just reattach just like they did before surgery.

I'll see if I can come up with the names of the folks.

That is, if I totally interpretted correctly what they said their procedure was.

Thanks for the good wishes....I'll need them everyone!

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