Realize Band to VSG Revision LOSING SLOW!!

on 5/1/09 7:43 am, edited 5/1/09 7:46 am - St. George, UT
Miss Diva:

If you were approved for a DS...Then by gosh I would find out what the insurance paid the Dr. for because if they paid the price of a DS. I'd tell him to schedule my malabsorptive portion of the procedure. If you only paid for a restrictive procedure only with the sleeve then maybe you might want to hunt another physician to do the other portion.

But, truly I would give it some time. These things don't happen overnight and it hasn't really been that long since you had surgery and frankly 25 lbs since Apr 18th is pretty darned good.

I would PM MWG (midwesterngirl) about her experiences going from Band to Sleeve...She has had success with it and would have a really good take on what you can expect on how you should be progressing.

Good Luck,

on 5/2/09 4:00 am - GA
HI Diva,

Your profile says you had your sleeve on April 18th. Is that so? NO offense, whether it be 6 weeks ago or 2 weeks ago, your weight loss is stellar. Your doctor is a fruitcake. Stick to the protocol and eat your protein first 2-3 ounces, drink a lot of water and take your vitamins. You are doing just fine. YOu never mentioned why you had your band taken out so soon. 50 lbs in 5 months is great for the band. Did you have mechanical problems with the band or compliance issues? IF it were the latter, another restrictive procedure requires the same diligence as the band did. I wouldnt panic with a 3 lb weight gain. I gain 3 pounds in one day sometimes depending on what I ate, sodium intake etc.. If you are doing the right things, it will come off again. I recommend you track calories too as well at protein. Try to get 50-60 grams of protein in if you can.




Christina N.
on 5/2/09 8:42 am - Houston, TX
Revision on 03/18/09 with
Oops! Sorry Everyone, but I accidentally had written I had the Sleeve Procedure on April 18th but really meant March 18th. Its been 6 weeks now, and I've lost 25 lbs.

I had the band taken off for a few reasons, I had horrible acid reflux, ulcers, a lot of pain from the port, I did not lose any more weight after I had 50 lbs (so for 3 months I was at a stall), and I also had stomach cancer. The doctor recommend the sleeve to reduce of the cancer coming back again plus help me lose weight, and reduce the acid reflux and ulcers.

Thanks so much for all of ya'lls advice. I really appreciate it.

PS, Since I've started working out again this week, I'm down 2 more lbs!! 

(LOST 50 LBS w/ Realize Band prior to Gastric Sleeve)
Lori G.
on 5/3/09 9:42 pm - CA
Aloha Chrissy-
First off, yes, revisions lose slower. Fact of life.
Second- I'm sorry but I don't see 25 lbs lost on 6 weeks as ALL! With 180+ lbs to lose as a virgin WLS, I was told to expect 10-20 lbs per month. You have less than that to lose and have hit those numbers just fine. I did lose rapidly- 15-29 lbs/month  the first 6 months, goal in under 10 months- but your number are exceptional for a revision with less to lose.
Third- crackers? Any way to cut them out? I ate a few Wasa crispbreads at about 3 months out - at over 10 months out I still have the original box I bought. You need more protein (minimum 60 g/day), more water ( 64+ oz per day) and fewer refined carbs (takes up room in your sleeve that should be going to protein, slows your loss during this honeymoon phase). I do eat the occassional AkMok- again, a box has  lasted me 6 months- but not until I've hit my protein. If you eat insufficient protein, you will lose muscle mass. Not a good thing- up that protein! I am lifting weights and working out 6-7 days per week, and shoot for 100g+ protein per day.
Fourth- exercise- current recommendation for weight loss is 300 mins per week. That's 60 minutes a day 5 days a week ( or 45 minutes EVERY day). ise_guidelines_for_weight_loss

Keep it up, you are doing GREAT! XOLori

on 5/4/09 3:08 am
I would most likely get the second part of the DS done very soon, before your metabolism is completely shot from low calories, and the rest of the Ds may not help much later on.
If your insurance will cover it, you should have gotten it.
Can you go now and get the rest done? Your surgeon may not even do a DS, the reason he didn't explain EXACTLY what he put in to the insurance for approval.  Why weren't you told what he got your approval for before he did the surgery?
If he didn't intend for you to have the DS ever, then he shouldn't have coded for it  in to the insurance for it..
Best wishes.
on 5/4/09 6:41 pm, edited 5/4/09 6:44 pm
 IMHO, you are doing very well with your weight loss.     I'll bet that your doctor got you approved for the DS "just in case" the sleeve isn't as effective as he expects it to be.   Because you did so well with the lapband (50 lbs in 5 months!), perhaps he feels you don't  need the malabsorption which comes with the DS and that's why he didn't do the full surgery at one time?  

You do lose the synergistic effect of having the full DS all at once.    And, you would need to be "put under" again for the intestinal part of the procedure, if you find that you need it.   Any time you go under general anesthesia, it is a risk.  I wonder why he just didn't give you the DS to begin with;  before the lapband even?

If you want to find those who have gone through many different WLS and ended up with the DS, it is best to post this question on the DS forum.         

I read on your doc's OH profile that he does indeed perform the DS, although he hasn't done very many of them.   And, his OH profile says that he's done 400 revisions, including many laparoscopic ones.  From his profile, it seems as though he knows what he is doing.   Getting pre-approval is a good thing, but it would be disconcerting (and unethical) for him to have actually billed your insurance company    for the full DS procedure, while only performing the less expensive,  stand-alone "sleeve" ......     

SIDE NOTE TO LORI G:  You're lookin' good girl!    In your "hot" thrift shop dress!!    And, my arms are improving!   Thanks for the tips!  I hope they look like those "guns" of yours in a few months!!  

Lori G.
on 5/7/09 8:02 pm - CA
Side note back to Stacy'sMom- SUper! Amazing how quick it can be- all of a sudden there are muscles popping out! Keep it up! XoLori

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