Problems w/ Band.....So Now What???

on 4/20/09 3:38 pm, edited 4/20/09 3:40 pm - cedar park, TX
 My band slipped also so the doctor unfilled it and it took 8 months between slow doctors and insurance before I got a RNY. I gained over 30# in that 8 months and that was with dieting. With my lapband I never lost a lot of weight. It had slipped about 6 months out so I resorted to eating soft, easy foods which were higher in calories. 

See how you do during the month you are unfilled as far as keeping your weight off. Some people are lucky and their goes back to normal and they don't need their band removed. If you do get your band out, getting the RNY is not much more invasive as far as pain and recovery time. The most painful site was where my port was, which hurt most of the time I had it in. 

I think if you needed your band to lose the weight in the first place then you will need something in place to keep the weight off. If we could of did it on our own, we would not of gotten the band in the first place. Hope this helps. 

Zee Starrlite
on 4/21/09 12:53 am, edited 4/21/09 1:03 am
Ummmmmmmm  SORRY, you are kidding yourself  . . .  well if it were me that would be a joke cause I just love to eat and I eat too much "healthy foods".  I get terribly hungry with no restriction.  Also, you'll notice anything you eat initially with a complete unfill seems to stick right to your body.  It is the cruelest joke.  It is like the fat cells say Oh **** the bands unfilled - now is our chance to "blow up".  BUT the good news is that with lots self-control - with a program like WW, we can level the weight gain during and extended unrestricted period off  to about 10-20lbs.

I've experienced esophageal dilation and was unfilled for about 2mos.  I was planning a revision (1 denial (VSG) & an outside appeal pending) as my band had never truly worked for me.  I was 3 years out with no true success to speak of - I never had restriction and when  I did, I had to remove saline immediately (coughing, choking, reflux in the middle of the night) - this went back and forth, back and forth - unfill, refill, unfill, refill, unfill, refill.
In my absolute desperation during my appeal/unfill/troubles, I went back to Weigh****chers.  I surrendered all (this was early February 2008).  I kept reading a dieters prayer book morning and evening during my commute.  I told my doc, lets try a fill this last time - he was always willing to help me, always incredibly supportive.  We inched along the same as we had before BUT this time, it worked.  It friggen worked.  Yeah WW help me be accountable and the support is amazing.  I lost 66lbs in 2008 and I continue to lose.  My LB works beautifully now.

Don't give up.  See what happens with this unfill.  Remember that only 2-5% who lose weight with dieting and very diligent exercise alone keep their weight off - that is why we got WLS in the first place right?  I am not saying that it isn't possible to keep the weight off, to be one of those 2-5% that keeps it off BUT it is consistent monitoring of your intake and exercising DAILY.  You can do that.  I feel like I am doing that now, but my band reminds me, helps me out tremendously AND sometimes it doesn't even seem like enough.  I hold onto every single thing that I can to keep on the right path.

I think you probably can keep your band - don't be so quick to give it up.  We are never cured.  You may not realize how much it has helped you???  If you can't keep your band, you may want to SERIOUSLY consider a revision.

Good Luck,

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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