My revision is Monday, 20 April!

on 4/15/09 12:07 pm
Hi all,
First post for me here.  I need a revision as I have been at a standstill since 2002.  I started out at 375 and I am down to 270 now.  I have a degenerative hip disorder that is causing me to lose the ability to walk and I will need a hip replacement very soon. So I need to get the weight off so that my new hips I need will last longer.  My RNY doc will do the revision on Monday, 20 April 09.  He will make the stoma smaller as it has stretched. He is also going to divide the pouch completely from my old stomach as the first RNY I had just has a staple line separating the two. He might also make my pouch a little smaller than it is now.  Does anyone have any ideas about the weightloss with this type of revision?  I am really excited because I really have a lot of pain in my hips and legs and looks forward to getting some of the relief/pressure off of them :-)

Thanks for any help!

Carmen in Louisiana
on 4/15/09 11:45 pm - St. George, UT
Hi Carvelo:

It sounds like to me your first surgery was more like a Gastric Stapling not Bypass, I may be wrong here but, I would imagine you could expect to lose quite a bit of weight if you were to regain all your restriction back. Did they talk with you at all about shortening the common channel or taking you from Proximal to Distal. To add some malabsorption along with the metabolic revision could really increase your weight loss. But there are some disadvatages to it as well.

Talk with your Dr. he could probably tell you more about it.

Good Luck.

on 4/16/09 2:21 pm
Thanks for the info Janie.  The 1st surgury I had was the RNY, they bypassed  intestine and created the pouch, but didn't divide the pouche away from the old stomach. Just added a staple line.   I dont remember if the doc will take more intestine with the revision, but he will make the stoma smaller and the pouch as well.  I will ask about shortening the chanel when I get there on Monday. It's weird, I had a mental block, LOL when they asked me if I had more qurstions, I did not think of that to ask!  I really need to finish losing for my hips though. I hope that it happens.

Thanks again,

Carmen :-)
on 4/17/09 7:32 am - OH
I had an RNY 14 years ago where they just stapled my stomach instead of removing it- and Thank-God they didn't! I am having a revision on APril 20th RNY to a VSG- I have had lots of physical problems stemming from my RNY- I am excited to be having this revision.
Ask your Dr to not remove our stomach completely unless you are sure this RNY will be the trick.
I would never have another RNY- the VSG is a much smarter choice for me.

Why do you have pain? arthritis? Neuropathy?
How are your vitamin levels? Have you had trouble with deficiency?

Men usually have much better luck with the RNY than women. My father and brothers have been at healthy weights for years after theirs- my sister and I have both had many physical problems and weight gain long term.

Good Luck to you!
Strawberry Says, "Take your vitamins Today and be Thankfull Tomorrow!"  
on 4/17/09 11:25 am
Hi and thanks for the reply.  I have Avascular necrosis of both hips.  Basically, it means that for whatever reason, the vessels going to my hips lost blood supply over the years without me knowing and now I have no cartlidge in either hip.  Very painfull and needing a total hip replacement.  I think the additional weightloss will help with all of the pressure on my hips until I can get the hips replaced.  The Avascular necrosis is very rare an usually effects peple with sicle cell, lupus, alcholics or chronic steroid users.  I have none of these and fall into a small group of people that the docs can find no reason why it happened.  I think carrying the majority of weight on my hips caused it, but the docs say not likely.  Anyway, I wish u very much luck with your RNY on the 20th as well.  You will do great too! I have had no other probs with the RNY other than the limited/contiuned weightloss and no can not exercise due to my hips.  So, I really hope I get a good result too.

Take care of u!

on 4/19/09 10:17 am - OH
 Best of luck to you... I am sure both of us will be happy and healthy in no time!
Take care!
Strawberry Says, "Take your vitamins Today and be Thankfull Tomorrow!"  
Kathy H.
on 4/19/09 10:56 am - Kent, WA


First of all, congrats on losing 105 pounds! Fantastic!

I wonder if you've considered a revision to a duodenal switch? It sounds as if your metabolism is particularly stubborn, and you may well benefit from a more malabsorptive surgery. I encourage you to do some research ... especially if you're concerned about not reaching goal.

There is a lot of research out there that supports the thought that the DS is far superior when revising form other weight loss surgeries. I've seen it referred to as "the Bazooka of weight loss surgeries" which makes me laugh, but I understand what they're getting at.

The DS has superior statistics with regard to co-morbidity resolution, long-term (sustainable) weight loss and ... in my opinion ... offers a better quality of life, post-op, because you're able to eat more normally than with some of the other surgeries.

If you're interested in knowing more about the DS, please post some questions on the DS board. There are a few sites that might also be helpful, which I'll post below. You might also contact Dr Husted. He's here on OH. If your surgeon doesn't perform the DS, he may end up giving you misinformation regarding its effectiveness.

Two research papers that will give you some information on revisions:

A site maintained by an OH member with the DS that is a good reference:

Dr Husted's profile:
Have you considered the Duodenal Switch? Information is power.

on 4/19/09 11:57 am
Hi Kathy and thanks for all the great info.  My doc does do the DS, but did not offer it to me when I initially went to him.  I am not sure why.  After my EGD,  told me that my pouch is still small, but my stoma is very large(He said you could drive a truck through it, LOL)  So, I assumed he knew what the best plan was for me.  He sais he will make the stomas smaller and maybe the pouch a little smaller if needed.  My original surgeon did not divide the pouch completely from my old stomach, just a staple line, so I believe that this surgeon will divide it completely.  You are right, I do have a slow metabolisim, and hope that I can get to goal with this surgery :-)  I wish u the best of luck as well and happy losing!!

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