Open revision surgery vs laprascopic revision surgery
Well my surgeon said he would try to do it laposcopically but the "x" factor was adheshions from the prior surgery [ I had a stomach stapling in 1987]. and if the adhesions were bad then the lap would have to turn into an open. My honest thought on the subject is: i trust you doc - you have a lot of experience and I want you to do what you feel most comfortable doing in revising me.
You and I have the same mechanical failure issue plus I had mesh embedded in my stomach from the band...well, I woke up after surgery and saw I ended up with an open thats how I knew it didn't happen lap. It wasnt any big deal to me. I already had the scar - and actually this one healed up better than the other Actually, open surgery doesn't take as long to perform as lap...less time under anesthesia.
I am six weeks out. I was in the hospital for 2 days. I took about 3.5 weeks off from work. I took pain meds almost 2 weeks and then I realized I didn't need them any more. and I wanted to be able to drive. I never had lap surgery so I can't compare but the gas pains hurt more than anything else and those took about a week to calm down. [well, to be fair the morphine pump day one and two took care of the incision pain and all I had was tylenol w/ codiene after that.
. I lost a little sleep at first until I felt comfortable laying down flat - now that took close to 3 weeks - I spent a fair amount of time in our barco lounger at first.
I have no pain now but for some soreness if I really overdo it or try to pick up something too heavy. I'm blessed - no complications to date and 30 pounds down.
adventageous to have an open surgery. Good Luck. Janice