My Three Year Surgery Anniversary With Revision To Lap-Band

(deactivated member)
on 4/14/09 12:40 pm - Brampton, Canada
Cross post from the Ontario forum where I posted about my revision to Lap-Band three years ago from my VBG twenty two years ago.

In my opinion weight loss surgery can be amazing in helping us deal with our morbid obesity but it is not a cure for the dysfunctional relationship  most of us have had with food.

Honestly, I became morbidly obese not due to a slow metabolism, my genes, etc. but due to using food to self medicate.   Food is my drug of  choice to deal with my chronic lifetime depression, past traumas and a multitude of other issues.  That's why I think it is important not to kid ourselves that weight loss surgery is the perfect solution and that if we reach goal we will be cured. 

Let's set realistic expectations, none of my normal size friends and family  that have not had a weight issue eat the  way that I did and sometimes still want to.   Yes, they enjoy food but it never took centre stage in their life where as it always did in mine since reaching adulthood. 

This is my second time in over twenty two years in having had weight loss surgery and losing over 100% of my excess weight.   This week I will celebrate my three years of having had my revision to lap-band and am into my second year of maintaining being at goal and grateful for it.  I love that the band has been an important resource in losing over 130 lbs. and keeping it off but no surgery offers a free ride.

The battle continues and probably always will in trying to cope with not allowing food to be overly  dominant in my life.   The weight loss surgery is an awesome tool but it truly is not a miracle cure especially after the first few years out.   In my  opinion  if we kid ourselves into thinking it is  we'll never long term out effectively handle the underlying food addiction that at times controls most of us.

Weight loss surgery will help to empower us to deal with our physical body but there is more work to do.     Just as importantly we all need to find ways to cope with our underlying emotional triggers and issues in order to maintain healthier psyches over the long term because we are definitely worth it. 

on 4/14/09 7:44 pm - Norwich, CT
Excellent post...thank you!  I am also a revision TO a lap band and hope to have half the success you have!

 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


(deactivated member)
on 4/14/09 10:22 pm - Brampton, Canada
Hi Sue, thanks for the kind words, I'm sure you'll do fine!
on 5/5/09 8:53 am - Arlington, TX

Never truer words have been spoken.

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