WLS, failure and shame

on 4/14/09 8:12 am


Your weight regain is not uncommon and though that may not feel like a good reason NOT to beat yourself up, it may help you acknowledge yourself in a different way. 

You are not alone and you're reaching out for help.. I believe you will receive it.

Be better,

Coach Roz
Beat Weight Regain with 'ROSE'
OH Group Leaders - join today!

on 4/14/09 5:56 pm - OH

thank you .... I'm going to tell myself that every day.

"I am not alone and I'm reacing out for help, I beleive I can receive it."


"Mom, in our house every day is Autism Awareness Day"
~my 9 year old w/ ASD
on 4/14/09 7:48 pm - Norwich, CT
I had a gastric stapling in 1982 and gained back all my weight.  In 12/08 I had a lap band placed over my old stapling...have lost about 26 lbs...very slow, but I'm ok with that.

Just another option for you to consider.

 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 4/17/09 8:02 am - OH
 I am ashamed and embarassed too. I went through a serious, life altering surgical procedure for one main goal (be healthy). Didn't end up that way 14 years later.
 I am a failure- my surgery was a failure- No one could ever convince me otherwise.
One good thing is, I am a fighter. Although I have been very sick the past 4 years with severe deficiencies, I knew I would find a way to start over again. Revision is that stepping stone for me.
Now that I have a better support team here at home this time, and that I am feeling 100% better after a year of vitamin therapies I am ready to try again.
 RNY wasn't the best choice for me. I am hoping that VSG gives me a WLS that will work better for me. Most important is finding a DR who can diferentiate what will work for u as an individual.

Good Luck to you... I feel everyday what you feel. I hope that both of us overcome it.
Strawberry Says, "Take your vitamins Today and be Thankfull Tomorrow!"  
on 4/17/09 10:17 pm - OH

Thank you so much for understanding .... and I'm sorry you feel the same way too. 
Did you happen to have your RNY in Akron?  I see that your from the same area that I am.  The doc that did my surgery in Akron is no longer there.  I have often wondered, since, I was one of the first ppl that he did (I didn't know that at the time) that maybe some of it had to do w/ his not knowing what he was doing.  I know that I didn't have good follow up care.

I also have been sick for the past few years w/ severe deficiencies, It looks like I'll have iron infusions for the rest of my life. Revision or not.

on 4/18/09 2:07 pm
Hi there, 
        I was just wondering did you have RNY? Or Stomach Stapling? I don't know how they did it 13 years ago when you had your surgery. 

          If you had stomach stapling, your staple line could have come opened. Mine did, that is why I'm having a revision a week from this Monday. I had my surgery Feb 4TH 1992, 17 years ago...

         I Thank God I did not gain almost all my weight back. I never lost all I needed to lose...but i did lose almost a 180 pounds. I was very compliant! I did not drink soda and or eat any junk for almost 13 years. I also did not drink with my meals or drink one hour before and one hour after a meal. If I had soup I drink not have the liquid part when I ate it. I considered it drinking too. So see even if you were also compliant it is not your fault!

      I gained 40-43 pounds. But now I lost 15 of that. I'm started my 2 week pre liquid diet this past Monday. It is not fun for sure!! I have 5 more weeks of this diet! Then onto puree for 4 weeks..The 9Th week after surgery I can start eating regular foods in very tiny amounts and very slowly...

     I wish you all the best, I'm sure things will go well for you too. Alizka

 1st goal to be under 200. Done!  2nd goal to be just obese. Third goal is to be under 170 by Thanksgiving 2009. I Pray I can make it. I know the Lord will help me through this.  

on 4/18/09 5:14 pm - OH

I had RNY, I was tested last week and they found that I have a dialated stoma.  The doc said that my stoma is 4X or more than what it should be.

Good luck! :) I hope your surgery goes well.

About being compliant ... well, not exactly, but yet, very much so.  The problem is, I followed the directions, but I was given little direction.  I didn't know about the not drinking w/ meals for over 5 years, and I had dumping syd. but thought I was having anxiety attacks. I never even heard of dumping syd. until 9 or so years after my surgery. 

on 4/19/09 4:39 am
       I'm so sorry to hear you were not giving the no drinking rules!! That sounds so crazy to me!!  Because every single person I spoke to years down the road were told this...That was the major part of the program. I'm talking people from different states even. That sounds so crazy not being told it!!
      When I had my surgery in 1992 there was no support what so ever! You saw the surgeon maybe 3 times a year the first year out, then once a year there after, until your 4TH year out.
      I was lucky to be able to any type of normal  food even at 3 years out! Everything I ate I throw up! At times I thought I'd died! So there was no way I could have drank and ate even if I wanted too. my surgeon made it look like I would If i did it! So to me it was out of the question!!!                                             
      I lived on very mushy and soft foods..for about 4 years after surgery. Milk and Ice cream I thought would kill me for so long afterward!
      I lost most of my hair! But that was not the worse part of it. I also lost nine of my back teeth.     and I still have several very bad teeth that need to be pulled. I have 2 back teeth only! And they are going soon too. I have 4 caps too.
      T o be honest with you, the part that scares me the most Is losing more teeth!!! But since I have not heard much about that maybe I'll be fine.
      Thank you so much for the well wishes..That is kind of you. I will say a Prayer for you. My heart is so sad for you, that you were not given the right tools to follow after your surgery. I'm sure you will do very well this time as you have support here on OH. God Bless you. Alizka

 1st goal to be under 200. Done!  2nd goal to be just obese. Third goal is to be under 170 by Thanksgiving 2009. I Pray I can make it. I know the Lord will help me through this.  

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