I cannot believe some of the negative energy that flies around on this forum!

on 4/8/09 5:28 am - NH
On April 8, 2009 at 8:42 AM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On April 8, 2009 at 8:33 AM Pacific Time, Fatfreedom wrote:
On April 8, 2009 at 8:16 AM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On April 7, 2009 at 10:09 PM Pacific Time, Fatfreedom wrote:
Ladies, you are making incorrect assumptions, but that is ok.

I have spoken to people who have had success and those who have not.  I know it is 100% controversial, and the majority of the people it does not work for.  My head is not in the clouds, and I am not just looking for the answer to my prayers-which, by the way, if this procedure did work it would be a tool I'd need to work myself, not an answer to my prayers.  There is truly NO procedure out there that does not require the dedictaion of lifestyle changes for success.  I am very well aware of this.

My issue is the Nazi-like answers I receive.  Just shot down with no grace.  It makes you feel terrible.  You should try to think about the tone of your responses, and ask yourself if you would answer in the same tone if you were face to face with the person on the other side of the monitor.

Anyways, I am speaking with my surgeon Thursday.  I'll see what he says (he is not the one who performs the procedure).

If folks are posting here it is because they needed a revision.  Some regained, some the original procedure never worked to begin with, some had severe side effects from the surgery requiring a revision.  We KNOW how you feel.  We read the boards, we see trends, we see paid posters pushing a doc or a procedure.  There was a person posting a long time ago praising your procedure and how well it worked and she was thrilled to death with it.  Guess what?  That person turned out to be an employee for the doctor that she was pushing and she never even HAD the procedure done as she claimed.

Nobody here has attacked you, nobody has insulted you.  They told you their honest opinions hoping to save you from more pain if this does not work.

Why do you suppose so many doctors don't do stomaphyx or similar procedures?  Revisions are big business right now.  2/3 of the US population is fat and a lot of people are doing something about it.   If it was such a great and effective procedure more would be doing it.  The same goes with all procedure types that are ineffective or prevent future procedures.

I'd just get a 2nd and 3rd opinion if I was you.  What do you have to lose by doing that?  Go to someone who does all revision types and see if your 2nd and 3rd opinion agree this is an effective surgery.

Bottom line, you aren't going to get many people HERE on this board, this target population suggesting you go for it, get a procedure that pretty much everyone posting here has failed.  It's not going to happen.  If that is what you are looking for go to a newbie board where they don't know anything and perhaps you'll get the cheering you are looking for.  But it isn't likely you'll find it here because we want you to succeed.

I hope it works for you.

Ok, so if you KNOW how I feel (vulnerable, concerned, scared...etc) then why reply with such aggression?  I have been on this board over 5 years and am just shocked by what I have seen lately.


I have also seen it where people ask about revisions and the DS'ers are extremely aggressive about stating their way is the only way.

I understand the sclerotherapy may not work.  I also understand there is a small chance it will.  I guess I am trying to be hopeful.  I have two childen under 3.5, and I just cannot put my life at risk with major surgery for fear of what could happen if I died.  So, therefor, I am hoping and praying I am in the minority that this might work for.

I am actually working with a phenomenal revision surgeon in Boston Dr. Lautz.  He is my 1st second and third opinon.  Patients go to him to fix other doctor's work.  Regardless, I am speaking with him tomorrow and will be deciding then what the best course of action is to take.

~~Ok, so if you KNOW how I feel (vulnerable, concerned, scared...etc) then why reply with such aggression?  I have been on this board over 5 years and am just shocked by what I have seen lately.~~

Because we don't want to see you back here in 6 months depressed over a procedure that was not effective!  Honestly, I don't know how I can express this to you in any other manner that is more clear for you.

Yes, the DSers have issues of their own.  They are not always nice people but if you read through the threads you'll see me going after them for behaviors.  If you don't like their opinions use the block feature.  It's that simple.

You want to be around for your kids, obesity is a pretty darn good killer.  If this procedure does not work what will you do then?

Actually, I will just keep doing what I am doing, but will suffer with constant hunger.

In the past month 5 weeks I have lost 15 pounds meeting with a nutritionist, joinging WW, and exercising.  However, I am constantly hungry so it is a constant struggle.


It is one struggle, however, I am willing to make if it means no invasive, risky surgery and alleviates any time I would need to take away from my kids.  ;-)

In the process of seeking a revision to RNY(12/03).  Sclerotherapy has been recommended after exploratory endoscopy last week.  I am meeting with my surgeon 4/9 to discuss what I am going to do.
on 4/8/09 9:05 am - St. George, UT
You go girl!!!!!!  If you have gone to the great length of getting a nutritionist, joining WW and exercising. I'll bet anything the Sclerotherapy will work for you. It will give you more restriction, and if you follow the rules they provide I'll bet it's just what you need. I have been told that it takes sometimes 3-4 treatments before restriction and satiety is reached.

I was wondering if it's not to imposing, how much are you looking to lose? Almost all revision surgeries are fairly good up to about 40-50 lbs...That amount is usually lost in pre and post surgery care. After that the battle begins again. So if your expectations are realistic....(except for DS that usually brings more weight loss and some ERNY's) It can succeed...As I said in my last post, I have heard of some successes

As a final note....Your Family and Children are obviously THE!  most important issue here....and if you don't have co-mobidities and you your BMI is not extremely real high, and your pouch is not what is streched rather than your Stoma...then I totally understand why your going less invasive...Surgery is a scary thing, not as easy for some as it is for others. I hope it works! I'll be sending strong vibes your way!

on 4/8/09 12:50 pm - NH
On April 8, 2009 at 4:05 PM Pacific Time, JROLFSON wrote:
You go girl!!!!!!  If you have gone to the great length of getting a nutritionist, joining WW and exercising. I'll bet anything the Sclerotherapy will work for you. It will give you more restriction, and if you follow the rules they provide I'll bet it's just what you need. I have been told that it takes sometimes 3-4 treatments before restriction and satiety is reached.

I was wondering if it's not to imposing, how much are you looking to lose? Almost all revision surgeries are fairly good up to about 40-50 lbs...That amount is usually lost in pre and post surgery care. After that the battle begins again. So if your expectations are realistic....(except for DS that usually brings more weight loss and some ERNY's) It can succeed...As I said in my last post, I have heard of some successes

As a final note....Your Family and Children are obviously THE!  most important issue here....and if you don't have co-mobidities and you your BMI is not extremely real high, and your pouch is not what is streched rather than your Stoma...then I totally understand why your going less invasive...Surgery is a scary thing, not as easy for some as it is for others. I hope it works! I'll be sending strong vibes your way!


Hi Janie,

First of all, I just read your profile! You have quite the surgery history! You kept the weight off for a long time! That is awesome!

Like you, I am a shorty, but you have a good inch on me! I had RNY 12/03, and my top weight was 244 at surgery. I got down to 153 and was very happy there. I was never a skinny minnie beforehand. My lowest is high school was 135. I was always an athlete so I had/have a muscular build (now it is just hidden by the fluff, lol). Anyways, I went on to have a baby girl in 2005 and another in 2007. I lost my 25 pounds I had gained with the first baby, and then I gained 30 with the second. However, I ended up with severe post partum depression and ended up being hospitalized a couple times. The best part of that was the chocolate Sara Lee cake they served in the hospital. I think I had it every day of the thirty total days I spent in patient (PPD is unreal-it just hits you and you have no clue-I would not wi**** on my worst enemy). So after that I had been prescribed Ambien to help me sleep. Not only did it help me sleep, but it caused me to sleep eat! I remember one day waking up with crumbs in the bed and wondering where the heck they came from. Another time I could not find something to eat that I knew we had, and I was angry with my husband all day thinking he ate what I wanted. Later that day I was in my room and saw the wrpper on my dresser. I had eaten it! So that coupled with poor decisions even while I was awake brought me up to 215 pounds. Ironically, I was 30 pounds away from my weight at my RNY, but I wore the same size clothes as when I had surgery. I could not believe I ballooned back up to a 22. Talk about shame and embarrassment.....


I finally got the wake up call I needed. I was feeling blah and had bloodwork done. My bad cholesterol was elevated, my iron was nonexistent, and if I did not change my path then I was going to be diabetic and have heart disease. So, on the advice of my primary care I sought the help of a nutritionist and joined Weigh****chers. I feel so much better eating healthy, and I have taken off approx 15 pounds. I expect to weight about 200 at my weigh in on Sunday. My big problem, though, is that I am always hungry. Even when I eat protein dense or fiber filled foods and I get full within the hour I am starving again. Through some wonderful people here *****commended a phenomenal revision surgeon in Boston I met with him and he set me up for n endoscopy which I had a couple weeks ago. I was sent home with a paper and it said to schedule an endoscopy with sclerotherapy. I have the appt with my surgeon tomorrow to discuss this possible procedure. Based on everyone's info I am very skeptical. But, the reality is I just want to lose about 50 pounds. If I lost more that would be wonderful too, but I will be happy with 50 which would take me under what I was at my lowest from the bypass.


Anyways, thanks so much for being so thoughtful and taking the time to write in my thread. I am truly not trying to have people sugar coat things for me. I WANT to know everything there is to know about the procedure so I am fully knowledgeable when I talk to my surgeon tomorrow, but I guess my intentions were not clear. I saw you wrote you are hoping for an ERNY. What is that?




In the process of seeking a revision to RNY(12/03).  Sclerotherapy has been recommended after exploratory endoscopy last week.  I am meeting with my surgeon 4/9 to discuss what I am going to do.
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 4/8/09 2:38 am
Pretty much everyone *****plies to these posts are trying to help. It may be to save your body from unnecessary surgery, or spending money on a procedure that likely wont work. It is not always sugar coated and flowery, and it shouldn't have to be.

I do get quite fed up when people get riled up because anyone mentions a DS (not any other procedure, just the DS) when it is clearly a good option for them, or they balk because people mention there is little positive outcome with any of the stomach tightening procedures, and they have already determined to do it.

If people come here genuinely wanting information, they should be specific about what they actually want, and appreciate the help they get, and that doesn't seem to be the case.
on 4/9/09 1:28 am - Manteca, CA
Good luck to you in what quest you desire.




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 4/9/09 3:07 am - St. George, UT

I've seen you on these boards for a very long time....I'm sure you're so very excited! Good luck to you Karen...I will be watching for your posts after surgery.

on 4/9/09 1:31 pm - NH
Thanks so much, Karen!  And, you will be in my thoughts on 5/19!
In the process of seeking a revision to RNY(12/03).  Sclerotherapy has been recommended after exploratory endoscopy last week.  I am meeting with my surgeon 4/9 to discuss what I am going to do.
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