StompahyX Patients

on 4/1/09 11:08 pm

Can someone who has had the StomaphyX performed let me know how they are doing? or Have done with this procedure. Only the Stomaphyx, not the other scarring procedure.  I'd love to hear from people who have actually had the StomaphyX procedure performed. I keep hearing things about it, but not from people who have actually had the StomaphyX procedure. Please help. I'm thinking about it but am not sure.


on 4/2/09 12:24 am - Miami Beach, FL
I had the Stomaphyx about 18 months ago.  Initial results were so encouraging- a nice 6 month rejuvination!  I felt full after meals....  adhered to the only rule I got......No carbonated beverages....  back to the gym.  After the 6 month honeymoon,  everything reverted back to pre-stomaphxy issues.  Always hungry, large capacity for food.  The surgeon had no followup care, I never head from him after the procedure and I called often with numerous questions. I paid cash( about 10K). I never got an op report, never told how dilated my stoma was, how many clips were placed!  Even if the Surgeon had the courtesy to speak to me, I consider the Stomaphyx a failure.

I wi**** would have worked, now I am facing the reality that I need a revision of my RNY to DS.  I wish I had choosen the DS 10 years ago!  But the LapRNY was the superstar of obesity surgery back then. 

Be informed! 


on 4/2/09 5:49 am
Thats ashame that the doc did not follow up with you. :(  I was looking at a Doc in Baltimore who is very very accredited. He didn't seem like he was promising much... did you loose anything? I had a good feeling it wouldn't last, but if it can help me get this miserable last 70 pounds off... then man... its worth thining about, but If it won't help me get that much weight off then I'm not going for it. I'm not really gaining just cannot for the life of me get the last of it off!!!  I was also thinking about the switch to the DS I too had RNY - lap. it was all the rage you're right. Thanks so much!!!!
on 4/2/09 10:06 am

I had a stomaphyx I had no restriction what so ever, it was out of pocket procedure 10,000.00 it was great as far as less invasive I really wi**** had worked the only real discomfort I had was in my throat cause they put two tubes down your throat, it was only my doctors like 8th one and I think they really did not know how to treat these patients, they treated me as if I had a bypass made me stay over night  in the  hospital pumped me with fluids and told me to just sip water and I did the post bypass diet  for like 6 weeks , liquids soft foods etc, but once I started eating I could not tell any difference, I felt like I had failed. I ended up gaining back the small amount I had lost which was like 15lbs I want to say plus more, the reason I had it done cause I felt I was so happy with my rny I wanted to get back to that place. I had started out 288lb and gotten down to about 160lb and by the time I did the stomaphyx I was 175-180lb now I am very close to 200lbs and the stomaphyx was in aug. I went to another doctor to check about revision and he was able to get me approved thru my insurance this time I am to have surgery 5/13 and I can not wait I hope it works. I think the doctors mean well with the stompahyx it is lower risk less invasive and everyone wants it to work it just dose not, I wish I had learned more about the failures but I think I did not want to really know I just was looking for a way to help myself without the serious surgery again. my advise would be to not get it done it just dose not work.

on 4/3/09 4:04 am
Thanks so much! Seems like the same experience as others. I am also thinking of having a revision to a DS. There is a doc in Baltimore that I would probably go with since he is seems experienced in DS... It just seems so drastic and dangerous though. But I've been through drastic and dangerous once before and came out with flying colors with the RNY. Albeit I stopped loosing after 100 pounds but haven't gained. Its just sooo hard and I can't seem to get the rest of it off!!! It's depressing that I went to such drastic measures to never even get near my goal. I'm glad I got off 100 pounds. I consider that a success, but my life is only a little better. Not even close to being able to enjoy life yet as I want to. Thanks again for the information!!!
on 4/3/09 8:06 am - Norwich, CT
I had Stomaphyx in 2/08 and initially lost 17 lbs (post op liquids etc) and once I started food, I gained all 17 back plus about 30 more.  In 12/08 I had a lap band placed over my old stapling and so far have lost about 26 lbs.  I am happy with my band and so far feel it was the best decision for me.

I am still paying on the $10,500 that I paid for the Stomaphail!!!  Don't waste your money!!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 4/4/09 1:18 pm - Dona Ana, NM
Complete waste of money.  Never felt any restriction whatsoever!
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