HELP! A Fiber Question!!!

(deactivated member)
on 3/27/09 11:11 am, edited 3/27/09 11:22 am - Phx, AZ

Help!  Help!  Help!

OK... I am now 4 months/1 week out from my revision.  I have done very well.  Yes, the issues of poops and all are SLOWLY dissipating.  Yeah.  I am down to my goal of 145.  BUT.....I saw a nutritionist a week ago.  She said I need to add more complex carbs to my diet.  So, I have been... beans, more veggies... AND in the process I stopped taking the Benefiber, of which I had been taking 4-6 daily.  Along with the nice weight loss, I have a "flatter" tummy, which is nice...the bloating had virtually dimished from post-op days.  I also have cut out so much of the GasX and the Kaopectate, which I "thrived" on for 4 months. problem.  For this past week, since no Benefiber, I have EXTREME upper abdominal bloating, resulting in TIGHTER pants, pain, and more importantly, difficulty breating.  I do not know if this is a result of the stopping of the Benefiber or what.  I am not able to eat what I should, because I feel STUFFED all the time, altho I am not. 

IN ADDITION... over the past 5 weeks or so, I have had 2 "bouts" or "attacks" of pain in the upper abdomen, lasting for 3-4 days, fatigue, shortness of breath, etc, etc, etc.

HAS anyone had anything like this???  I should not be having this terrible bloat and discomfort.  Am getting nervous and frustrated here.

on 3/31/09 9:35 am - MI
 What types of carbs have you added?  You mention beans...what kind of beans?  Some complex carbs can also produce a high amount of gas.  If you added the complex carbs at the same time that you stopped the benefiber then perhaps you are attributing the problem to the wrong source???

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