Insurance approved my Stomaphyx
I know this procedure is not a popular one, but right now it is the only option for me. I have a 3yr little girl and my hubby works 12hrs a day and all of my family and friends live in another state. I needed something that was not high risk and had very little recovery time. My Ins. approved the procedure and I'll have it done on April 22. I had a distal gastric bypass in 1999 went from 370 to 220 approx.(Low was 214 goal was 180). I went through 5 yrs of Infertility with no live births(my daughter is adopted) and my metabolism is shot. I started putting weight on about a 1.5 yrs ago after I quit smoking(current weight 250) and it seemed no matter what I tried the weight wouldn't come off. I use to go to the gym 5 days a week but that was before my daughter..Lil now all I can get in is walking. I had a scope and my stoma isn't to bad, but my pouch is stretched. My doctor(Morris Washington, NJ) has done about 50 and he says that they've been successful. He has had to do a couple of people twice(including his coordinator), but says they had very good weight loss after. I'm hoping for the best and hope that all of you will send me your good thoughts and prayers that it works for me. Anyone who had the procedure, your experience and advice is very much welcomed.
Thanks for letting me vent, sorry so long.
on 3/24/09 12:42 pm
Take a look at these two research studies:
and -RNY-revisions-from-Bariatric-Journal/
on 3/25/09 5:24 am - IA
Good luck and Congradulations!! How did you get your insurance to pay. I also have a busy little 3 year old daughter, who I want to be able to keep up with and my weigh is holding me back. My surgeon is in the process of getting the equipment to do this procedure. Please keep me updated on your success. I feel this procedure will work if you use it correctly, at least give us a jump start to get going and feel good again!
Hi garcot:
Congratulations on getting your approval from your insurance. I am still awaiting my approval for my Revision to Distal RNY, and I am getting very anxious. My surgery is actually scheduled for the first week in May.
I was wondering if your Doctor was more specific about significant weight loss, anotherwards did he say how much is significant? like 40, 50, 60 lbs?
I was originally enrolled in a clinical study a couple years ago, but when I found out that some of the patients would get a phony procedure and some a real...I didn't want to go through all that to find out that it was phony so I cancelled. Back then the Dr.'s were only doing a couple rows of pleats. Now I'm told, they're doing many to help the restriction.
I have read on this site where someone had the procedure and the little plastic sutures they use broke. I believe she didn't follow the after care diet very well and just began eating normal again. Go Figure....So I think it is critical that the liquid diet thing be followed to the letter.
Just by the way you write, I can tell you are a smart girl and will be successful. I can't wait to hear your success story!
Good Luck,
on 3/25/09 1:50 pm
I hear you about your doctor putting in 40 fasteners. I don't know how many the other doctors' used, but several of the docs whose patients have posted on here were the first docs in the U.S. to be certified in the Stomaphyx procedure and and several of those patients said that their docs put in "several rows of pleats" (I don't know how many fasteners go in a "row").
If this works for you, there will be a lot of excitement over it, so you MUST keep everyone posted!
Good luck!!